Friday, August 01, 2008

A Little Housekeeping

I've been looking for a metal bucket in which to put my laundry soap. The biodegradable stuff I use comes in a rather flimsy bag, which is fine by me, but tends to spill all over. And I didn't want a plastic bucket. I found this one yesterday and it fits perfectly in the cupboard above the washer. I made a little label for it (well, a rather big label) using a graphic from Karen at the Graphics Fairy blog. I have a black and white printer but if you've got colour - well, the things you could do with all the beautiful graphics on her site...the mind boggles.

I made some sachets, not too strong. These are just squares of leftover fabrics. For the filling, I dried mint, rosemary, roses and lavender, then mixed them with flax seed to plump up the sachets. Tied in threes with some pretty ribbon and an old millinery flower, I think they'll make nice gifts.
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  1. Genius! I love the laundry bucket and the sticker! So cute.

    PS. I'm really looking forward to using those little chalkboards! Won't be long now....

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think your b&w soap label looks perfect (and what great storage for soap!) I love sachets, esp. lavender. Yours are lovely. Giftable indeed!

  3. Hi Lorrie,

    What a marvelous label and cute bucket. I bet your sachets smell lovely.


  4. Love the bucket...the label is great!

    Your sachets "smell" wonderful from here! I will have to dry some of my mint. I really love sachets. They are just heaven when you open a draw or closet.

    Take care.
    Hugs, Nancy

  5. cool stuff, thanks!!
    FYI, I'm doing another card giveaway if you want to stop by!! :)

  6. Hi Lorrie,our computer seems to be working again and now I can roam the blogosphere again !
    I love your sachets, they're really gorgeous, not to mention the bucket. I haven't had time to catch up on everything so I'll be back soon. Good luck for your studies, if you ever need a hand or have a question about anything in French just let me know !

  7. I love your stuff! I reallllly like your soap bucket! Don't you just love labels! (at least the kind of labels we can print out) Thanks for the link! I'll go visit Karen.


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