Monday, March 31, 2008

A Light on the Mantel


Saturday evening we held a birthday party for my husband. At 8 pm we turned out all the lights and visited by candlelight. The flickering shadows and soft light gave a different air to the gathering. It's good to remind ourselves to care for the world.

I'm back after a more than hectic week. My grandmother (91) died on Easter Sunday after taking a fall the Tuesday before. She was active and alert until then. The funeral was Wednesday. I wrote and delivered the tribute on behalf of her 32 grandchildren - a privilege for me to honour this gracious, godly woman.

We also had guests for the entire week. Good friends we knew in Ecuador. Our time with them was wonderful - reminiscing, laughing, eating and just sharing our lives.

Our weather has been most capricious - snow, hail, sun, rain, clouds - all in the space of an hour. It's crazy! This is the winter that won't quit.
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  1. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother.

  2. Lorrie,

    I am so sorry about your grandmother. But, how wonderful for you to pay homage to her by giving the tribute for all her many grandchildren. And how comforting to you to know that she lived such an honorable and gracious life.


  3. SO sorry to hear of your loss. the reminder of the candlelight was beautiful!

    kari & kijsa

  4. Hi Lorrie,

    I too am sorry about your grandmother, I know you will miss her. What an honor for you to do the tribute, and what a legacy she leaves with all of you.
    Thanks for visiting...wishing you a less hectic week, and sweet memories of your Grandmother.
    xo Lidy


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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