Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A September Birthday Party

There are three birthdays in September in our immediate family. Last Saturday night we all got together for one big party. We do things fairly low-key - dinner, cake, of course, games, lounging and laughter. Oh, and presents, too. I like to set the table early in the afternoon so that I'm not rushed at the last minute.

Last fall I stitched up this simple and easy tablerunner from Anna Maria Horner's wonderful Drawing Room fabric. I just love the colours and patterns in this fabric. I did a tutorial for the tablerunner which you can find by clicking on the link.

I'm not one to collect all kinds of dishes. I do love them, but have to think of storage, and really, how many sets of dishes do we need? I like to set a pretty table, though and try to do it as creatively and economically as possible. A year or two ago I found these initials at the dollar store and picked up one for each member of the family. This year, I had to find an "O" since youngest daughter has a boyfriend who joined us for the dinner. Fortunately, the store still had the same style.

Good food, candlelight, family gathered round, blessings abound.

For more tablescapes, visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. There are some wonderful ideas out there that are adaptable to using whatever you have in your home right now, without purchasing a thing! Thanks, Susan, for hosting every week.
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  1. Very pretty table.....the runner is lovely..
    I did a Birthday Party too this week..:)

  2. cute table, i love your lavender on the header too~

  3. Ooooo! This is great! Love the idea of the letters in front of the plate as placecards! Genius! Thanks for sharing! Come by and check out my giveaway - I think you'll like them! :)

  4. Thanks for visiting over my way! I love the table runner and those letters are a great idea!

  5. This is very pretty - love the idea of the letters!

  6. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Hi Lorrie! I love your pretty table and your runner. The letter idea is wonderful. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. I'll consider this for me too--My birthday was this month. The letters are such a cute idea and could be used in so many different themes. Great birthday dinner!

  8. Lovely table. I like your idea of the initials at each place setting. Thanks for sharing. ~ Sarah

  9. What a great table ... the runner is gorgeous, and I love the idea of putting the initial at the plate. So creative! Wonderful post, thanks!

  10. Good morning Lorrie! The tablescape is very pretty. That table runner made the table so festive! I know your guests enjoyed themselves.

    I also love the initial place cards--an ingenious idea!

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Oh I love the wooden letters!

  12. Those letters are such a cute touch!

  13. What a lovely table. I really like the runner you fashioned. It ties everything together and the the use of initials is a very creative idea.
    I'm sure it was a lovely evening and I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  14. How pretty! Love the letters and the runner.

  15. That's a pretty table, love the runner, and the letters are clever placecards! Hope you all had great birthdays. Thanks for stopping by, come back soon!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  16. LOVE that table runner!!!

  17. Hello Lorrie,

    What a lovely table. I love your runner. I also love the idea of the letters in front of the plates as placecards!

    Thank you for sharing!

    ~ Tracy

  18. Very pretty, I love the tablerunner fabric, and the initials are a great touch

  19. Hi Lorrie,I love your table runner... It all looks wonderful.

  20. Lorrie,

    I love your table. You did it perfectly for a birthday party. It looks like you took the time and it is still casual. Hope all the guest enjoyed it. The letters are a really cute touch!!

    I love the runner and I will look at your tutorial as soon as I visit all the tablescapers. I just bought a sewing machine that I took out of the box this morning. I have the manual and Sewing For Dummies! Do you think I will manage learning on my own?? lol! I'm starting a little late in life, but by the time I have grankids, I hope I'll be a pro. I hope I have grankids!! lol!! ;-)

    My BIL lives in Vancouver and we visited last year. We stayed in a rental home in Kitsilano and had a lovely time. Can't wait to return!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Lorrie!


  21. Hi Lorrie,

    You set a beautiful table. It looks very festive. That runner is gorgeous.
    The initial idea is perfect.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  22. What a great idea to use the letters in front of the plate as placecards! This will be benchmarked, for sure....mostly by ME. I think you should go back & buy one or two of every single letter of the alphabet, just for future guests. I would.

    Were they black to begin with or did you paint them?

  23. I love the fabric choice you made for the runner! The letters are great too!

  24. I love Anna Maria Horners fabric collections and that tablerunner is divine! I'm jealous!



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