Saturday, February 05, 2022

Comforts of Home

A few weeks ago, Mary of A Breath of Fresh Air, showed us her favourite chair and suggested we do the same. I am just now getting around to it. In the evenings I love to curl up in this blue brocade chair (bluer than it looks in this photo), sometimes with my feet under me, sometimes with my feet on the pouf. 

There is a soft cashmere shawl to wrap around myself for a little more warmth, if needed, and a pillow at my back. Most chairs are too deep for me to sit comfortably without a pillow. I read here, and stitch, with a cup of tea on a small table beside me. 

My Christmas Cactus, given to me by a friend 10 or 12 years ago, is blooming now - there is just a glimpse of it above the chair. I think it's a February cactus, for it tends to bloom this time every year. 

I bought a white poinsettia for Christmas, and a few weeks ago all the leaves began falling off. The white "flowers" are really modified leaves, or bracts, and the actual flower of the plant is very nondescript and small, found in the center of the bracts. I clipped stems of the bracts and placed them in water, like a cut flower. They have lasted and lasted. 

We've had a relaxing start to the day, and I'm puttering at the laundry and tidying up. A pot of soup simmers on the stove. No rain today, but cloud cover dulls the sky. I'm off now to fold a load of laundry and put the clean sheets onto the bed. 


  1. The poinsettia is a beautiful surprise. Your chair is classy gorgeous.
    Interesting idea, a favorite chair. Mine us somewhere out there in a hopefully happy home. I saw it at a thrift store, very good condition, medium red gingham check fabric, ruffle bottom, super comfortable deep wide seat. Not my usual style, and over sized for my space, I passed on buying it. There will be another. :)

  2. I have always preferred the white poinsettias to the red, somehow prettier and less flashy. How comfy your chair looks. My favourite is over 20 years old, and like you, I can tuck my feet up too! My Christmas cactus had its last flowers this week and has been very lovely.

  3. Your chair by the fire looks very comfy! I would have never thought to clip the flowers of a poinsettia!

  4. I spotted your Christmas/February Cactus right away. I think I have an early Christmas/February one too. So far just buds, no open blooms. Great idea cutting off the pretty stems of your poinsettia and having them as cut flowers.

  5. Your special chair looks very cozy.

  6. People who have the ability to not only keep house plants alive but even have them flourish and last 10 years . . . that amazes me. I can grow plants outside, but house plants die the minute I get near them. So if you notice plants in my home . . . they are fake. Fake plants are the only ones that don't turn brown under my care.
    Your favorite chair is lovely, I can imagion you all curled up in it enjoying a good book.
    Have a lovely week, my friend.

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  8. In our previous house I had a favorite chair and now I keep going to the couch because it’s so comfy and near a widow. I’ve never thought to cut the poinsettias once the plant has lost it’s green leaves. I like the look!

  9. Lorrie, your special chair looks very elegant, as well as extremely comfortable. I love the little footstool as well, perfect as you sit by the fire. I really like the white poinsettia. They are a curious plant, the way the 'flower' is actually a groups of leaves. I find the red one easy to grow but so far have not managed to keep a white one. Maybe this year :)

  10. Comfortable... I like.
    happy sunday to you
    Greetings from Viola

  11. Your chair by the fire looks so cozy!

  12. What a great idea for bloggers to share their favorite chair. I love your chair, Lorrie! It is so classy while being in cozy fireside location with the perfect squishy hassock. Now I'll be able to picture you sitting there while lost in a book or stitching something lovely.

  13. Such a cozy nook for reading. I like your 'pouf.' I always like to have my feet up and ottomans get in the way. Great idea.

  14. I love your beautiful chair and that cozy spot of it. I like my green chair in the lanai. Happy weekend!

  15. Lovey comfy chair....

    Nice idea, to show ours....

  16. Lost 1st comment... wish I'd remember to do a couple of short ones!!! LOL

  17. Love that you have a special chair and how perfect for sitting close to the fireplace. Clipped poinsettia flowers last forever!!! I am not crazy about the big red poinsettias but do like the white ones.
    Have a wonderful week, Lorrie-xo Diana

  18. A nice chair in a cozy corner. Looks very nice. Soup simmering on the stove sounds perfect. Hope you have a good new week.

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  20. Good morning, Lorrie. Your chair looks so comfy and cozy. I know you enjoy the spot so much. Our snow and cold temperatures seem to have moved on, at least for a while. We are promised nice temperatures this entire week.
    Enjoy these days, we will be in the garden before too long.

  21. I like to cozy up to the fire too, Lorrie! I think I will clip the petals from my pink poinsettia because the leaves have been steadily dropping off and I hate to throw the plant out. We have had storm after storm after storm here since the first week of January! Everyone is weary of them. Hubby is trying to dig a path to the bird feeders in our back yard and the snow is up to his shoulders! It will take him a few days to accomplish this task, I'm afraid. More snow is on the way tomorrow. Yikes!! Right now, Vancouver Island sounds pretty nice! Want to trade coasts? ;-)

  22. I love your chair and the poof too. What a cozy place to read and sip tea.
    Often during Christmas I will buy a poinsettia and turn them into cut flowers. They are so pretty that way and they do seem to last a long time.

  23. Thanks for sharing your cozy nook with us! I echo the other comments: the brocade chair is beautiful!

  24. I found this post very soothing and I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's the colours? Or your gentle, domestic details? It's lovely. x

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  26. Hi Lorrie! I loved seeing your favorite chair and your pouf and picturing you there stitching or reading. I scrolled through your previous posts and as always I was smitten with all your fabulous photos of how you find beauty for us to enjoy.

  27. Joys of a happy home! A perfect chair, fireplace, scent and feel of clean sheets, soup simmering.... perfection!

  28. I 1ike white poinsettias!!! I don't keep them because CATS!

  29. Lovely chair and pouf!
    Cashmere shawl and and a cup of tea always enjoyable too!

  30. Your cozy chair is quite lovely, especially next to the fire! I have a Thanksgiving cactus, it always seems to bloom around that time. Funny how they each have their own "calendar" of when to bloom! When its overcast, I enjoy doing indoor chores. I'd much rather be outside when its nice! And clean sheets are always a delight to look forward to at the end of the day :)

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