Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday Favourites


My heart hurts for the people of Ukraine who are at the mercy of the ego of a crazed old man. And yet, the sun shone brilliantly this week in spite of frosty mornings and light snowfall overnight. The tête-a-tête daffodils are blooming without a care in my garden. How cheerful they look. 

The sun poured in through the corner window in the dining room, adding warmth, light, and strong shadows to the room. I'll have to move the plants once the sunny days become the norm, because the heat will be too intense. My home is peaceful. I watched a short video by a woman with two school aged children as she and her family drove away from their home. Her voice caught as she said, "And this is our home."

Snow overnight and the bird tracks make me smile. I can do little about the situation in the world, but I can pray, and stand with the Ukrainian people. Lord, have mercy. 

Bookstores, new and used, are irresistible treasure troves. Our local used bookstore, Russell Books, has a wonderful on-line store. I've been ordering some books through them, books that are out of print, or hard to find. The book on the bottom -The Columbia is Coming - is a bit of local history about a mission boat that traveled up and down the west coast, providing health care, passenger service, weddings, and much more. There are a couple of books about the Yukon. We have a small collection of local history books and are continuing to add to it bit by bit. 

Do you enjoy rummaging through used bookstores? I'll leave you with this thought...

"Secondhand books are wild books, homeless books; they have come together in vast flocks of variegated feather, and have a charm which the domesticated volumes of the library lack."  (Virginia Woolf)


  1. I feel so helpless at the terrible events happening to the people of the Ukrain. When I see the mothers, their young children and their babies my heart aches for them. I am finding it difficult to understand or comprehend all of the events happening in our world today, so whatever must it be like for them. I think back to my own childhood, it was innocent, carefree, happy, and without a care in the world.

  2. Lovely, cheerful photos and the Virginia Woolf quotation is fun. I hadn't heard it before.
    We too pray for Ukraina and her people and try to find the best ways to donate help and money.
    Stay well!

  3. I am praying along side you in the hope that it will bring comfort.

  4. My heart breaks as well. Your daffodils look cheery! I just discovered a online used bookstore called

  5. Prayers for Ukraine and the World.
    The anger and heart ache over the savage war against innocent people, pollutes humanity far above the negative human impact on environment.

    Bookstores are havens of peace. The prices for new books, however, make me cringe. Used books rule. :)

  6. The second hand bookstore here is a treasure too.

  7. How apt the Virginia Woolf quote is. Little orphans just waiting to be homed!
    It's almost too hard to watch the news at the moment isnt it?

  8. Praying and standing with the people of Ukraine.
    We do love a good used book store.

  9. So true... We can do nothing... And I am not a praying person, so that's not an option for me.

    At times like these, a dragon, would come in handy

  10. So to become crazed, at the happenings of the world, does no one, any good...

    At times like these, a dragon, would come in handy

  11. But it certainly hurts our health.

    At times like these, a dragon, would come in handy

  12. Enjoy your flowers, and I will dream about having a dragon. >,-))))

    At times like these, a dragon, would come in handy

  13. I love seeing the bird tracks and it's neat to see the signs of Spring. What a sad week it's been and I continue to pray. Sweet hugs, Diane

  14. Your Daffodils are beautiful. The sun streaming in the window and warming your houseplants makes a lovely picture.

  15. Your daffodils look so cheery.

  16. Loving daffodils and books, deeply saddened that others in the world have neither right now.
    Prayers for Ukraine, its people, its land, and its history to come which I hope will never be under the rule of Russia again!

  17. Bookstores are my second-favorite places in the world, second only to libraries, of course! I miss going and browsing for hours; hopefully that'll be a thing we can do again soon! :)

    The situation in Ukraine is never far from my mind. Unimaginable that this is even happening...

  18. Your daffodils are very pretty, Lorrie.

    My heart bleeds for the people of Ukraine.

    This war is so unacceptable.

  19. Thank you for bearing witness. I loved bookstores, but they are disappearing.

  20. Daffodils will bring a smile to my heart on the most worrisome day -- thank you for showing them (and I won't see any blooming here in Florida so I depend on my photos from the Pacific Northwest).

  21. It feels surreal to carry on with our daily lives, while the people of Ukraine defend themselves and their land.

    Praying that this war will end soon before more lives are lost.

  22. The tête-a-tête daffodils look amazing, what a cheerful flower they are, badly needed in these present times.

    All the best Jan


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