Sunday, June 12, 2016

Roses Galore!

I promised to show you the roses from my walk in Butchart Gardens last week. Here are just a few. The roses are not quite at their peak yet, but will be in the next week or so. The weather has been cooler, which slows things down a little, but makes the flowers last longer, too. 

The gate accompanying this archway is no longer open, but still provides a pretty architectural feature for rambling roses. 

A closer look. Such a gorgeous tangle of colour and form. 

A long path, covered in arches and roses is a fragrant place to stroll. The hint of blue seen amongst the roses are delphiniums. Their tall stalks add some height to the rose gardens.

A cluster of pink roses reaches out from the arches to passersby. 

In the gardens, only the roses are labeled. To know the names of the other plants, a guide is provided according to the seasons. 

This white rose is Winchester Cathedral, the same rose I put into my own garden this spring. I'm happy to say that mine is flourishing as well as the one above.

One can wander off the main path and wind around smaller plantings. This particular corner overlooks the lawn and the house where you can have lunch, tea, and dinner.

Another flirty rose along the pathway.

This rose is an old one - Comte de Chambord, dating from before 1858. 

Going through my photos I realized that I only captured pinks and white roses - next time I'll get some other colours.

I've not been around blogland very much this past week. Marking is consuming almost every waking minute. One more week of classes and then I hope to catch up with everyone. 


  1. Beautiful capture of the roses at The Gardens...
    the school year is almost finished,
    I remember how much work we had in June and it feels so wonderful when we complete the tasks and can relax and enjoy the summer holidays.

  2. We're all loving roses at the minute. How pure the Winchester Cathedral is, I used to have one but it stayed in France. I would love to walk in that beautiful archway. I wondered what the splashes of blue were and then read your explanation. So lovely.

  3. Oh my goodness...these are so breathtaking!

  4. Gorgeous! Especially the arch. They certainly look like they are peaking to me. Just beautiful.

  5. The arch and stunning roses were a feast for the eyes, stunning!

  6. Enjoy your last week of school, and then what comes after it! Loved seeing all the gorgeous roses--especially those against or climbing up the arches!

  7. How heavenly to be able to walk through an archway with roses all around you! I would have wanted to take baby steps to make it last as long as possible--I'd want to set up a cot there and take residence. My idea of dreamland.

    May the last week of school speed by and you have a glorious summer holiday when it's over,

  8. Beautiful photos, Lorrie! Thank you for sharing them with us!

    Happy Summer!

  9. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Such a wonderful time to take a stroll at Butchart Garden.

  10. Oh Lorrie, what glorious roses! I could stare at these photos ALL day :) Thank you for sharing their beauty with us.

    Have a lovely week. Hugs!

  11. Absolutely stunning!

  12. Oh they are so beautiful!!!! The colours are all wonderful. Hope the marking is going well!

  13. The first pink rose caused a ohhhhhh from my lips,such a perfect rose. Almost can smell, the matching delicate fragrance.
    I think most teachers are on count down until summer. Won't be long now.

  14. Such beautiful photo's, I love the colours

    All the best Jan

  15. Good luck with the end of the school year. In the meantime, I love, love, love the roses.

  16. The roses are spectacular! How I wish our cruise could have been in summer when so much is blooming. By September when were at BG, the blooms were not as plentiful but the garden design is awesome there.

  17. Wow! What a treat to go there!

  18. It looks like a Paradise!
    Pink roses are the best and white roses are the second best... and together they make a wonderful post. :)

  19. What an abundant display of roses. Absolutely beautiful!

    Madelief x

  20. Love the archway of roses - so beautiful with the delphiniums in between. Such a pretty place! x Karen

  21. Glorious display.
    Ours are nowhere near ready, although I do have a few early ones showing promise. O, I forgot my almost black one, yes, that is out all over a warm wall. Perhaps I’ll start taking pictures again too.

  22. I'm breathing deep. I can almost smell them! Beautiful!

  23. The photos are stunning, Lorrie. I specially love the photo of e archway. Maybe one day I'll get back to Butchart Garden, without having to scurry back to the cruise ship!

  24. These are just gorgeous. My very favorite was the Archway shot of all those stunning roses.

  25. So pretty! Thanks for sharing and good luck with the end-of-year marking!

  26. Today was the grands' last day of school. They are happy!

    I went for a lovely walk in our local smalltown garden. Not one rose in bloom...some iris, some wonderful peonies, some late-blooming lilacs and the like. Your Winchester Cathedral rose is stunning! Does it show up beautifully at night?

  27. Thank you for the garden tour, Lorrie. I can imagine the sweet smell in the air if you were to dine there! I'm really partial to white flowers so this post did not disappoint.

    I understand the madness that the end of a school year brings. Abby is having her hectic time as well. The promise of a 6 week break keeps her happy!


  28. Gorgeous photos! It's been far too long since we've been to Butchart Gardens. We actually went there on our honeymoon.

  29. Stunning roses, Lorrie. I can only imagine their heavenly scent.


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