Friday, October 28, 2011

Bon Weekend!

I write in the dark of a quiet morning. Outside my window the sky is barely beginning to lighten. Treetops toss their heads in a dawn dance. 

The furnace clicks, then hums and warmth fills the rooms. My cup of tea sits alongside the computer and from time to time a sip of chamomile/peppermint soothes my throat. 

It's Friday. Tim's gone to work. My parents arrived last night and are not yet up. I hear stirrings from the guest room and will soon go prepare breakfast. During these quiet moments I reflect on the weekend ahead and my birthday on Sunday.  Another year passes, full of the mixed drink that is life - a mélange of joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, hope and despair. Life is like that no matter what one's age. 

Being with those I love and those who love me is the best way to celebrate. Quiet, everyday pleasures become more meaningful shared. I'm looking forward to this weekend. We have nothing big planned, just being together. I'm so thankful.


  1. I can nearly hear the Liszt music behind your words.

  2. What a lovely way to spend the early morning. Down here it's raining and the washer is whooshing as I write.
    I wish you a very Happy Birthday with the ones who were there with you from the first minute of life - how lovely!

  3. Lovely post. Happy birthday! Treasure this weekend.... Having your parents there is a real blessing. Love your new banner, too! It's actually in the 50's here in southeast Texas! We are excited!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday, cousin. What a delight to have your parents there to share a quiet, unhurried weekend.

  5. What a 'soothing' post.. and a gorgeous photo to complement it! (I'm hoping the tea to soothe your throat doesn't mean you have one that's sore..... that would NOT be nice for your birthday weekend!

    Lorrie, I wish you the BEST year to date.... I don't know what His plans are for you, but I do know they are good!

    Happy Weekend... Happy Birthday!


  6. Have a wonderful happy birthday weekend! How delightful that your parents could join you.

    You created a lovely vignette and the word vignette is equally so.

  7. Happy Birthday, Lorrie.
    I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.

  8. Sending wishes for a most lovely birthday with those you love.

    Happy Birthday, Lorrie! :)

  9. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Have a fabulous day and year.

  10. Happy Birthday Lorrie,
    may it be filled with everything you wish for.

  11. Lorrie, your birthday weekend will be so nice with your parents there to share it with you. Wishing you all the things that make you happy in the coming year.


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