Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A C*onfession and a Plan

The C*onfession: These stacks represent only a very small portion of my fabric collection. Yes, I am a fabri-holic. There's something compelling about purchasing fabric. It's the hope of creating something, the dream of sewing a garment that will fit well, look good, and make me feel gorgeous. Or the satisfaction of stitching something to make my home pretty, or to give to a friend. 

Since I have more time these days, I took all the quilting cottons, washed them and ironed them. It took a LONG time. And now, I'm sewing. Projects are not ready to be revealed yet, but I'm having a good time, sitting in my sewing nook, listening to the hum of the machine, snipping, clipping and occasionally pulling my hair out in frustration. It's all part of the experience. 

The Plan: I've determined to enjoy the process as well as the product. And to let go of perfectionism. And to use up what I have before buying more. There. I've said it. 

I love making things - do you?


  1. Yes, when it's going well. =) When it's not, I can't think of anything less fun. Your header is so pretty and the book pages look like fabric, too. Are they?

  2. My creative juices flow when I'm out in the garden or sitting at a keyboard. I'm also a reasonable cook, but I can do nothing on your scale.

    If I have spare time, I'll either read or write or garden or entertain, none of which I consider work. Washing and ironing, yes, that's work.

  3. I love making lace and hand bound books. There is something almost peaceful about creating a thing of beauty.

  4. I must make the same confession . . . I have a lot of fabric. Most of it is reclaimed, some of it new but I too, have determined to use what I have before acquiring any more. Fabric makes me happy, full of promise of pretty things and gifts to give. I love your new banner photo, by the way. Happy sewing!

  5. I do but it has been years in between for me. I with my girls have gone to sewing class with them and it is so much fun. I am so glad they are learning to sew. It was beginning to look like a dying art so glad to see people do still your blog.

  6. I long to have time at home to sew and listen to music. It seems a long time since I last had that sort of time. After the years you've put in with your studies I can just imagine how much you're enjoying this interlude - savour every minute!

  7. I like your new header, Lorrie, and wish you well with your projects. I organized my yarn stash a while back and will need to get back to wielding the needles later this fall.

  8. I see you will be kept busy for awhile! Looking forward to seeing the end product. Have fun!

  9. Ah, Lorrie, I so very well relate to the Fabri-holic title!!!

    I'm not sure which is worse, my fabric stash that is stacked in my sewing room, or the stack of patterns that keeps cascading off of the shelf.

    Have fun creating!

  10. Je vis la même chose en ce moment même si je suis plutôt dans le jardin.
    Cet été j'ai observé mon étagère et je me suis dit que j'avais vraiment beaucoup trop de tissu - et que j'allais utiliser ce que j'ai avant d'en acheter. J'ai fait le tri dans ce qui ne me plaît plus, ou dont je sais que je n'aurai pas l'utilité, et je coupe tout en carrés de 15 cm. Ce que j'aime ou je vais utiliser est sur mes étagères, mieux rangé. J'attends l'hiver quand il fera trop froid pour être dehors pour commencer à coudre tout cela.
    Je vois que tu as de très jolis bleux dans ton stock - j'ai hâte de voir tes productions.

  11. So glad I'm not the only one to hoard material Lorrie, BTW I love your little apple pincushion, really pretty.
    What I really wanted to say is that your photo over chez Tish is wonderful, good for you!

  12. The trick is not even to walk by the fabric stores until your stash is gone. I have a similar goal. But it will never happen. i'm giving quilted table toppers and runners to everyone for Christmas. Good luck with all your projects Lorrie and I'll look forward to seeing them in a future post. Happy sewing !

  13. I love that you are back to us... all these posts are so exciting! I need to tack down the binding to the back of a quilt I made for my son and his wife for Christmas. I can't show it on my blog yet as it's a surprise! I'm making canvas pieces right now for my soon-to-be-born granddaughter. I also need to finish a Christmas swap. Need more hours!


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