Wednesday, May 14, 2008



I've been needing some more art for my walls and have had fun doing some collage work. This is one of the pieces I finished recently. It will hang in our back entrance, a mud-cum-laundry room. I used old music sheets, dictionary pages, and a bird cut from an old book. Finding the embellishments was like a treasure hunt - an old earring in the gable, a key charm, a bit of ribbon and bird-themed postage stamps.


Detail of key and gable. I'm finding collage to be fun, but challenging too, in how to put everything together so it works well. I'm not one to over embellish, but sometimes I wonder if I should push myself to add just a little bit more.
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  1. Just wanted to say hi and that I enjoyed my visit here.

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I love it! I do the same thing with adding items....sometime I don't know if I should keep going or scale back in simplicity....I'm usually over the top :) Thanks so much for the visit.....I'll be stopping by again soon!

  3. This is lovely and so very welcoming. I would love to see it photographed in your room.


  4. Lorrie, you are so talented and what a great addition to your mud/laundry room that will be! That is one beautiful key.

  5. Lorrie,

    I just love your collage, perfect for this time of year and it inspires me to give it a try.

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura


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