Sunday, January 30, 2022

McKenzie Bight on a Grey Sunday


Bight: a concave bend or curvature in a coastline, usually broad, open, and shallow

While finishing breakfast this morning, he looked at me, and I looked at him, and after a little hemming and hawing, we decided to leave immediately for a little hike instead of waiting until later in the day. It was a good choice, for the afternoon was considerably rainier than the morning. 

Our destination was McKenzie Bight. It's a beautiful trail from the parking lot to the water, winding along a creek bed and alongside a lacy waterfall. It's very steep, about 150 metres (a a bit less than 500 feet), and I always think about the walk back, all up hill, as we descend. 

The view is worth the effort. On this particular morning McKenzie Bight, on Saanich Inlet, was the feeding place for a large variety of waterfowl - Barrow's Goldeneye, Common Mergansers, Buffleheads, and more. Mist drifted down from the forests in silence, softening the colours to so many shades of grey. 

This particular gull was mild and friendly, unlike one of his buddies who, instead of looking for his own food, tried to steal from the various ducks. Luckily, ducks can dive down into the water much deeper than gulls, and the aggressive gull got nothing for his efforts. 

The air and water were so still, rippled only by the ducks paddling and diving. We watched the lighter coloured ducks under the clear water, swimming here and there in search of things to each. One, close to us, brought up a mussel in its bill, and proceeded to swallow it whole, shell and all. After I got home I looked up ducks and mussels, and discovered that they crush the shells in their gizzards and then digest the flesh. That's a strong gut!

Another view, towards shore, showing all the green shades of this misty morning. It does look like a rainforest. 

Earlier in the week I saw Wood Ducks in a pond with Iris. They are so pretty. This one came close, probably because of the oats Iris was flinging his way. 

Other than our early walk, this rainy grey Sunday has been spent quietly. Now it's time for a little supper, and later, an episode of Foyle's War. We've seen them before, but they remain enjoyable to watch. 

Have a most lovely week. 


  1. Nice to be have a quick look into your world. That photo of the wood duck is amazing! It is inspiring to see how you two get out and explore.

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  3. Lovely misty water views. I was amazed to read about the duck digesting a shellfish!

  4. Such peaceful nature photos. Here it is peaceful too after the snowstorm that swept over on the weekend. Wishing you a good start to February.

  5. It sure can be hard to head out for a hike when it's a grey day! But you sure saw some beautiful sights and felt refreshed when you got home. It clears out the cobwebs, doesn't it? Love the magnificent waterfall! WOW!

  6. How beautiful it looks! It sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day.

  7. I am envious of your time in nature but happy for you. It is beautiful in the Bight.

  8. What a beautiful place! I love it.

    I've been rewatching some Foyle myself!

  9. Gorgeous photos. We have wood ducks in our area, but I have yet to see one up close. We are enjoying seeing Foyle's War for the first time! I don't want it to end.

  10. I'm glad you did that hike there and back for me tagging along in my cozy house. You reaped most of the benefits but I reaped some, too. Great photos. Happy last day of January to you.

  11. Gorgeous scenery. Thank you for the information
    A gizzard crushing duck is weird to grasp, but amazing. Stunning wood duck photo

  12. Very nice views ...
    I can remember watching Foyle's War, a very good series.

    All the best Jan

  13. Ohhhh... Lost my comment. For got to do quick ones.

  14. First photo should be framed!!!!


  15. Must look for Foyle's War!


  16. Such a beautiful waterfall and lovely, misty views, Lorrie. Hiking up 500 feet world take me quite a long time as I'd have to stop and rest a lot, but it always a good time to take photos while I rest. I recently learned on a nature site that ducks like to eat frozen peas and that the peas are good for them than. Have you watched Monk? It's very funny and charming--we enjoyed the many seasons of it.

  17. WOW! That Wood Duck picture is awesome.

  18. Beautiful photos! Good thing you got your hike in before the rain started.
    I found that fact about ducks being able to swallow mussels whole and digest them in their gizzard so interesting.
    We saw many varieties of ducks at Fishtrap Creek yesterday. I noticed that the Wood Ducks are much tamer than they were a month ago. I suspect someone has been feeding them ( in spite of signs that ask one not to).

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  20. As always, you have taken some gorgeous photos! I almost feel as if I'm there, in the cool, in the gray, in the mist. The wood duck is beautiful. I am startled to learn that a duck can crush a mussel shell in its gizzard! Our Creator is amazing!

  21. I think that is my favorite picture of a gull ever!

  22. I always enjoy taking a peek into your beautiful corner of the world, Lorrie.

    Gorgeous photos as always!

  23. I didn't know that about ducks being able to swallow and crush a shell and then digest the flesh! How I wish we had your beautiful wood ducks here on the pond. I tell the mallards to invite them. Your photography of your beautiful world makes me catch my breath. I'm almost embarrassed to tell people my feeling about waterfowl but they make my heart turn to mush--just like dachshunds do, and that's saying a whole lot. It must be such a blessing to your heart to share these nature walks with your grandchildren and I have to say that your words about you and your husband looking at each other and knowing you had to take your walk early was pretty darn romantic. It must put this wounded earth's problems in prospective when you two walk together in such beauty. I think my heart's turning to mush again thinking about that!

  24. Sounds like a perfect day. Beautiful scenery and wildlife and then one of my favourite dramas in the evening. We’ve been rewatching Downton which is lovely winter viewing too. B x

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  26. What a scenery, the nature! Soooo beautiful!! The first picture is just magic....
    Love from Titti

  27. This really shows the true beauty of the coastal PNW. Wonderful. walk and perfect timing (gotta' jump on the non-rainy hours sometimes). Oddly enough, I had never heard the word "Bight" until we came to Florida. We've stayed several times at a Marina called Snook Bight and I had to look it up the first time. Yep, it is one one!


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