Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mosaic Monday - A Weekend in October

We're getting together with family a lot recently. We drive, or they drive. I don't mind either way. 

This weekend I spent lots of time playing with the grandbaby. We introduced her to stairs and she climbed them like a trooper. Going back down we'll leave for another time. I sat down at the piano with her and played Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. She was more fascinated by the lamp on the piano top. 

It was a good weekend for walks. This afternoon we wandered down to the farm. Pigs, goats, sheep, llamas, calves, horses, ducks and pigeons were on view. Little Miss Blue Eyes liked them all. I couldn't resist this rakish photo of her, hat askew, with a big grin for Nana.

Joining in with other bloggers for Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary at the Little Red House. 


  1. Love your mosaic as usual, Lorrie. All great shots, but your girlie is the best one! So glad you get to see her often.

  2. Ohhh, your granddaughter is a little darling. I wonder if someone who hasn't been blessed with children can skip over to being a granny...
    -Karen :)

  3. Hi Lorrie, what a great Mosaic with your sweet little GD. I love how you surrounded her with all the animals. Sounds like it was a great time with you're family.

    The French Hutch

  4. A cute mosaic! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a nice week,

  5. What a lovely mosaic, Lorrie. The heart of your mosaic is the sweetest little girl - and I know you must have had a wonderful day!

  6. Lovely mosaic, I would like to see the farm animals too. Your little blue eyed girl is adorable. Wonderful photos, have a great week!

  7. Everything takes on a new perspective when you look at it through the eyes of a wee one. Enjoy. V

  8. Hi,
    How fun to live on a farm. That little blue eyed babe is a doll! She is wonderful as the center of your mosiac. what a smile!

  9. Oh the center image is the most precious. She is just darling.

    In regards to Sunday's post you won't find a debate in the comments,I was written a mean spirited email.

    But I believe kindness always counts. :)

  10. Great mosaic with a sweetheart in the middle!

  11. Oh she's so cute with her two little teefies. And learning to climb the stairs, Nana? It's hard to keep them down on the floor once they've been to Paree. Lovely mosaic, family time sounds very good, the season is lovely...everything to enjoy.

  12. Sometimes it's hard to figure out who has the best time, the grandchild or the grandparent. A lovely mosaic .

  13. Your grandgirl is so adorable! She has such a pretty smile and eyes. Happy Mosiac Monday, Lorrie!

  14. Although the critters are cute, that's one glorious face in the centre!

  15. That little cutie in the middle steals the show! Happy Monday! ♥

  16. Love that mosaic...especially the centerfold!

  17. What a happy mosiac,
    Love the "hat" shot!

  18. What a happy little face your grand has!! Love the mushrooms, goat and llama...this was a fun mosaic.

  19. Hello Lorrie,

    She is adorable, look at that smile!
    It's great that your family lives close by...



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