Tuesday, October 04, 2011

A Turn in the Road

So. It's finished. The last exam. (And a particularly nasty one, at that.) An old dog can learn new tricks. I never imagined that I'd get my degree in French when I was in my 50s. Never. 

Life is full of surprises. My 20-year-old self had no idea of what life would bring. That's a good thing. I might have run far and fast had I known. 

Steps are taken one at a time. This particular path has ended. What will be next? I really don't know. After our relocation 18 months ago, things changed. 

I do know that it's going to take awhile to find a new rhythm to my days. There won't always be that "I should be studying" gremlin on my shoulder. I think I'm going to miss him for a bit - but then again, maybe not.

There's a host of creative projects I've been saving up, stacks of fabric to stitch, novels to read for sheer enjoyment, a house that could do with some deep cleaning, and perhaps, later, a job. For now, I'll take it one day at a time. Today, frankly, I'm exhausted to the point of tears - happy ones, for the most part. 

Thank you to you, my readers, who have encouraged me over these years of study. I am blessed by each one of you.  

PS. These photos were taken near Banff, a couple of weeks ago. I think the colours are stunning - the yellow leaves almost chartreuse against the turquoise water. 


  1. Oh Lorrie Congratulations!!! I cannot imagine studying and writing papers right now in my life. As you say though, we just don't know. I can guarantee I would have turned tail and run had I known anything that was down the road. I say that knowing though here at this point in my life even as difficult as it all has been, I am so grateful for who I am and SO grateful for my life. It's as it should be. I'm really so happy for you accomplishing this!

  2. I'm doing the happy dance down here since you just feel like crying. Hope that you get to doing whatever makes you happiest.

    Oh, Lorrie, those colors are dreamy. An entire room could be built around them.

  3. I'm sharing in your joy today...just a wee bit! "Rejoice with those who do rejoice..."


  4. Well done, Lorrie! You've worked so hard, and now you can relax for a while.
    I'm sure that if the 20 year olds we once were knew what was ahead we might have headed for the hills!

  5. Congratulations on completing your endeavours. The next step will reveal itself in due course and in the meantime take some much needed R & R! Those photos are stunning.

  6. Félicitations Lorrie ! Tu es arrivée au bout de ton projet, ce qui est déjà une raison de fêter et de se réjouir !
    Maintenant, repos ! En attendant de voir comment les choses vont évoluer et quelles nouvelles perspectives vont s'offrir à toi, prends ton temps, repose-toi, remets les choses en ordre dans ta maison et dans ta tête (l'un entraîne l'autre !) Et luxe suprême : tu peux consacrer tout le temps que tu souhaites à tes loisirs - enjoy !

  7. Et j'ai oublié : magnifique photo - tout en lisant le texte je regardais cette couleur de feuillage intense et je me disais "Ouah ! on dirait des pièces d'or qui se détachent sur le fond bleu"

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Congrats. Try to enjoy the space in-between too.

  9. Both images are wonderful. I find a lot of comforting in nature when I'm in a blue mood....

    Yes, I can recommend to do some 'stitching', find that "Handarbeit" is always relaxing and calming, knitting, embroidering, stitching... in a way we put our thoughts and dreams into 'stitch by stitch'.

    Do you have any old material like beautiful old linen? It is a real pleasure to work with.

    Have a lovely relaxed and calm week, studies can wait they don't walk away.


  10. What an amazing and beautiful photo Lorrie.
    Congratulations on finishing all your exams and qualifying.

    I cannot believe that it is 18 months since your move. Where does the time go!

    I do hope and pray that the time will soon come when you feel completely at home.

  11. Congratulations, and well done.

    Enjoy your free time. If I know anything at all about you, it's that you won't stand still for long.

  12. Congratulations! I am betting you will find plenty of fun things to fill up the hours you used to spend studying:>)

  13. Well done you, who knows where your path will lead you next?
    Stunning pix!
    Are you going to show us your desk now?

  14. Congratulations Lorrie! I do hope that the future will be filled with days that make you happy and fulfilled. I spotted your application form on your desk so it looks like you are thinking of a new career. Best of luck with whichever path you choose to follow. The future is yours.

  15. Congratulations again! Women in their 50's are amazing creatures. Enjoy your free time to its fullest!

  16. Congratulations. Your pictures show that happiness too, I guess having such surroundings helps too! The prize?: enjoy them as much as you can.


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