Saturday, February 12, 2022

Valentine's Day and a Giveaway Opportunity


Last year at this time I was newly retired and had time to bake all of these lovely treats for Valentine's Day. Not so this year, although I did manage some sugar cookie hearts for the children. 

A cousin of mine lives in Wales. Ironically, just as she moved away from the Island with her young family, we moved to the city she had just left. Teresa has been able to indulge her love of tea and teaware while living in the UK, and has a website Bring Back Tea Time, where she sells beautiful china tea sets, and other tea accoutrements. 

Teresa is holding a giveaway, for those who sign up for her occasional newsletters. There are 10 gifts to be won, including tea cups, silver spoons, a book, a tiered stand, and other things. The giveaway items can be seen on her Facebook page (Bring Back Tea Time). She will ship anywhere in the world. While at her website, take a look at some of the beautiful things she has. 

In one of her past newsletters, she featured the above Paragon teacup and teapot, along with some fun ideas for Valentine's Day. 

A mini cupcake and a large cup of tea make any day feel special. 

Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter and giveaway!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day & tea time!
    The cookies look delicious.

  2. Hahhh.... couldn't even finish 1 sentence, before my comment went pooooffff.

  3. ...but that last picture is lovely.

  4. The Valentine's cookies look delicious - if I would attempt something like that it would look all messy and crooked. Beautiful tea sets as well, and your cousin is very generous to do such a giveaway. I don't drink tea, but I can still appreciate these pretty designs.

  5. Happy Valentines day! That tea pot and matching teacup are so pretty!! Your cookies look wonderful.

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Wishing you a HAPPY ST. VALENTINE'S DAY.

  7. Enjoyed reading about your cousin Teresa and how she and her family ended up in the UK! Her tea sets are so beautiful and, like me, she sounds a definite clotted cream lover whether its from my own home Devon, or the Cornish version. . . . . which by the way is sometimes even better. . . .but don't tell my Devonshire family I said that! I long to get back home and have a 'cream tea' in the garden of the thatched roof cottage tea room near where I grew up! Roll on June, hopefully we'll make it this year.

    Happy St. Valentine's Day to you and Tim dear.
    (I'll sign up for her newsletter.)
    Mary -

  8. Heading there now, sounds fascinating and up my "tea" alley.

  9. It has already been a year since you retired? Time flies! Your V'Day cookies look amazing! Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Sounds like fun! Happy Valentine's Day.

  12. Happy Valentine's Day, Lorrie!

    Thanks for the heads-up on Teresa's giveaway. I'll have to check out her website...

  13. Happy Valentine's Day, Lorrie! Your cookies do look so lovely. I can't believe it's been a year since you retired.

  14. Happy Valentines Day.

    All the best Jan

  15. Love the little heart cookies and I bet that they were most delicious.

  16. I adore the heart cookies!!! Every photo is so pretty!


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