Monday, October 10, 2011

Mellow Mosaic Monday

It's Thanksgiving Monday. Rainy outside. Very mellow around here today. 

Yesterday we were with our children - some in person, others virtually. For a few minutes while we ate dinner we had Ashley and Owen on Skype, sitting on the high chair since grandbaby girl was napping. The hour was late for them but we were happy to see them. 

They are doing well. They looked up an English-speaking church on line, went yesterday, and met a lot of friendly people. In fact, they had a fellow Canadian and her friend over for a quasi-Thanksgiving dinner of roast chicken and stuffing, minus the cranberry sauce. 

A walk in the sunshine, scuffling through crisp brown leaves, good food and even better company - simple things for which I'm continually thankful.

Joining in with Mary at the Little Red House for Mosaic Monday.


  1. It's truly the simple things in life that make it grand, isn't it? Beautiful post.


  2. Sounds like a relaxing sort of easy kind of day. What a cutie pie your little grand is. How fun that your daughter away was able to share Thanksgiving with a fellow Canadian. (Her hubby, too, of course.) So like God to link people.

  3. It is much more colorful up your way than in Kentucky. Ours will come soon. Have so enjoyed reading about Canada's Thanksgiving days. Happy holidays to you and your family.

  4. Adria is such a precious little pumpkin. Love her cheeks! And the trail looks like a wonderfully peaceful place for a wander. Happy Thanksgiving, cousin.

  5. It is the simple over-looked pleasures that one should be thankful for. You have captured the essence of pure joyful thanksgiving thoughts. Thank you for sharing with us.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, Lorrie. Your little grandchild is a cutie! Thank you for your thoughtful post.

  7. What a little sweetie Adria is!
    It's cool and rainy down here, so we stayed in, baking and cooking and have had a lovely Thanksgiving chicken dinner.

  8. Your last two Thanksgiving posts are lovely Lorrie. I love the blue bench photo and you family inspired mosaics!

  9. Thanks for sharing this lovely post!
    Have a nice week,

  10. Glad you had a great day,,,,we did too :) So good to have the boys home for the week end. Glad to hear that your world travellers are doing well. :)

  11. Beautiful collages, Lorrie.
    Also in your previous posts. Created with your heart!

    Have a lovely week,
    Greetings from the Périgord,

  12. How precious! I'm glad you had a good day! We have so much to be thankful for every day of our lives! ♥

  13. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Hello, Lorrie, and happy Thanksgiving to you. Your mosaic gives a nice air of Thanksgiving time - quiet, serene with loved ones.

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, and you are welcome anytime.


  14. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Lorrie, Happy Thanksgiving. Your mosaic has the special air of thanksgiving = quiet, serene, with loved ones.

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. You are welcome anytime.


  15. Lovely mosaic! I love the smell of autumn and baby heads ;)

  16. 'It is the sweet simple things of life which are the real ones after all.' ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

  17. Sounds like you had a very blessed day-thanks for sharing!


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