Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday Five Before Christmas

This is me right now. School ended around noon, with the staff serving waffles to the students. Two weeks of being mostly at home lie ahead. Hooray for home! l have a long list of small tasks to accomplish over the next few days, but I'm taking an hour or two this afternoon to sit, think, and write this post. 

What a grey, grey day. On my way home from my shopping trip I stopped by the beach for a quick look and a photo. There is much log debris in the water, likely from the wild wind we've experienced recently. Rain is falling as I write and it's cozy to be inside with the twinkling tree lights and the fire.

Several years ago I stitched four cream silk hearts and beaded them with tiny gold beads. When I bring them out each year I remember the four little babies lost by one of my daughters. Time eases the pain, and it's good to remember, even when tears prick my eyes. 

This year, the pain is eased even more (not just for me, but for the whole family) by the arrival of another baby, to another daughter, last June. I talk with Iris on Skype frequently and she talks and laughs with me. I can hardly wait to cuddle her in person. 

Three years ago I posted about a cluster of three houses inhabited by three mice. This year a young hedgehog has joined the group since I couldn't find another mouse. The names of these woodland creatures are the middle names of our grandchildren who enjoy playing with the scene when they visit. 

The baking is almost done. I love being able to pull cookies and treats from the freezer. Yesterday I made Chocolate Cherry Biscotti, and I just have to dip them into chocolate. A few gifts to finish, some wrapping to do, and soon it will be Christmas! 

If I don't post before the 25th, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for reading my rambling thoughts throughout the year. I appreciate the friendships made through blogging very much. 


  1. Those four hearts...yes, good to remember. I remember one...

    The woodland story is so cute. The grands must love making up little scenes and plays.

    Are those cranberry shortcake cookies? That serving tray looks so good. No baking here until Tuesday. Yes, I like to cut it close.

    So glad that you have this Christmas break. You deserve it!

  2. Smiling at your feet photo. I can imagine there are many teachers doing the same thing right about now. A well-deserved break! Your baked goods look so tasty. I'll just be getting started on mine over the weekend.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Lorrie. It is always a pleasure to visit you!

  3. Oh- I am smiling all over at your little houses and your foot photo---and a bit teary eyed over the loss of babies. We have one dil that lost 3 babies (that we know of) and we also lost a little grandgirl due to hospital error. It is a never-ending heartache, isn't it?
    I hope you have a great weekend. xo Diana

  4. I loved the photo of you relaxing as you begin your well-deserved break. Beautiful hearts and a touching story behind them. Your baking looks scrumptious.

    Happy Christmas, Lorrie! The countdown is in earnest now.
    Brenda xox

  5. The four precious. How nice to have a lovely break ahead of you and at this time of year. Your treats look tasty. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  6. Such poignant hearts. Lovely that you’ve had a new arrival this year. Sounds like you have Christmas sorted. Enjoy the time with your family. B x

  7. Happy Holidays! Enjoy your little Iris!

  8. Feet up...very necessary at the end of a term.
    Enjoy your Christmas surrounded by your family.

  9. That biscotti sounds yummy! Merry Christmas!

  10. Glad you are on vacation. Remembering our losses is hard but nice to do at this time. I have many ornaments on my tree from my late Mother. I love looking at them. Have a very Merry Christmas. 🎄 Kit

  11. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Wishing you and yours a Blessed and Merry Christmas. Have a Happy,Healthy 2020.
    Marilyn and Family

  12. So beautiful and interesting. Merry Christmas, Lorrie!

  13. I do like the photograph of you relaxing …
    Your baking looks incredibly yummy ...

    Wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas.

    All the best Jan

  14. Oh, the white beaded hearts warm my own heart. Such a sweet way to remember the babies.

    How do you know when baking is "finished"? Do you have a list of what you want to bake for the holidays, or do you just "know"? Your cookies look delicious!

  15. Gotta love 2-week Christmas breaks! As always, your baked goods are making sweet tooth salivate.

    Merry Christmas, Lorrie!

  16. It is always such a pleasure to read your posts that share the simple things in life, reminding us to take our own moments to appreciate our simple joys. The little hearts with gold bead are a gentle but profound tribute to life as it is lived and sometimes lost. I can just see the little children enchanted with the mice and hedgehog, bring them life. Merry Christmas, Lorri.

  17. Lorrie - Merry Christmas! So glad you have the opportunity to "put your feet up"! You know I adore hedgehogs, so from my point of view it is a fine addition to your village setting!

  18. I'm sure you are enjoying these days...and special times with family. How touching...the reminder of the babies lost. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  19. I agree with what Ann wrote above, it makes me so happy to see how you elevate the simple things of life into the most meaningful ones. You are a consummate home-maker, Lorrie!

    I hope this week is full of all that brings you joy,

  20. How did you made the paper Christmas trees?? May you have a lovely new years!


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