Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Waiting is something everyone has to do at various points in life. I know that I don't enjoy waiting at all. I know it's character-building and builds patience and perseverance, but it's HARD. And I'm learning that I can wait badly - stomping around, being grouchy, getting impatient, or choose to wait well.

Waiting well - that's been my goal for this summer and maybe into the fall.


  1. Oh my....my weakness! Hard to wait. Going to try and work harder at that. Cool pic.
    Have a blessed evening.

  2. I can relate. Thanks for your honesty.


  3. Well, all I can say is..."GOOD THINGS come to those that wait"

    so, keep waiting...

  4. I agree with Jacque. Good things do come to those that wait. I can think of a lot of other things I would rather do than wait but I sure do lot's of waiting.



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