Thursday, July 03, 2008

A Fun Bag

I've been sewing this week. A dress that fits me oddly (or maybe I fit the dress oddly), and this bag. Using fabrics from my stash, I puttered on it for an afternoon and an evening, in between making and eating dinner, watering the garden and the other things that call me away from sewing.

Here's the pattern I used. I like the way the handle works - it's one long circle connected to the bag through four loops. Pulling the handle also closes the bag. I used it yesterday while wandering used bookstores in Sidney (BC) with my eldest daughter. I made the medium size and it was spacious enough for an extra sweater, water bottle, the two books I bought, plus my regular purse paraphernalia.

For more great sewing projects check out Sew, Mama, Sew - Always a great source of information.
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  1. Very lovely Lorrie...I love black...goes with anything any time of the prints you chose...I am sure you will get lots of use out of you will have to make one for every season!

    Hugs, Nancy

  2. Great job! I really like the fabrics you chose. I tend to go toward black/white and especially the toile.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  3. Lorrie, your purse is just beautiful! Makes me want to sew now...I've been meaning to get back to sewing. Why is it that I want to do everything??! Thanks so much for visiting me and for your sweet words about the article. I'm still amazed that I am even in the magazine!! xxoo, Dawn

  4. Lorrie, the bag is fabulous. I love toile and thsoe musical notes. You described the handle to a "t" so I can picture exactly how it works. I haven't sewn much, but my mother is an excellent seamstress. Hmmm... I wonder if she's up to trying a purse (or maybe showing me how.) Off to my m-i-l's for a 4th barbeque celebration.

    :-) Love,


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