Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sea Glass


When we go walking along the beach, I always keep an eye out for sea glass. I love its worn translucence. I keep it in a jar and from time to time I put candles on a plate and surround them with my small but growing collection of sea glass.

I like to think of the pieces of glass, once sharp and cutting, being tumbled about in the ocean, tossed against rocks and scattered along the sand until they become these bits of beauty. The smooth edges remind me of how God uses the experiences in my life to soften my hard edges and create beauty in me.
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  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I also collect pieces of sea glass and china. I keep them in a special pressed glass bowl and love to feel the pieces between my fingers from time to time.

  2. There is something magical about beach glass, isn't there. Just knowing what it went through on its journey to become smooth :)

  3. How pretty. I go a little crazy when I have access to sea glass and scoop up as much as I can find.


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