Sunday, December 08, 2019

Light in the Darkness

Four o'clock on Sunday afternoon and the curtains are drawn against the darkness while the lamps glow and the fire flickers. The second Sunday of Advent. One by one the days slip by as we move towards Christmas, the celebration of Jesus' birth, and the solstice, when the earth tilts once again towards the light. I think the early church fathers chose well when fixing a date to celebrate Christmas. 

This week I've sent off a few Christmas cards and completed most of my shopping. We tend to keep it simple, but I do enjoy giving gifts that I hope the recipients will appreciate. 

No tree yet, probably next weekend. We get a real tree and don't want bare branches by Christmas Eve. I also enjoy the slow unfolding of this season of longing and waiting. 

Last night we enjoyed the company of friends around the table. One of my favourite parts of having guests in is setting the table. I do it early in the day so that I have time to putter and arrange things. I used the burlap placemats made by my eldest daughter several years ago, the Christmas plates, and vintage damask linen napkins from my mother-in-law. Candlelight softens everything and adds such a warm light. I also sprinkled on table confetti in the form of small brass stars. I've had them for years and like that they are not disposable. 

Comments were mostly impossible on my last post, and I myself am not able to see the comments on the blog, although I can in Blogger itself, so I'm not sure what went wrong. Earlier posts are still fine, and I'm hopeful that it was a one-time glitch. Thank you to those readers who emailed to let me know. 

How are your plans coming along? I'm hoping to begin some baking this week, and we'll be celebrating a grandchild's birthday next weekend. 


  1. Oh, delight. I'm able to get into the comments, so hopefully you will, too.

  2. The table looks so pretty and very festive. The burlap placemats are fabulous!
    I have silver stars like your gold ones...they look particularly lovely in the candle light.

  3. Beautiful table. Your dinnerware pattern is lovely and go well with the nice placemats.

  4. Lovely heart warming photos Lorrie. I know your company must have really enjoyed the table setting (I love the candleholder), and of course your always delicious food! I started some decorating today but am definitely scaling back this year.

  5. Lovely table setting especially with the soft glow of the candles. I'm not a fan of it getting dark so early. We don't get long daylight hours like some parts of the world, but even a couple of hours makes a big difference in my psyche. :) Have a good week.

  6. Your table looks beautiful. Lovely to have time to prepare for a big meal. Just the thing to do on gloomy winter days. No tree here yet although it’s sitting in the garage waiting. Have a good week. B x

  7. It looks as if you had a lovely festive evening to brighten up these dark evenings - soon we reach the longest night and then the we can anticipate more light arriving on our horizons.

  8. I like your words about the time of year we celebrate. Your table it lovely, and I know you had a wonderful time.

    I have shopping to do still, but I'm not in a rush or worried. It'll all be done and the gifts will be suited to the receiver.

  9. I, too, take pleasure in setting a pretty table! Yours is festive and fun . . . and totally lovely!

  10. Your table looks lovely with the candle glow.

  11. Lorrie, I agree with you about the month which the early church fathers chose for the Christmas season. It is a drab time of the year, especially here on the east coast, and it is a wonderful way to end the year. Your table looks inviting and it looks like you have the same plate as the one I shared this week. It's such a pretty pattern. I'm almost finished with my shopping. I like to get it finished as early as possible as I don't enjoy the busy stores and the long lineups. I prefer to stay at home and put my feet up while watching a cozy Hallmark movie with my hubby. Thank you for your visit and have a lovely week.

  12. That table is amazing. The red china is just lovely. We go super simple with the table. The cats will walk on the table, so I wash it and dress it up the last moment! Lovely photos on this post .Calming. Im , I dunno, still stunned by how fast my father died. Im happy for him. Im thrilled for Christmas, but not sure what we have left to do. Must make a list I guess, first

  13. Your table looks lovely and festive. I love having my tree up really early, as in early November.I love the Christmas season and all that it holds.

  14. That looks really pretty! I'd much rather look at your decorations than to think about what's happening here, so I'm glad you do such a great job!

  15. Beautiful photos Lorrie, Christmas is so near. We have had it pitch dark, too. The darkness seems to steel all energy. But soon we are heading towards light again, as you said. Beautiful Christmas Season.

  16. Writing Christmas cards is one of my favourite holiday traditions too! Keep an eye out on your mail...

  17. Such a pretty table! Like you, I love the whole season, not just the day. I finished my cards and I still love real cards. I am not a fan of just a photo card with no message. May the rest of your season be lovely. Kit

  18. I think one of my favorite things to do is to set a table. How nice to enjoy friends around a table set for them. I need to see what I've bought already and see if I'm okay. I haven't thought much about baking...but maybe I better. Enjoy your birthday celebration.

  19. I think your table looks very pretty and festive.
    Have a wonderful Christmas Season.

    All the best Jan


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