Sunday, January 23, 2022

It's the Little Things


"Sometimes it's just the little things that make you happy." Anon

I'm sitting beside the fire in my comfortable chair thinking about what to write this evening. Tim used up some leftover vacation days last week, and we've enjoyed some long hikes, visits with family, coffee with friends, and time at home. 

On Friday the sun shone, so we packed a lunch and hiked along the Coast Trail at East Sooke Park. Such glorious views over the water. And then the little views like these little succulents growing in wild patches on the rocks. The trail is not difficult, but it requires a lot of scrambling over rocks and exposed tree roots. It's a trail that requires looking down to find good footholds. As a result, we hike a bit more slowly there, and notice the little things like bright, soft mosses, and delicate ferns. 

On another walk we watched an otter fish for a crunchy crab - we could hear him chewing away on it. He was not at all concerned about our proximity, and seemed to turn his head this way and that, as if posing for the camera. 

After all the outdoor activity, how pleasant it is to come inside our warm home. I baked a Sticky Date Pudding from a recipe that Sandi of Rose Chintz Cottage shared. It's delicious, and just the thing for a sweet treat. 

More little things that I've enjoyed this week - 

* snowdrops blooming

* the first shoots of crocuses peeking through the dirt

* picking up my wedding rings from the jeweler. I had some claws replaced and the rings were cleaned. How sparkly they are!

* a couple of American Robins have been lurking around our trees

* broccoli and blue cheese soup - yum!

What is delighting you these days? 


  1. That pudding looks so good. I was looking at a bag of dates on the shelf and thinking I should use them in something, rather than just snacking on them. This might be the answer!

  2. The date pudding sounds delicious and you have reminded me that I haven’t made Stilton and broccoli soup for a while. Must rectify that. Your walks sound as lovely as ours although you have even better wildlife. At the moment I’m enjoying a brand new dishwasher. It is so much better than the old one that broke just before Christmas. Enjoy your week. B x

  3. Snowdrops just peeping through the grass, that's a real joy. I wondered if I had lost them, but they have taken their time and are going to be such a delight.
    What a lovely photo of the otter on those striated rocks. He was very happy!

  4. Your otter photograph is a real gem. I try to notice the little things and feel the joy they bring - I like to drink my tea from seasonal mugs, I put my Christmas mugs away at Epiphany and brought out my winter mug, which I'll use until 21st March. It's a small thing but it makes a difference to me which is completely out of proportion. x

  5. Your dessert sounds and looks wonderful. We had had rain the last several days, so I just settled into home and did some painting. Today the sun is shining but it is only in the mid 40's, which is quite cold for sunny Florida!

  6. Huuu.... lost a one line comment...

  7. Dessert looks delicious...

    Thank you, Tom
    Still The "G.O.A.T." !!!
    🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐

  8. Great that you are meeting up with people.

    Thank you, Tom
    Still The "G.O.A.T." !!!
    🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐

  9. Very fast comments are still the way I have to go. lol

    Thank you, Tom
    Still The "G.O.A.T." !!!
    🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐

  10. *gasp* That otter!!! Otters are my favorite. That picture is delighting me a lot!

    I'm hard at work on several craft projects at the moment, and I've been reading some really great books this year. My daughter and I cleaned up her room yesterday, and it not looking like a tornado hitting it gives me a lot of delight. Despite the circumstances of the world, I've been finding a lot of joy in the simple pleasures at home lately. :)

  11. Your walk sounds lovely. I miss our treks here. It’s been windy and bitterly cold.

  12. Sounds like a lovely walk. What's delighting me? Homemade soup for supper last night. Coffee time with family on Sunday sharing Crumb Coffeecake. Lots of time for reading yesterday afternoon. Nice weather today before a snowstorm moves in tonight. Now, I'm off to check out your recipe for that delicious-looking Sticky Date Pudding.

  13. How cool to see an otter crunching on a crab while out walking. You see such interesting sights in your corner.
    That date pudding looks so good. I need to check out that recipe.

  14. Your images and description are almost as good as being there, glad you had the benefits of the real thing. Like Mrs Tiggywinkle I change my mugs with the seasons. I am looking longingly at the Spring ones but will hold off a little longer. Sticky toffee pudding is my favourite and something I usually have when I visit family in England. One year at the end of my trip I still hadn't had one and on the day of my flight back to Canada my sister got up early and made me one for breakfast!

  15. Your pictures and the description sounds just lovely. I am delighting in the snow we are getting.

  16. It sounds like spring is coming early in your neck of the woods. I guess that comes with coastal living. Your pudding makes my mouth water . . . looks heavenly delicious.

  17. The signs of spring on the west coast warms my cold, cold heart!

  18. A good book to read, a steaming mug of coffee, those first harbingers of spring, the sun shinning through the shutters - simple things make one feel grateful to be alive.

  19. That sounds like a lovely walk. Then coming home to tea and Sticky Date Pudding that's the perfect end to the afternoon. It's so nice to have some days with no rain and even a bit of sunshine.

  20. Beautiful photos, as always, Lorrie. I have always wanted to make Sandi’s sticky date pudding because I love anything with dates. Yours looks sooooo good!! I must make it soon. I hope you have a lovely week.

  21. Love your photos, especially the otter shot.

    And your dessert looks amazing!

    Happy Tuesday, Lorrie.

  22. I wrote down the recipe... Sweet dessert, soon :-)
    Many Thanks.
    I love tulips... longing for spring :-)

  23. I can't decide which I like more: the photo of the beautiful pink tulips (tulips are my favorite!) or the one of the otter! Both of them make me smile!

  24. I have never made date pudding--I must try it since seeing the picture of yours. After viewing your book list last week, I have read Crow Lake and I enjoyed it so much. It is a story that lingers in your mind a long time very much like Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens--a book I recommend very highly.

  25. I am someone who delights in celebrating the little joys in life. Although if I saw and heard an otter while out on a hike, I would consider that a major event! How wonderful.

  26. What fun to see that otter. Nice that it posed for a photo. So good to delight in the little things.

  27. Your photos de1ight me. I am trying to grow just one f1ower inside in January. A sunf1ower in a soda pop bottle. It wi11 be a mirac1e if it makes far though it sprouted!

  28. Anonymous2:29 AM

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