Wednesday, March 09, 2022

These Aching and Beautiful Days


Sunshine pours through the windows this morning, casting strong shadows of fern leaves and window blinds. It's a most welcome sight and belies the chill wind curling down from the north. 
The crocus above is in a sheltered spot and opened beautifully this morning. I love the way they open and close in response to light and warmth. 

On a recent walk I spied this house sparrow singing away in a tangle of dry blackberry bushes. He was very close, and didn't seem at all frightened of me and my camera. Soon the bushes will be green and he won't blend in quite so well. 

Saturday was sunny and warm, and we spent all day in the garden, spreading a load of topsoil, moving plants (here's hoping they survive), and cleaning up. Spring bulbs are beginning to flower - muscari and tete-a-tete daffodils are such a pretty combination.

More daffodils in a shadier corner. Life is quite normal here. We go to work, we see our families, we walk with friends. We are thankful. 

These early flowers that come one by one are so very welcome at this time of year. Soon more blooms will appear, crowding in one after the other in a great rush of colour and texture and scent. 

Meanwhile, across the world chaos takes hold. I feel so helpless. We pray, and we give to charitable organizations that provide relief. Someone came up with a great idea for helping individuals. I purchased the above embroidery pattern on Etsy this morning. It's an instant download, meaning nothing is physically mailed. It is created by Svetlana, who lives in Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city. It's been devastated by Russian bombardments. Svetlana put up a message on Etsy this morning, so she is okay so far. Sew What Alicia has created a list of Ukrainian Etsy shops with beautiful cross stitch and embroidery designs. It's a small way to support individuals, whether they are in Ukraine or fleeing to safety. 

How are you doing? I pray that you will find a measure of joy in the emergence of spring even as your heart aches. 


  1. The wind from the North made walking this morning a chilly time , even your Sparrow looks puffed up trying to retain body heat. Your Spring flowers are so pretty. Life is so ordinary for us and so awful for those in Ukraine. It's heart-breaking.

  2. Your spring flowers are beautiful. I know what you mean about our life going on and being beautiful. I can't imagine living thru what the Ukraine's are living through. My prayers are with them.

  3. Hi Lorri~

    We also have a cold North wind here in Idaho. We also got about 2 inches of snow yesterday, so it feels like we are in the throws of winter. But, I'm seeing and hearing signs of Spring all around me, I can't wait until I see the Your photos are just gorgeous, the yellow of Crocus and Daffodils, two of my favorite spring colors! I love cross-stitch, I've already ordered a couple of fun prints. I know it's not much, but every little bit helps. We all need to just keep praying that there will be peace soon. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. The house sparrow and the blooms especially the muscari brighten my day. Thank you.

  5. I am finding pleasure in the lovely photos you share. We are literally knee deep in snow so far.

  6. That is a really wonderful idea to order from Ukrainian Etsy shops that feature instant downloads. A very small way to help, but it is something we can do. I will check out these shops. The pattern you chose is beautiful!

    Spring seems far away here -- it's snowing as I type -- but we know it will come. Your photos of the flowers and the sparrow are wonderful.

  7. Your signs of Spring are a welcome sight, Lorrie. It’s still cold here, but small signs are showing up.
    What a lovely thing to do with the Etsy shop to help the Ukrainian women. Thank you for sharing with us.

  8. In four perfectly chosen words the title of this post describes these times exactly. Thank you for that and for the content of your lovely blog post , which does the same and even more perfectly. My goal has been to keep my blog a happy place, because often I need to remind myself of how fortunate we are and how pointless worry is. But. Sometimes I wonder if it is even sane to be happy. Thank you for the reminder that there are small things we can do. And that it is possible to experience joy at the same time as our heart aches.

  9. A wonderful way to help support those in Ukraine. It's lovely to see your early blooms. So hopeful.

  10. Beautiful signs of spring! Thanks for sharing the link to the Ukrainian Etsy shops. We can help in small ways. Praying for people in Ukraine!

  11. Lorrie - gorgeous flowers and views of your garden. We are still deep in snow here ... which I don't mind. What a wonderful way to support the people of Ukraine. I will take a look! Enjoy the coming weekend!

  12. It is hard to reconcile the beauty of spring with the general madness of the world. I also believe that every little bit matters so thanks for the etsy idea, a beautiful way to support our fellow crafters.

  13. I have been looking at Ukrainian fabrics on Etsy. It is a small way to help. I've read about people 'booking' AirB/B holidays in Ukraine just so that the owners receive some money. It is such a pretty pattern that you have.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Your photos are always beautiful and a balm for the soul. Over the past two years, dealing with the pandemic and everything that's come with it, and the fact that some people cannot just appreciate life and let others live in peace, has really taken a toll. It becomes very hard to be joyful when there is so much suffering and really is hard sometimes to know the right thing to say or do. Take care.

  16. Your pictures brighten my day. My gardens are covered in snow, the spring bulbs pushing hard to break through. Thank you for the Etsy link.

  17. The dichotomy of our lives, and theirs.........

  18. Spring is welcome here.
    That dreadful war...

  19. Lorrie, thank you so much for sharing the idea about buying from Etsy stores in Ukraine. I just put in "Ukraine shops" in the Etsy search and a lot of stores came up, digital downloads of paintings, knitting patterns, recipes... This is a good way to help individuals.

  20. Always nice to see the signs of spring on the west coast! As usual, I'm loving the pretty purple and yellow flowers.

    Thanks for sharing the ways that we can show our support for the people in Ukraine.

  21. A wonderful floral pattern... Thanks for sharing the link, it's a way to help directly.

  22. Oh, Lorrie, I enjoyed the sightings of spring in your corner of the world. To think you are already working in your garden. No chance of that here just yet, but soon. Loved the photos of your flowers and the sweet sparrow and that lovely embroidery picture. What a lovely way to support these dear folks. I love the Internet for that -- that we can still be in touch in the midst of horrors and hardships. Yes, the ache is always there, so I'm grateful for the snatches of beauty and wonderment that helps ease the madness.

  23. Your flowers are lovely, Lorrie.

    Praying for the people of Ukraine.

    Happy Monday!

  24. I came back earlier home and found Spring in the garden after I went to Summer and 40C.
    I went to visit and bought an embroidery pattern on Etsy they are very nice. I tried to leave a comment yesterday I hope you’ll get it today.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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