Monday, March 29, 2010

Settling In

Friday was move-in day, and the process continued throughout the weekend. Our children all came up to help out. We couldn't have accomplished what we did without them. By Friday night the living room was set up and turned out to be a great place to crash when exhaustion took over. On Saturday afternoon while I snoozed on the loveseat the boys organized the boxes, separating books from crafts from fabric, etc. My husband's comment, "You sure have a lot of fabric."

We tend to purchase houses that need some work done on them so we can add sweat equity. This one is no exception. And we do the work gradually. The green carpet you see will be going. Wood floors are planned, but first we have a wall to remove in the kitchen and an island built. Also some work on the staircase. I'll try to take before photos and post the progress as we go along.

First off....changing some paint colours. This is the current kitchen colour - not my taste at all. Nor the countertop. And the breakfast nook is a dark red. Today....

Paint chips galore. Can you tell I'm leaning towards grey? Blue-grey, I think, and I'm pondering doing the whole house the same colour. Just pondering. Maybe a bit of yellow in the breakfast nook?

I took a last wander through the rooms of our house in Victoria and thought, "how pretty and light this is." Grey skies and rain characterize BC's coast and I want to encourage as much light as possible. Airy and bright is the look I'm going for. We have mostly wood furniture (made with love by my husband and therefore unpaintable) and pale walls seem to set it off nicely.

Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. The children all left on Saturday evening and Sunday was spent here just the two of us. It was also my husband's birthday. We celebrated Saturday with the family, but I did manage to rustle up a roast chicken, roasted yams, and zucchini gratin for the two of us yesterday. This is a beautiful area in which to live and we are looking forward to doing lots of exploring. But for now...back to the boxes.


  1. Welcome to your new home! May you have a most enjoyable time making it from a house into your home...finding the paint chips that work for you...and adding your touch.

    Wishing you all the best in your new neighbourhood. I smiled as I read your last least your blog friends remain the same!

  2. blue-grey and yellow will be beautiful and very "you". Have fun choosing.

  3. Ah Lorrie - What a lot of work! When you lay it all out it is daunting, but one step at a time and you'll soon have that 'I'm home' feeling. I like your colours - blue and yellow always feature somewhere in my home too.
    Stay in touch - your blogging friends are all here waiting for updates.

  4. Oh I'm glad to see that you are settled into your new home. Looks as if you have your work cut out for you with painting and making some changes. Good thing that hubby is handy! Oh, doesn't he know that the woman with the most fabric wins?

  5. So glad you're getting settled in. I know what you mean about wanting lighter paint colors... I lean toward creams and yellows. I think it makes me feel like sunshine even when it's gray outdoors. Hope all goes well with demo and rebuilding.


  6. You will soon put your own mark on the house, new colours, new carpets, it will be lovely.

  7. Good Morning Lorrie,

    Wish your hubby a HAPPY belated birthday for me.

    I am so happy to see you safe and sound at your new home. I just know it is going to be made into a fabulous nest in no time at are a homemaker au naturel(i think that is the Fr phrase--anyway, you know what I mean) are gifted in making a house a home!

    Blessings from EAST TN, USA

  8. Moving is a truly hard thing to do, but having a peaceful Sunday to celebrate your husband's birthday sounds just the thing for all of you. I love blueish gray colors, they're very peaceful.

  9. You are a brave woman........moving is so stressful but fun to pick new paint colours. All the best as you get through all those boxes, soon they will be gone and your house will be your home again.

  10. Glad to see that you are "in". It will take time to make this new house your home, but oh what a lovely time you'llhave along the way.
    Looking forward to watching the progress.


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