Thursday, January 20, 2022

Friday Favourites: On a Winter's Day


Thank you to those of you who suggested this pretty amaryllis might be Apple Blossom or Charming. I looked up both and think it's more likely Apple Blossom, but that's just my guess. All four of her buds are open now and greet me when I come down the stairs, or pass through the front hall. 

Tim's been doing some research on kayaks and during our trip to visit my parents earlier in the week, we stopped by Western Canoe and Kayak in Abbotsford. More kayaks than I have ever seen or imagined are stacked up in a gigantic warehouse. Tim knew what he wanted and they happened to have two of them in stock, one blue and one lime green. Happy bright colours. So they came home with us. And just like a kid with a new toy, we had to try them out as soon as possible. They are fun little things - not professional grade, but suitable for our purposes. 

The sun shone a bit today, and there was no rain, so we paddled a little at Thetis Lake. You can see that I'm well bundled up - there was a cold wind. But! While the wind rested between gusts, the sun's faint warmth caressed my face. So lovely. 

Clouds scudded across the sky. How pleasant it was to stop paddling at times and just rest in the gentle waves and look around. 

A Golden Eagle passed over us several times, and a few other birds flew low across the water. When I paddled too close for comfort, a sleek beaver slid into the water and disappeared. 

Beef stew is a perfect meal for a January night. This is a French version, called Beef Daube, redolent with red wine, garlic, rosemary, thyme, and parsley. I served it with a cauliflower mash and buttermilk biscuits. Warming and filling. 

After our little kayak trip I picked up a few groceries and a bundle of tightly furled tulips. They sit in my kitchen and are already much more open than when I snapped this photo several hours ago. 

Amaryllis, tulips, beef stew, and kayaking - rather disparate topics, but melded together they made for a most lovely day. I hope yours has been equally so.


  1. I've only been kayaking once but it was a lot of fun ... except when my cousin's wife flipped and blamed me (even though she was a veteran kayaker and I was a first timer). :/ We had a major windstorm here last night and it's gotten much colder. I'm not a fan of the cold at all. Enjoy your January blooms and days on the water. Take care.

  2. I tried kayaking way back, in Canada, and felt quite apprehensive!
    My amaryllis has had one stem of three blooms but is now on its way to producing a second stem with bud. Lovely thing.Yours is such a delicate colour.

  3. Yes, a lovely day. You look very happy in your kayak, and it must be a healthy activity too. The Beef Daube sounds delicious, especially with buttermilk biscuits, and your Amaryllis is just gorgeous. Take care.

  4. Your kayaks will give you many hours of enjoyment! Kayaking in January is pretty cool too!

  5. What a pretty greeting your amaryllis makes in the front entry.
    I admire you for kayaking in such cold conditions. I have only been once and it was in Hawaii.
    Your beef daube looks and sounds so good. Winter comfort food at it's best.
    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy those beautiful tulips.

  6. How fun that you have kayaks! Your amaryllis is beautiful. The daube sounds perfect for a cold winter night!

  7. Perfect day, and great pictures.
    You look quite happy kayaking. I've read it is a soothing sport. Being on the water, having that view, must be fantastic for one's spirit.

  8. That sounds like a beautiful day!

  9. I've never been in a kayak. I would love to try, though.
    I'd enjoy an amaryllis. Good idea. I haven't had one for awhile.

  10. Awww..New kayaks. What fun. I love the pictures-they make me smile. Happy kayaking and happy weekend- xo Diana

  11. Good for you in that kayak!

  12. We used to have a large Canadian style open canoe that held all of the family, but I didn't care for it at all I felt very vulnerable. I think that I would be far happier in a small one person kayak like you have. My amaryllis have not come good this winter, maybe they will flower later in the Spring.

  13. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your day with us. I was going to suggest Apple Blossom for the amaryllis, as I had one like that a few years ago.

  14. I'm sure you will enjoy your new kayaks and use them often. Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Well done on the kayaks they look fun. Haven’t been out on ours for a while as the sea is a little choppy. Beautiful flowers and that stew looks delicious. I may do something similar this evening. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  16. You have seized the (winter) day! Yes, disparate topics, but so lovely together!

  17. I've only been kayaking a couple of times, but enjoyed it so much! Your day on the lake sounds wonderful. How fun that you now have your own and can go when you like. The beef stew looks delicious. I have a recipe that we like, and have added it to our menu plan for the week. Thanks for the idea:)

  18. You will have such fun with your new kayaks! I have never tried it, but maybe one day. Beautiful amaryllis!

  19. Wonderful favorites. How nice to be able to paddle around in those new kayaks!

  20. Lovely flowers! Your new kayaks look very nice. I wouldn't have thought in Canada one can go kayaking in January. :)
    We have two river kayaks and a canoe for the lake but alas not enough time recently for paddling.
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  21. What a lovely day indeed. The kayak looks like lots of fun. I love picking up tulips at the market. Beef stew, yummm! An eagle and beaver sighting, wow! And a beautiful amaryllis too.


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