Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Day

My world traveler daughter informed me that I hadn't put up a blog post today. Well, I had plans, but they haven't come to fruition yet - maybe tomorrow.

In the meantime, my talented daughter-in-law sent me photos of the graduation dessert and celebration. Isn't that a gorgeous plate? The dessert was scrumptious, too.

And here's a photo with me holding the dessert and the roses, and Tim holding grandbaby. We all look pretty happy. And so we were. And are.


  1. Lorrie, you DO all look very happy! And with good reason. Congratulations once again, that is such a major accomplishment. I love the pictures.

  2. Happy is very good! Yes, this photo is one for the frame.

    Is that leaf made from chocolate? Someone is very talented! Besides the graduate, of course and the graduate's husband and the adorable grandgirlie.

  3. Gorgeous dessert, sweet, sweet baby and very proud husband - you are surrounded by love!

  4. They all must be so proud of you!

  5. What a perfect photo, Lorrie. You all look so happy, and so you should!

  6. Dear, dear Lorrie,

    How happy that I am for you!

    Now is the time that you will feel like you should be studying but then remember you don't have to. :)

  7. Anonymous6:22 AM

    What a wonderful celebration. Nice to have such an accomplishment marked with occasion.

  8. Beautiful photo!!

  9. Congratulations!
    Of course you look happy, it's a happy occasion.

    Did you eat the picture on the plate?

  10. Glad you let us share in this happy moment... you look quite radiant!

    Yah God!

  11. And you have good reason to look happy!

  12. Congratulations and yes it is a lovely plate. Grand baby gorgious too.


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