Thursday, August 28, 2008

Through the mountains and back again

We just returned from a week-long trip to Alberta for a family wedding. What a wonderful time of visiting, eating, laughing, eating, and more visiting and eating. The drive was long but oh, so pretty. I love the Rocky Mountains. My husband snapped a few photos while I was driving.

Our youngest daughter came with us and enjoyed visiting (and eating) with cousins she doesn't get to see very often. Here she pulls her cousin's daughter who reminds me so much of my eldest daughter.

My sister-in-law is a wonderful artist. She gave Ashley one of her paintings for graduation. She does beautiful watercolours of flowers and nature.
And then, yesterday we drove home again. We spent the night in Golden, BC since driving all the way from Red Deer to Victoria is a little much. I was so very tired when we arrived. We took turns driving again on the way home and I drove the way over the coastal mountains. Rain poured down and the road was wet and slippery. A semi-truck passed me at one point, and I was completely blinded by the wall of water he threw up. What an awful feeling it was to be moving over 100 km/hour and to not be able to see. I know it was just a second or two but it felt like longer. I thank God for safety and wonder sometimes what He thinks about the speeds we travel - not just on the roads but in our daily lives. I think there's a Russian proverb that says, "God did not invent hurry."

So I'm back home again and eager to get to my studies and to homekeeping again. I cleaned the house thoroughly before leaving and it was such a pleasure to walk in to everything ordered and in its place. I do love being at home.
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  1. Hi Lorrie! Nice to meet you!
    I feel the same as you; though I loved Paris, we all were glad to be safe back home again. Indeed there is no place like home!

  2. Hi Lorrie...nice to have you back.
    It was raining heavily in the mountains on our return home. You are right...the semi's drive as fast as we do and sometimes faster...kinda scary around Kicking Horse Pass!

    We so enjoy our holidays in BC. I love Alberta...but having grown up around water...I always want to go to the water on our holidays.

    Take care.
    Hugs, Nancy

  3. Hi Lorrie,

    Sounds like you had a lovely trip and your daughter is beautiful! I do love how you wrapped the jams in music music paper.

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  4. L-
    Aaaah, home!! It is nice to return!
    FYI, I finally got my craft table and posted pics!!
    Check me out! :)
    Roots & Wings

  5. Hi Lorrie,

    It sounds like you had a marvelous time in Alberta. That drive home though- very scary when you have a wall of water blinding you. Good Russian proverb! I need to remember that more often.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  6. Lorrie, these are lovely pictures. I am so happy you are safe. Loved the colors in that painting! And I have heard it said that Jesus was never in a hurry when He was here, yet He went about His Father's business and accomplished all that He had for Him to do. If only we could follow in His steps...


  7. What a beautiful sunset Lorrie and I did enjoy the pics of Alberta and your travels.

    I agree, it is good to get the place cleaned up to come home to. So relaxing on one's return. It's good to go travelling but even better to return home, I agree.


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