Saturday, September 29, 2012

Autumn Apple Tutorial

This is an experiment. I wrote a tutorial for the apples and saved it as a PDF file. Theoretically, if you click Autumn Apple Tutorial, you should be taken to the file. Will it work? It if does, let me know.

Edited to add: Thank you to those who checked out the link. I'm so glad it worked. 


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    It works perfectly.

  2. Worked like a charm! It reminds me of the little ball I made for my grands only that was put together using some sort of chain stitch. One just kept on sewing from end to end and I wonder if that method would work for this as well. Very sweet project and you are very clear with your directions.

  3. It worked! Now if I could just get myself together to actually make some apples, instead of dreaming of making some!

  4. Thanks Lorrie - I would love to try this - I hope i'll have time before Thanksgiving! My sister is coming From BC for the next few days so maybe we can work on some apples together. It looks like a fun project!

  5. Worked for me -- wish I could set aside some time -- and impressed with your gift of time to your readers. Very generous of you!

  6. How lovely they look especially in the autumnal colours you have chosen.

  7. I'm so pleased that you added the instructions. As soon as I saw the apples I wanted to make them!

  8. It worked! And thank you so much for the instructions! Do you mind if I pin it?

  9. Thanks so much - I knew I wanted to make some when I saw your post - was going to figure it out for myself but now you've made it easy for me with your tutorial.

  10. I'm going to try doing these up in orange for mini pumpkins. THANKS ever so much.

  11. just beautiful!!!!
    thank you so much for the instruction!!!!
    greetings from germany,

  12. How adorable! I hope I can find some spare time to make a few!
    Thanks so much for the tutorial and for ALL the lovely, kind and friendly words you have left me recently! They are treasured.

  13. It worked thank you. They are so cute.

  14. I have been wanting to make some of these. Thank you for sharing!

  15. Great tutorial, thanks for sharing :)

  16. Worked great can't wait to try it and make some apples. Thank you for posting the tutorial.

  17. Tutorial downloaded just fine have been wanting to try and make some fabric apples so thank you for your blog. Appreciate it. Ellie

  18. Haven't read the book, but I have downloaded your tutorial and look forward to trying out a few apples. Thank you.


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