Friday, December 27, 2019

Beautiful Days

The house is quiet just now. My parents left for the ferry this morning after breakfast. Our youngest and her little family are visiting with our eldest across town. Our son is up island with the in-laws. 

There's a jigsaw puzzle not nearly completed on the dining room table. Turkey bones simmer on the stove and the whole house is filled with delicious smells. Tree lights twinkle. Outside, a great swath of dark birds, too far away to identify, wheel and turn against a grey sky. I nibble on a piece of candied orange peel and a few pistachio nuts. 

Tim and I took a long walk late morning, then came home for a bowl of turkey soup. I decided to transfer my photos to my computer and see what I took. 

Above, Auntie Katie holds Iris while the cousins surround her with lots of talking. Iris took it all in stride and responded with smiles and giggles. 

Food is a big part of our Christmas celebration, and there was lots of it. Christmas dessert was inspired by my cousin, who posted a very similar looking plateful a few days before Christmas. Stacks of stars cut from angel food cake sit in a puddle of creme anglaise, with raspberry compote, a cardamom-infused orange slice, and a scoop of whipped cream. It was light and delicious. 

I'm very glad to live in Canada and get Boxing Day as a holiday as well. It carries the festivities onward. I always feel that the entire week between Christmas and New Year's is a time of celebration, of a time when family and friends get together, of cozy evenings of laughter, or quiet pursuits, and plenty of cookies and warming drinks.

Last night we watched Little Women (the Susan Sarandon version) at home here. I cried, as I always do, when Beth dies. Afterwards, Tim made us hot chocolate. 

This morning before my parents left, we took a few photos. There they are with their newest great-granddaughter. Iris is truly the star of the show this year. 

Then I remembered that I wanted a four-generation photo of the women in the family, and although some of us felt a bit scruffy, we took this one. How special it is. 

And here's Grandpa Tim with Iris. She's such a pleasant baby and we're all so happy for her parents (and for ourselves). 

There's more feasting and celebrating to come. I relish it all. The quiet days of January are near, but for now I revel in a full house, and the closeness of family. And I revel in the continuing message of Christmas - God is with us. 


  1. What a cutie Iris is, I am sure pure JOY! How fun to have 4 generations together for Christmas. That dessert looks delicious! Actually both of them look yummy!

  2. I love the way you ended your post....God is with us. How blessed are we! Love all of your sweet family photos. A baby makes every special event more joyful. Have a wonderful weekend! Holiday hugs!

  3. Your first two paragraphs delight me so much, Lorrie! Just lovely. But then so are all the faces I see here. And little Iris is a charmer. Now, your last paragraph--it's as if you wrote that especially for me as an encouragement in my present post-Christmas doldrums. Every single word. Thank you for them.

  4. Lovely pictures. Having family around is wonderful.I'm ready to open my doors to my late husband's extended family tomorrow .

  5. Lovely photos of a very special family time. Slow days to cherish. Enjoy. B x

  6. A delightful post Laurie, with all the warmth and joy of a family Christmas.
    Your dessert looks amazing, I wonder if Masterchef would christen it a 'deconstructed Trifle'?

  7. Beautiful photos of a beautiful family. The dessert looks perfect for a treat any time of year.
    Happy New Year!

  8. You have such a lovely way of writing. That dessert looks absolutely scrumptious. Iris sure is lucky to be surrounded by so much love. Continue to enjoy the holidays and time with family.

  9. I do enjoy your photo's Lorrie especially of Iris. How blessed to have the family together for Christmas.Enjoy the rest of the holiday season.

  10. What a beautiful post Lorrie, it's nice seeing photos of your family and all the generations. That dessert looks absolutely delicious. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!

  11. God is with us. HE is. I have to remind myself this. My father being gone is odd. Sad. But my family time was wonderful. That baby...oh I want to squeeze her

  12. A beautiful post Lorrie. So unexpected. So many charming smiles and happy faces. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  13. I so enjoyed your photos, Lorrie, what a beautiful family you have. And I loved the desert plat, my mother has a birthday coming and we've just started thinking about the menu, we want something light and a bit different and I love yours.
    PS. I also always cry when Beth dies.

  14. Such a lovely post, Lorrie. The way you described that glorious dessert, I think I could almost taste it myself! Baby Iris is adorable...always loved that name and iris were one of mom's favorite flowers AND I have a SIL by that name. Loved the 4 generations photo! Yes, it is the most wonderful time of the year and I trust that you and yours have a blessed 2020!

  15. I love everything about this post! The closeness of family, the joy and contentment your words and picures portray. I love the idea of that dessert and the spur of the moment four generation photo! I remember doing that with my mom and I'm so glad we did. Mayb the Lord bless you all and keep you in His tender care. Happy 2020!

  16. Oh that baby Iris, she is a darling! Star of the show I'm sure! So wonderful to get the 4-generation photo! I remember getting one with my grandmother, Mom, me and my daughter. It is so special, and what a beautiful treasure to have! The dessert looked amazing, oh my! Perfectly light after the big Christmas meal!

    Wishing a Happy New Year to you! I'm praying that the New Year ushers in abundant blessings of the Lord into your life!

  17. Iris definitely is the star of the show! I loved your stacked stars of angel good cake, Lorrie. What a perfect ending to dinner.
    I read your previous post about the four silk 💕💕. What a thoughtful way of remembering.
    I still want to make your cranberry orange shortbread cookies. Maybe one day....

  18. What great photos! I can see you had a lovely time. Iris is lovely and I love her name. 😊 Kit

  19. Baby Iris is adorable! Glad you were able to get the 4-generation photo. I spent the holidays at my parents' place and was looking through the old photo albums. Both of my grandmothers passed when I was young (less than 5 years of age) so I appreciated the rare photos with them.

  20. Baby Iris is such a cutie. I'd be right there engaging with her, too. Looks like you had a full house and wonderful family time together!


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