Monday, December 16, 2019

Preparations and Planning

Outside my window there's a bit of drizzle and plenty of grey. Not so indoors where the tree lights twinkle and the fire glows. I started this morning off with list making - menus, shopping, projects to finish. I like a freshly sharpened pencil and a cup of tea to help me think. Ideas flow freely, but it's nearing time to make some decisions and settle on things. I'm happy to report that in between writing the list and writing this post, one item has been checked off! 

Yesterday we celebrated a 9th birthday for this sweet girl. She's fun and feisty, and growing up all too quickly. She had a friend party on Saturday and a family get together yesterday afternoon. 

On Saturday I baked cookies and pulled together something quick for dinner. Shrimp in a garlic sauce with zucchini noodles and a few tomatoes, served over creamy polenta. Easy and satisfying, and there were leftovers for Tim to take to work today! Win win.

Most of the decorating is done. We did the tree last night. My, but it smells good. Fresh and clean, like the outdoors. On the piano are the paper trees I made over 30 years ago, looking a little aged, but pretty as can be with twinkle lights strewn through them. 

In the evenings that draw in so quickly these days, a cup of tea and a cookie by the fire is cozy and warming. On the plate are Rugelach, Cranberry Orange Shortbread, and Peanut Butter Squares. There's plenty for you, and more teacups in the cabinet, so feel free to drop by. 

Back to the list before I go to school to deal with lively students who are more than eager for the Christmas break to begin. 


  1. I am really impressed with how organised you are - and everything looks so inviting too.
    I have several birthdays at this time of year, my eldest son, who will be with us for Christmas along with his family, and two of my granddaughters also have birthdays too.

  2. I think lists can and do help focus on what needs to be done …
    I would certainly love to join you for a cuppa and biscuit :)

    Enjoy the season, and thanks for sharing your lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  3. Your tea and cookie tray looks so tempting!

  4. I would love to join you for a cup of tea and cookie by the fire.

    I would never have guessed that your pretty paper trees are 30 years old!

    1. P.S. I must admit that I can relate to your students' lack of concentration. Only three working days left until my Christmas holiday starts. Woo-Hoo!

  5. If you lived closer, I would take you up on that invitation to come for tea and cookies. Your decorations are so pretty.

  6. Thanks for the invitation. I wish I could accept; however, I'm not sure I can get there in a timely manner. I love the white trees. That they are handmade and have some age makes them even more special.

  7. Oh Lorrie, Id' love to join you for tea and a each of those treats! You take the prettiest picture, I must warm and inviting. I love those paper trees you made so long ago. They are works of art!
    From your previous post, I'm happy to know that Tim shortened the cord and put on a new plug on your sewing machine. In your reading stack, I've read Winter Solstice. I may have mentioned before how much I love the writings of Rosamunde Pilcher. Enjoy these last days of Advent!

  8. I am so much more productive when I put it all down in lists. And isn't it satisfying to check those things when we accomplish them? Your cookie-day supper looks delicious . . . as do the cookies on your tray!

  9. Your tea tray in front of the fire is very inviting!
    I am a list maker too, there is satisfaction when accomplishing an item and crossing it off the list! A great motivating tool that helps keep me on top of things.
    Your 9 year old is about 6 months younger than our eldest granddaughter...they ARE growing up fast! I blink and another year has gone by!
    Enjoy the lively energetic students this week!

  10. It is the time of student energy! How could the school year go so quickly? Your shrimp dish looks delicious. I don't write my list down. I play a game that I want to accomplish a certain number of tasks in each room. Each time I enter the room, I have to complete one task. I really am a kid at heart.

  11. Dear Lorrie,
    I love coming to your blog. Everything always looks so warm and inviting.

  12. Darling girl with her birthday smile!
    I love all the cookies on that plate. My weakness cookies.

  13. It would be lovely to drop in for tea and cookies at your beautiful home. All looks very calm and lovely. Enjoy your final preparations. B x

  14. That dinner is beautiful to look at, and with those ingredients, it would be "beautifully" tasty, too!

    Also nice to look at, your lists!! So orderly. I wish I could think without scrawling! ;-)

  15. Those paper trees are delightful! (And I thought only Susan Branch knew how to do them.) The final photo looks like Victoria magazine. Your granddaughter is beautiful and growing up so fast. I say it about all of the children...where do the years go?!

  16. Thank you for the invitation. I live very far or else I would say YES!
    Your decorations look very pretty. After all 30 years is only a number and some things get better with age. I love your photos and the fact that you have the time to have the time to have a warm cup while making your list that looks so or orderly in deed.
    Happy Christmas - Merry Christmas!

  17. Lorrie - how I would love to take you up on your offer of tea and cookies by the fire! It looks so cozy. I was feeling a bit rushed before our son arrived last Friday, but now it's mainly relaxation. Such joy!

  18. Your photos are so cozy and inviting! Happiest of birthdays to your granddaughter. Amazing that those paper trees have held together for so long. Hard to believe we are more than halfway through December. Merry Christmas!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

Friday Thoughts on Spring

  Trees still show their skeletal outlines, brown against blue sky and wispy clouds. Stems are swelling and I expect a burst of bright acid ...