Friday, May 02, 2008


Angela over at Cottage Magpie is hosting a Color Challenge featuring...Yellow! It's such a cheerful colour when done correctly and so awful when wrong. Of course, what's "right" and what's "wrong" is entirely subjective! But I'm fussy about yellow. There are bits of it around my house...

outside in the garden - a few primulas not looking so great.

Fabrics in my stash. The plain fabric is a lovely raw silk that my brother brought me from Thailand. I used a wee piece in a pillow, but I don't know what to do with the rest of it. Maybe a table runner? I love the feel and sheen of it. Some fabrics are just meant to stroke and sit prettily on the stash pile, adding enormous cachet to the cottons and linens.

A watercolour done by my talented sister-in-law. It's hanging in our kitchen/family room that has buttery yellow walls. So cheery in the dank days of winter rain we get.

And pineapple! Yummy, especially when piled onto a plate with a fudgy brownie pie, ice cream, chocolate sauce and strawberries.
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  1. Lorrie,

    I love your idea of Strawberries! I too plan to do the yellow challenge but won't have it up until late Saturday...too much to do. Your linens are lovely, I have been planning to do a segment on linens but I think I will do it another time...I want to start doing gardening posts as my garden progresses. Thank you for coming over and seeing my crown...wish it was here already!

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend, and just to let you know, I have added you to my favorite blog list on my blog...
    I really don't know how you keep up with all your blogs, I can barely keep up with my one!

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  2. Lorrie, I just love yellow... but like you I am fussy about it. It must be just the right shade and not too bold. The buttery soft yellows are my favorites, like the flowers on my Lady Banks rose bush. But you almost made me drool on my laptop with the photo of the brownie pie topped with all that yummy goodness! Could you send me a piece through the computer please???

    Rumbly tumbly,


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