Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Mid-February Sunshine


Sunny days in February are pure joy. There is always the possibility, more likely than not, that winter will blow at least one more blast before retiring to let spring have her day. I spent some time in the garden on Saturday, chopping off some little weeds in the vegetable beds before they take hold. Spikey bulb leaves thrust upwards through dirt and dry leaves, and a few crocuses opened their lovely faces to the sun. There is mesh visible in the photo above - I covered my fall bulb plantings with it to keep the squirrels from stealing them. It seems to have worked. 

I'm into my third week of teaching. It's going well, with lovely students. I'm not accomplishing much else, though, between lesson prep and marking. 

In addition, our youngest daughter has severely injured her back and is struggling mightily with intense pain. It's difficult to get going in the morning, and she's not sleeping well, so caring for two active little girls is difficult. Last week I was over for four mornings helping out. Her back will improve, with time, but it will take awhile. She's on medication for pain, and is seeing a physiotherapist, as well. I have to admit that when this happened I wished I had not taken on this five-month teaching contract, but it is what it is.

More crocus blossoms in the pot beside the front door. 

Ashley and I were talking about books via Skype this evening. I thought of one of my older books that she might enjoy - Gabrielle Roy's Where Nests the Water Hen. Have you read it? It's a gentle story of a French-Canadian family living in the wilds of northern Manitoba, and was first published in 1950. I plucked the book off the bookshelf and read the first chapter, charmed once again by the main character Luzina who, "disposed people to become aware that they had reasons for happiness." What a lovely trait. 

On my walks with the little girls last week, this was the scene as we crossed the footbridge over the lake. It was cold, but with a blue sky and clear still water, the sight filled me with happiness. We always stop to pick up a few rocks along the path and throw them into the water. 

Patience Strong writes, "While it is February one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch." 

Are you feeling like spring is near in your corner? 


  1. Spring is just peeping round our corner, with the first tiny daffodils opening up, and promises of more. The crocus are looking very purple, and snowdrops are just coming to an end. Sadly we have nothing but rain day after day.
    The book you mention sounds delightful. I hadnt heard of it.

  2. I really feel for your daughter, dealing with constant pain is extremely hard, and having two active young daughters makes it even more difficult. Thank goodness that she has you around.
    It really does feel as if we are now heading well into Spring.

  3. Spring seems a long way off just at the moment as we await two more storms which are heading our way. So sorry to hear about your daughter, hope she recovers quickly.

  4. Lovely spring flowers! I am sorry to hear about your daughter's back. Sending healing wishes her way.

  5. Beautiful images. No, nowhere near spring here yet, but I know it will come in due time.

  6. i read of your bulbs and anticipation of spring and look at our tons of snow and feels like temperature of -24C. Burr. Spring is far over the horizon here.

    I can imagine how you’d like to be available to your daughter while she has the problem with her back. I hope she recovers quickly!

  7. Hahhh... my comment disappeared.

  8. Not spring here...

    😏😏 My Icon is not me! 😏😏

  9. so sorry for your daughter's back issues!!!!!!

    😏😏 My Icon is not me! 😏😏

  10. I'm sorry you daughter has hurt her back. It must be difficult for her coping with her little family. She is fortunate to have you helping even if it's not as much as you would have been able to do if you hadn't taken on the teaching.
    Where Nests the Water Hen is one of Gabrielle Roy's books that I reread from time to time. I also have her autobiography and another of her books Garden in the Wind.

  11. A sunny day in the Winter is beautiful. We have no signs of Spring here, yet. The snow is still covering our yards. But saying that it got up over forty today and that feels Springish.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I am so sorry for your daughter's struggle with injury and pain, all while in the throes of raising two little ones! Praying that her recovery is sure and steady!

    I love your final quote. Yes, it seems that "Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch" some days (like today). But over the weekend she was nowhere in sight! Such is February . . .

  14. wonderful signs of spring. Back pain is awful, I wish your daughter a quick recovery. No sign of spring yet in Finland - it was snowing last night and still is :((

  15. Sending positive healing vibes to your daughter.

    Still winter in my neck of the woods. After some balmy days (above 0 Celsius), our temperatures are dropping tonight. We're expected to receive 10-15 cm of snow overnight.

  16. these spring flowers are just what i needed to see on this gray, chilly night!

  17. Lorrie - you read my post about Spring daydreaming, so you know that Spring has been on my mind. That's entirely different than Spring being in "my corner" - it's a long way off! Lovely to see your crocus blooms, and I hope your daughter heals quickly. Enjoy your weekend!

  18. I'm so sorry that your daughter is experiencing this, Lorrie! I hope she is very careful and patient while it heals. I'm sure you are helping as much as possible despite your teaching time.

    I've written down Where Nests the Water Hen after I reread your sentence. The ability to cause others around one to realize they have reasons for happiness is admirable indeed. I had an aunt in my childhood who was like that.

  19. Oh dear, I'm so very sorry about your daughter in hurting her back. I'm sure that she appreciates your morning help. I didn't know that you went back to teaching for five months. I hope you have a happy week and that your daughter improves.

  20. I'm sorry about your daughter's injured back. I hope she gets good care for it.


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