Wednesday, February 02, 2022

A Morning Walk


Mornings are frosty these days, and I put on my down jacket and gloves to go for a walk. Along one of my routes, a naturalized garden shows off the seasons. Today cyclamen provided such a welcome relief from browns and greens. 

More plentiful than the cyclamen were the early crocuses, pale stems ending in faint lilac buds that remained tightly closed in the cold. 

One homeowner has this large collection of bird houses mounted on a wall facing the path. We've seen a number of nesting birds there, but usually not this early. I heard the chipping of a sparrow and looked carefully at the birdhouses before I found him. He's in the pink house on right edge of the photo. 

In the same garden creamy catkins hung like earrings from slender branches. 

Nearing home, I stopped to admire my neighbour's snowdrops. She has a lovely bed full of them. 

I'm beginning a new routine once again, back at school in the afternoons. The teacher hired to fill my position as a Spanish teacher is unable to continue this semester. The school looked for a qualified replacement, unsuccessfully. So I said that I could fill in for this second semester. I have two classes, in the afternoons, mostly students I've taught before, and am enjoying being with them again.

I worked hard to develop the Spanish program at my school (it's an independent school), and I don't want to see it fail. There are costs - time with my little grandchildren is curtailed, and I am not as free as I was. However, it's just five months and then I will definitely be done. Today was the third day of class, and I'm a wee bit tired. To be expected, I know. And I also know that I'll get used to it once again. 

Morning walks will be a treat to enjoy as I adapt to this new schedule. 


  1. What an interesting collection of pretty birdhouses. I wonder how the birds decide which one they prefer?!

  2. The colour in your walks is delightful!

    Enjoy the teaching again! It sounds like you will.

  3. I love seeing all of the winter flowers on your walk. Enjoy your teaching!

  4. So great that you stepped in and are teaching again! For sure you'll get used to the routine. In Finland the first foreign language is mostly English. The second language can be Swedish, German, French, Spanish, Italian or Russian. In smaller communities the choice is limited. My son studied Spanish at school, but has forgotten all of it!

    Enjoy the awakening spring!

  5. Beautiful post Lorrie. So special to see the beautiful and early spring flowers. We are still under ice and snow.

  6. I like the arrangement of birdhouses. It gives me an idea for a project with my grandchildren. It's nice seeing signs of spring. We're buried in snow today.

  7. Lorrie, it was good of you to return to the classroom. Wishing you plenty of energy to deal with that! Loved these beautiful photos and rather envy that neighbor with the wall of birdhouses.

  8. Ha! It seems you can take the teacher out of the school but you can't take the school out of the teacher! My old art job (a program, I too, worked hard to develop) is open and I had been pondering for days whether to apply. I finally decided against it when my daughter needed me to rush to her side during a brief but not serious illness. Enjoy your afternoons-being with young folks can be energizing once the fatigue dissipates. I am envious of the beautiful spring flowers. We are expecting a big snowstorm here. Carol in VT

  9. I was so relieved to stop teaching!
    You can only teach so many days and then they dock your pension, don't they?!
    I love seeing spring arrive out west, I know our winter isn't forever!

  10. The birdhouses are pretty, a nice cheerful display.
    I hope your time teaching is rewarding. Stay safe

  11. Showers of blessings upon you for keeping the program alive at your school! And I'm sending good thoughts for a well-qualified and willing Spanish teacher for next year. Your morning walk is beautiful and reminds me of how much I loved early Spring in the Pacific Northwest last year. all those wonderful early season flowers that I'd almost forgotten about. Gorgeous photos.

  12. You have flowers! We are expecting a Winter Storm.

  13. Just don't let it tire you out too much.... Please.... :-)

  14. The bright pink cyclamen and the lilac crocuses make a really pretty combination. It gladens the heart to see them poking their way out of the soil - natures life circle begins again.
    Enjoy your teaching, I am sure that it won't take long for you to get back into the swing of it again.

  15. It's amazing that you already have snowdrops and cyclamen blooming. Our ground is still very frozen.
    Nice that you have your mornings free even if you have classes to teach in the afternoons. It's good of you to help out.

  16. Your wa1k made my afternoon!!!! wisconsin is co1d and snowy. No f1owers here.

  17. How nice to see these pretty signs of Spring. And it sounds like you'll enjoy these classes with students you know. Enjoy the rest of the week! Hugs!

  18. I am sure your former students are happy to see you back. I love all the pretty flowers and that wall of bird houses looks amazing. Hmmm, I have a section of fence that could use some decorations .

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  20. The school is fortunate to have you in the wings! Those snowdrops!

  21. Shoot- Lost my comment. Love that you have so many things blooming. We won't even get up to freezing today---soooo cold. Love the birdhouses- xo Diana

  22. Going back to work will have it's good points as well as not so good, but nice that it will not interfere with your morning walks. I loved seeing the small signs of spring . . . not seeing them here yet, but looking forward to it :)

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  24. These early signs of spring are delightful! I love all the birdhouses, what a neat idea, and I'm glad to learn that birds actually nest there. Yes, being back at teaching certainly takes away some of the free time, but knowing that it is only for five months probably makes it easier. And you seem to enjoy it, that is definitely a big plus.

  25. I am sure that you will enjoy teaching again, even though you will have to make sacrifices to do it. An end in sight is good incentive too. Enjoy those morning walks . . . and thanks for sharing the beauty with your readers!

  26. That must have been a hard decision to make but I’m sure they got the best replacement in you!

  27. Our snowdrops are in bloom, too. I almost missed seeing them because we have such few. I think I would have to like the homeowner with the birdhouse collection! It is so good of you to go to the school's rescue for Spanish class. I feel a little sad for your loss of time but very proud of you.

  28. Walking and discovering new things to see is always fun. What wonderful colors, flowers, and sweet nesting bird you discovered.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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