Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Little Bit of Autumn

This blossom, seen at Butchart Gardens on Monday, leaves no doubt that summer is hanging around. We've had no rain to speak of for two months now. The leaves are turning brown and crisp from lack of water, not autumn's mellow cooling. Still, the lovely sun lingers like a beloved guest and we're not wishing her away. 

Come evening we're glad to embrace autumn a little bit. There's a definite chill in the air once that sun slips below the horizon. A cup of tea and a cookie or two makes for a cozy treat. 

My paternal grandfather gave us the teapot for our wedding. I think of him each time I use it. It has an autumn look to me, as do these tea cups that Tim's mother received for her wedding and later gifted to me. 

Emily Dickinson has some words to say about this season of not quite summer, not yet autumn:

As Summer into Autumn Slips

As Summer into Autumn slips
And yet we sooner say
"The Summer" than "the Autumn," lest
We turn the sun away,

And almost count it an Affront
The presence to concede
Of one however lovely, not 
 The one that we have loved --

So we evade the charge of Years
On one attempting shy
The Circumvention of the Shaft
of Life's Declivity.

Joining in with Happy Hour at Craftberry Bush, a fun blog with lots of creative ideas.


  1. The colours of that fushia! Wow!

  2. Your photos are perfection. That tea pot must be so very dear to you and it is a lovely one. Makes you wonder if he selected it all by himself... The tea cups, the cookies, the candle glow... The poetry that so beautifully expresses the feeling... Ahhh, but you have created a moment of loveliness for your readers. Thank you.

  3. Life's declivity indeed -- I know that's always part of my resistance to autumn, beautiful though it's colours may be . . . lovely photos, as usual

  4. I like your approach -- embrace summer in the afternoon and autumn in the evening.

  5. We have exactly that fuschia blooming happily in the garden, such a joy as Autumn comes ever nearer.

  6. thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! Your pics are lovely! Hope to see you again!

  7. The color of those petals is just stunning.
    Autumn has started teasing us, around here, much earlier than normal. I do believe I'm ready for her.

  8. What a thoughtful and thought-provoking post.
    Your photo of the fuchsia struck me right between the eyes. You see, lately, I've been pondering Colors, and Beauty, and God's unsurpassed Creation. I've been thinking about the first rainbow, and the purity of motive in Creativity. It is as though that photo expresses all that I have been thinking and feeling.
    And just when I thought nothing fresh and new could be said about a "teascape", there it is. Somehow the tableau of tea for two will always be refreshing, I guess. Lovely.
    Then, Emily Dickinson. I was right with her for the first stanza. But by the third, I again realize that she is challenging us to come to where she is. I will need help to find the way. Today after church, I will study a little, and come to know.
    Have a beautiful Lord's day.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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