Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Blossom Time


From my sofa this past week, I've watched the plum tree on the street become fuller with white blossoms. I'm feeling much better and thank you all for your kind thoughts. And, I've been getting out a bit, even to taking some photos of the blossoms. 

Across the street from the plum tree are a couple of cherry trees, and they, too, are filled with frothy blossoms. Their anthers look as though they are tipped with gold, even in these rather glum cloudy and drizzly days. 

How delicate they are, true harbingers of springtime. Beauty like this reaches deep inside my heart and hugs it with gentle warmth. An anonymous writer says, "It always pays to dwell slowly on the beautiful things, and the more beautiful, the more slowly." 
When my heart is heavy, beauty consoles and gives hope. A Ukrainian woman I follow on Facebook writes every day about her situation. She has a daughter, who, just last week, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. In the midst of the horror and anguish of war, this family chooses to focus on the lovely miracle and hope of a new little life, born into such inauspicious times. 
Beauty doesn't negate the war, or any tragedy, but I believe it does help me to step away mentally or physically and give myself a bit of breathing space.

Food is also a comfort. After several days of soothing soups, I saw this recipe from Love and Lemons, and knew it was just what I wanted. Citrus, crunch, avocado, roasted fennel, and parmesan cheese combined for a fresh salad that really tasted good. 
The everyday routines of cleaning, cooking, and gardening provide structure for days when my mind is scattered by troubles near and far. 

One last photo of the cherry blossoms. I pray that you will find beauty in your world, beauty to let soak into your soul, and give you comfort. 


  1. So beautiful Lorrie... I follow the same dear lady as well in the Ukraine. Her posts are both heartbreaking, and hopeful. I pray for the Lord's constant protection over their sweet family. The beauty of the blooms in your world is so beautiful. I was comforted today thinking of how the seasons of the world continue on, unabated, despite what happens within the realm of man. God's creation continues on, in orderly fashion. It gives me peace to know this. Thank you for sharing the beautiful blooms in your world... we are quite a few weeks away from such showy delights!

  2. Such exquisite, delicate flowers. I'm smiling happily when I admire your photos - but with a touch of hysteria since more snow for the coming weekend is expected here. :)
    What is the "crunch" in the delicious-looking salad?
    Stay well!

  3. How lovely. The blossoms here are from Magnolias which are very beautiful. It's a bit early for prunus.

  4. The blossoms are beautiful. I am glad you are feeling better. That salad looks tasty!

  5. Such Spring time Beauty!

    So fleeting as well...

    So we need to drink it all in, in the short span, in which they are here.


  6. I love Spring flowers. Glad you are feeling better.
    I also begin to eat salads, yours look very good with many colours.

  7. Hi Lorrie,

    I'm so glad to read that you're feeling much better! Your pictures are just lovely, my friend. I've always wanted a Japanese cherry tree in our yard, but I can't get Hal excited about it. ;) However, we did plant a new red bud tree to replace the one that we took down last year, and we planted an apple tree in our back yard. Both will have blossoms, and I'm excited about that. This war in the Ukraine is heartbreaking. I've been thinking about war a lot the past few weeks and am currently reading "The Nightingale" which gives me even more heartbreaking things to think about. We live in a broken world, and it couldn't be more apparent at the moment. I am thankful for Faith right now and for all my loved ones.

    Thanks for sharing your pretty pictures, Lorrie, and have a good week.



  8. Beautiful photos. Blossoms blooming is the best part about Spring. Glad you are feeling better. The salad sounds fantastic.

  9. Nature doesn’t let us down! Beautiful photos!

  10. Cherry blossoms are so lovely.
    I made your recipe for rice pudding today. I got it a bit thick ( and I'm out of both milk and cream to thin it) but the taste is great. It's an old favourite that I sort of forgot about.

  11. The beauty of nature does calm the soul. Seeing those first few blossoms is extra special. Good to hear you are feeling better.

