Monday, January 17, 2022

A Short Trip to the Mainland


On a grey Sunday afternoon we boarded the ferry to the mainland. Fog lay on the way, shrouding the scenery in mystery. One of my favourite sights along the way is the Mayne Island Lighthouse in Active Pass. There has been a lighthouse here since 1885, and this is the third one, constructed in 1969. It's a variation on the "apple core" design, and is considered a "clear expression of functional design" according to the Parks Canada site. The Lightkeeper's house was constructed in 1940, but is no longer used for that purpose. 

We're spending a couple of days with my parents after cancelling our Christmas week trip due to the pandemic's sudden upsurge. Last night we enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner at my sister's place. This morning we drove down to the Fraser River, the longest river in British Columbia, some 1300 kilometres from its source in the Rocky Mountains to its mouth emptying into Georgia Strait in the Pacific Ocean. 

A cormorant tried to dry his wings on a rock in the river with a white gull for company. 

Once again, the landscape is muted today, shade after shade of grey, skeletal branches reaching blackly towards the sky, and a fine mist in the air. It was raw and cold and austerely beautiful. We were glad to get back home and enjoy warm soup and sandwiches for lunch. Conversation, accompanied by some puzzling, is the plan for the afternoon. A quiet day with people I dearly love. What could be better? 


  1. Your skies look much like what we've been seeing the last while. It may be grey outside but I have sunshine in my souls, or should that be Sonshine?

  2. It might be grey, but how beautiful it all is. The lighthouse is so picturesque - I just decided we absolutely must catch that ferry across to Victoria next time we visit Vancouver en route to Ontario. Great catch of the cormorant and gull. Enjoy your warm soup.

  3. Your photos actually gave me goose bumps looking at them . . . I could feel the cold damp air. I love ferries but this time of the year they must be very cold.

  4. A perfect way to spend a winter day.. Love those unusual looking birds!

  5. Hi Lorrie~ I agree with you, nothing better than spending time with family! What gorgeous photos, I love the grey skies, the contrasting black, white and grey is just beautiful! Sounds like a really fun trip!

  6. Lorrie, I am happy to hear that you're able to spend some time with your parents after having to cancel your Christmas plans! I know that it is worth the wait! Oh, such gray skies. They are here too, although the sun made a limited appearance here today. If winter is a color, it is gray.

  7. Have a great time visiting with your parents and other family members.

  8. Gorgeous photos, Lorrie!

    So glad that you are able to spend time with your parents.

    Happy Tuesday!

  9. Lorrie - yes, time with those we love, spent in any way our heart desires, is a treasure. Enjoy!

  10. How lovely that you have now managed that belated Christmas time with your parents - it sounds as if it was a very special couple of days.

  11. How wonderful that you were able to spend time with your family.

  12. I'm so happy you are getting to spend precious time with your family. Enjoy your week! Stay bundled up and warm.

  13. I always love that sail from your island to the mainland. . . . . .so calm, clean, silent, and definitely atmospheric. I'm wondering if the ferries are carrying fewer passengers these days.
    Happy you could all get together at last - know the family were thrilled to see you.

  14. I can't think of anything better. Enjoy your time together.

  15. Just lost my comment...Color me angry.
    Anyway-Glad you were able to spend time with your parents...and I love that last picture of the trees against the leaden sky. xo Diana

  16. So you are able to travel again......

    Lovely trip with beautiful photos.

    Nice to be home though... :-)

    Merry Midwinter Wishes

  17. I 1ove your 1ighthouse. Not a 1ot going on today. So happy to see the covid forecast improving somewhat on the east coast. Our best new masks come today. We cannot wait to get out safe1y again.
    Time today for naps, and for knits.

  18. Nice that you could go to visit your family.
    I love lighthouses and I slept in one in Scotland.

  19. It is very nice y'all could visit your family.
    Lighthouses are magical.

  20. I don't think there is anything better at all. I love quiet days, although I would like them to be a bit warmer than they are now, both here and where you are. x

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. It sounds a perfect visit and a lovely way to spend an afternoon relaxing when you got back. Love this line: "It was raw and cold and austerely beautiful."

  23. Glad you are having a good time with family. Lovely atmospheric photos. B x


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