Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday Favourites


I was looking through my recipes for something last night and came across a much-creased and stained handwritten recipe from Tim's mother for Rice Pudding. Suddenly I had a craving for a bowl of not-too-sweet, creamy and comforting rice pudding. So I made some this morning. It was lovely. Just what I needed, as you'll see from the other "favourites" this week.

I have the worst cold I've had in many years. It's been quite wretched, but I think I'm on the upswing. I've been clutching my heated rice bag to my aching body and am so thankful for Kleenex with lotion for my poor nose. 

There is always a cup of tea with honey and sometimes lemon beside me. Not being able to sleep because of coughing and a sore throat was the worst, but last night I awoke just twice. Ah, how blissful sleep is! 

I taught Monday, but after that I've stayed home. I've tested negative twice for Covid. The first couple of days I managed to come up with lesson plans for my Spanish classes to keep them on track, but for these last two days, it's been movies. Encanto for the Grade 10s and Coco for the Grade 11s. At least they are Latin American focused, so perhaps the students will have absorbed a bit of culture. 

What a treat it was to open my email this morning and find a lovely bouquet of primroses from Barbara over in Cornwall. I had mentioned in her blog that I never thought of picking primroses to bring indoors, so she sent me these. How thoughtful. They made my morning!

I'm looking forward to a slow weekend, but hope to do a few things around the house. Then...two weeks of spring break! Hooray!


  1. Take care Lorrie - we don't realise how wonderful a great nights sleep is until a bad one comes along.
    I haven't had rice pudding for years and years, suddenly, for some reason I fancy some!
    Do hope you soon turn the corner and start to feel back to your normal self again.

  2. Feel better soon Lorrie. Rice pudding is definitely the way to go, it's a cure for all ills!

  3. Prayers for your returned good health!

    Adding a bit of grated fresh ginger with the lemon to make a nice tea is soothing.

  4. I hope you feel better very soon. It's nice that you make yourself comforting foods like rice pudding and even just tea with honey and lemon. The Primroses are lovely!!

  5. I'm sorry you've been under the weather but happy to know you are on the mend. And to have such comforts as rice pudding and honey and lemon hot drinks and the surprise of that pretty primrose posy, sent all the way from Cornwall. Wishing you a pleasant weekend. xo

  6. I do hope you can kick that cold out of the house. Being sick is just no fun. The rice pudding looks yummy.

  7. Hi Lorrie,

    I'm so very sorry you've had such a bad cold; they sure make us feel rotten, don't they? I am glad to hear you're on the upswing, though. Our next-door neighbor and her husband recently had Covid, and she said it felt like a bad sinus infection for them. We watched "Coco" together as a family about a year ago; it's really a sweet movie! :)

    I am a big fan or rice pudding -- it's the ultimate comfort food to me. Your mother-in-law's recipe looks very tasty. I usually bake mine and my recipe (from Better Homes and Gardens cookbook) has raisins. Yours looks like it has blueberries on top -- one of my very favorite fruits and loaded with anti-oxidants.

    The primroses are gorgeous; that was very thoughtful of Barbara. :) I hope you'll continue to take it easy and will soon be 100% again. Have a lovely weekend, Lorrie!

    Hugs to you,


  8. Hello Lorrie, I hope you will get much better soon!
    Your Friday favourites are lovely.
    Have a happy weekend and spring break!

  9. I hope you’ll soon feel better Lorrie. A lot of rest now. My husband has had the same for a week now, covid negative and I’m afraid I’ll get it from him. So a lot of rest and reading at my house too.

  10. So sorry to read you are feeling so unwell, you will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

  11. Glad it wasn’t Covid and hope you are totally recovered soon. Enjoy the break!

  12. Do not try to do too much, too soon, with this horrible cold.

    Mine turned into Pneumonia, and same here... no Covid.

  13. Do not take any chances, please.



    Be fully, fully well, before going back.

  14. Dear Lorrie, I do hope you feel better soon. Tea and rice pudding sounds like a lovely remedy. Take care.

  15. I smiled when I opened your vlog to see 'rice pudding' featured...since we just had rice pudding tonight. Sorry to hear you have been 'under the weather'. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  16. I hope you are feeling much better today. Allergy season is upon us here in FL and I have symptoms from pollen. It's miserable when you can't sleep good. Take care of yourself and get well soon! Hugs, Diane

  17. So sorry you have been feeling unwell, my good wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Those flowers are beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  18. I hope you feel better soon.

    Sending you hugs and positive vibes.

    Have a great week ahead!

  19. Bless your heart! I hope that you are now well on your way to a full recovery! I had a cold last week too, but it was quite mild in comparison. Rest is the best thing and I was able to do that last week.

    Happy spring to you! I know you're looking forward to spring break, and to actually feeling well enough to enjoy it!

  20. Sorry to hear that you're feeling under the weather. Hopefully, you'll feel well enough to enjoy your spring break!

    I haven't seen either Encanto or Coco, but have heard the internet talking about the song, "We don't talk about Bruno"...

  21. Adoro el arroz con leche . Esperó que te mejores. Te mando un beso. Enamorada de las letras

  22. The rice pudding looks delicious and I actually "stole" it from you. I will try it soon I think, it sounds easy enough. I hope you are feeling much better, such bad colds are just no fun at all. Good that you tested negative for COVID - better a cold than COVID.

  23. I hope you are feeling better, Lorrie. My daughter-in-law and youngest granddaughter both tested positive for covid last week and are still recovering. Fortunately, my granddaughter had just a slight sore throat but my daughter in law had a fever, aches and pains, loss of smell and taste and a headache. She felt fortunate that she was vaccinated and boosted as she felt she would have gotten very ill if she wasn't. Now I hope the rest of their family won't get sick--they are wearing masks and isolating. This never seems to end.

  24. Now I never have thought to pick primroses either. Such a pretty little bouquet.
    Sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. With wearing our masks and isolating we have protected ourselves from colds too and now we are more susceptible (I think). I have heard of others having really bad colds lately. The rice pudding would indeed be comforting when not feeling well. Yummm! And definitely tea with lemon and honey too. Take care!

  25. I do hope by now you have recovered fully. The rice pudding looks lovely. Hooray for 2 weeks of Spring break!

  26. I'm so very sorry that you've had the worst cold and cough, Lorrie. I hope that by now you are feeling much better. Your rice pudding, I'm sure helped a lot, along with your tea. It's the little pleasures in life that we are grateful for. Happy first week of Spring!

  27. I'm sorry you've been sick. I am so impressed with your creativity way to teach your Spanish students, even while you are sick.


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