  12. shoot----lost my comment. Anyway- love the blooms you have- what balm for the soul. That salad looks delicious! Happy Wednesday night- xo Diana

  13. Lorrie - I had to scan back to your last post to find out what was ailing you - aches and an over-worn nose - no fun. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. I couldn't agree more that natural beauty is soothing for so many ills. I know I am not the only one this week that will take great joy in the lovely, delicate blooms! Thank you.

  14. So sorry to read you have been so unwell, but thankful it was not Covid. Unfortunately Covid has taken off again in our area, with numbers more than doubling in a week. Will it ever go away?? How beautiful are the cherry blossoms, just exquisite. I told my daughter the other day I want to visit Canada again in Springtime - the flowers are so glorious. Fingers crossed. Your salad looks perfect for a good helping of vitamins. Get well soon!

  15. So glad to hear that you are feeling better, Lorrie. I've been reading along, but unable to leave comments. I think my son has fixed the problem now. Yay! I'm sure it must feel especially wonderful to be back out into such a beautiful, blossomy world. The situation in the Ukraine is so very sad. I watch in disbelief at what is happening there and can't even imagine what it must be like to live through. I agree that nature and all it's beauty is soothing to the soul.
    I must check out that salad recipe. It looks yummy and so healthy.

  16. Lorrie, you have done a stellar job of capturing the beauty of the cherry blossoms with your lens and artful eye! I love the anonymous quote. There is much truth in it . . .

    So glad that you are feeling better!

  17. Wow, so beautiful, Lorrie. I am in Toronto, Canada. We don't have these beauty yet. In May we will have all the cherrie trees buds like these in your photos. By the way, I really enjoy looking at all your photos, and really enjoy reading your page. Be safe, healthy and happy. Love and Peace.


  19. Beautiful flowers... yes, it's so good for the soul.
    I hope you feel much better soon. At least spring is doing its best. Our souls are badly shaken by Putin's insolence. May wise minds in the world bring the war to a speedy end.

  20. Your photos are beautiful as always . . . how terrible to give birth in the middle of a war, my heart goes out to this woman. It always surprises me why tyrants have so many followers and so much power. I'm glad that I've read the ending of the book . . . God is good and He wins in the end. My prayers are with these poor people as they live in the middle of a war zone.

  21. Lorrie, your blossoms are so pretty and lovely proof that Spring has arrived. We won't see blossoms here for a while yet but we have the songbirds back and they are busy at the feeders. Most of the snow has disappeared in our yard and April isn't far away. I love this time of year although our Spring comes very late. But what joy one feels to know the winter is behind us once more. I'm sorry to learn you haven't been well but you are on the mend. Do take care and enjoy the beauty outside your window.

    Even in the midst of a terrible war, the suffering and the longing for home, I know hope is alive and well with the Ukrainian people because with God, all things are possible!

  22. The blossoms are such a beautiful treat to the eyes and that salad is an eye catching treat, too. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  23. Lorrie, Your photos are exquisite. And that salad looks absolutely delicious. I'm so grateful for the comfort of good food on days when life feels 'less than'. Like you, I find every day routines so helpful in keeping my mind from spinning off into disturbing thoughts. The beauty in God's world keeps us grounded when things feel out of control. Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

  24. Your blossom photos are amazing, showing the intricacy of those gold tipped antlers!! It is comforting in our sadness, to know that the One who created such detail, is able to take care of the details for this young mother and her baby.

  25. Catching up with blogposts today. Very cheering to see your beautiful blossom pictures. That salad sounds very tempting. Hope you have a good weekend. B x

  26. So good to focus on the beauty around us when there is so much that is unlovely these days. Your blossom pic's are amazing! I'm still waiting for ours to open fully. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

  27. A perfect meditation for the times and I appreciate it (and agree). Thank you for that and (on a prosaic note) the recipe which sounds very Florida-ish and which I will look up.


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