Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Hello, Spring


Outside my window this morning the bright sun is climbing up the sky. Streaks of pink have given way to blue. Guests joined us for dinner on Saturday night and I made an unbaked cheesecake. It's such an easy recipe from my mother. 

When I was growing up, Sunday dinner was eaten after we arrived home from morning church. The table was set with my mother's china, and a pretty tablecloth. Frequently, friends were invited over to share the meal. Before church, my mother browned a cut of roast beef, or chicken pieces, and they were put into the oven to cook slowly while we were at church. The most delicious fragrance greeted us when we walked in the door. My father often peeled potatoes and they waited in a pot, covered with water, until we arrived home. Dessert was usually made the day before, and this cheesecake was a favourite. 

Did your family enjoy a big Sunday dinner?

Tim and I went downtown on Sunday afternoon. Some prunus trees are done blooming while others are just beginning. Such pretty little flowers.

We joined the rally for Ukraine in front of the Legislature Building, and listened to poetry, a violinist, and songs sung by Ukrainian Canadians. They urged us not to forget the current situation. 

More prunus trees bloom throughout the downtown core. I saw a photo of cherry trees in Paris, and this photo, taken in front of the Belmont Building in Victoria, reminded me of it, with the white stone building. 

Are there signs of spring in your corner of the world?


  1. So far no Prunus trees in blossom. They are one of the loveliest. But Spring is all around now with all sorts of buds bursting into flower.
    Your cheescake looks so very delicious.

  2. Shoot- Lost my comment. We had big Sunday meals, too. My parents were not churchgoers so I went with my cousins. When I got home there were assorted aunts or uncles there for the meal. A lovely time of life for me. Those trees are gorgeous. xo Diana

  3. Yes, we always had a Sunday roast growing up. I make a roast each Sunday too, as do all 3 daughters. The cheesecake looks delicious.

  4. Yes, today really 'felt' like Spring. :-)


  5. That Sunday dinner sounds delicious. Love the pretty flower covered trees as well. We are enjoying temperatures on the plus side and seeing lots of melting going on.

  6. We did have Sunday dinner at my house. My mom would often ask my dad (who didn't attend church) to turn off the roast or ham at a certain time and he would tease that he had cooked dinner that day! :)

    Daffodils are up in my yard and there are buds on the Bradford pear tree that I can see out the window where I am sitting. The temperature has reached 70 today. I think Spring is very near! (Even though we had snow last weekend.)

  7. The tradition of Sunday dinner continues through the generations in our family.

  8. Canada geese are flying south again is a sure sign of Spring! Sunday dinners of my childhood are missed. I think if ever I live around relatives again, reviving thart tradition will be good.

  9. How lovely to see those blooms! Nothing like that here, yet. We did have Sunday dinner every Sunday at our home with extras invited from church. We are getting more and more out from under a snow pak here. Soon we'll have to go out and clean up the beds.

  10. No signs of spring here, yet. Sunday dinner was our tradition growing up. Mass in the morning, then dinner afterward, usually with grandparents joining us. Always the good china, and we stayed in church clothes. Such a nice memory, I hadn't thought about it in some time.

  11. Yes we too had roast dinners for lunch on Sundays (or sometimes Saturday), and sometimes with relatives joining in. The Prunus tree is gorgeous, and really speaks of Springtime. We are seeking signs of Autumn here, and I love the cooler nights and mornings. The Ukraine rally sounds like a great idea, and it is great that you could attend. Poor Ukraine!

  12. Lorrie - my Mom often prepared roast beef and all the trimmings for a Sunday meal, but it was typically eaten at dinner time rather than lunch. I can imagine the taste of it even now! We are not anywhere close to spring here, other than it was sleeting today rather than snowing ... but it will come.

  13. Wonderful to see prunus in bloom! My first mother-in-law used to invite us for Sunday dinners. After my divorce there was no more that habit. Last weekend we had though a family celebration of two birthdays. Wishing you a splendid day.

  14. So love your blossom trees. A real sign of spring. Sunday lunch roast has always been a tradition here. The whole family come round most weeks. Always lots of laughter and chat. B x

  15. Those trees are so pretty. When I grew up, we had family dinner every day, but Sundays were more special. We still had them in the evening, but after church we came home and read the Sunday comics. We would usually stop at the donut shop after church and have donuts when we got home.

  16. Your first picture is beautiful. Prunus are also in bloom. I love cheesecakes !

  17. Spring has definitely arrived here too, and I am loving it. Different blooms are popping up each day in and around the garden. Thank goodness for Mother Nature - what blessings she bestows on us all.
    Your unbaked cheesecake looks so delicious and the pink blossom really pretty.

  18. I love unbaked cheesecake, Lorrie, and your photo should be in a magazine!

  19. Oh Yes! There are signs of spring very similar to your spring. I am loving the pink blossoms, the daffodils, and yellow green of new leaves starting to appear.

  20. Yes, to the memory of after church family dinners, often with company. ❤


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