Monday, March 18, 2013


When I began blogging, oh, about 6 years ago, my intent was to chronicle my creative journey and projects, and to connect with like-minded people. It was a tentative peek over the mountain to "see what I could see." The experiment resulted in connecting with people around the world, with meeting a few bloggers in person, and in finding an outlet for some of my thoughts.

For the past few months, however, I've been restless, wanting another purpose to blogging. I feel stagnant creatively, and the things I do create, I feel hesitant to show to you. There are so many creative, artistic people out there, filling posts with things I only wish I could dream up. I've thought about quitting blogging, but I enjoy it too much. I don't want to lose the cyber friends I've made. 

These stagnant feelings are not confined to blogging - they extend to my cooking, my needlework, my decorating, and even my reading. It's time for me to create new challenges for myself, to continue to grow.  I wish to be braver. To cease comparing myself to others. To be fully confident in being the woman God created me to be.

Tell me, do ever feel like this? What do you do to challenge yourself to move out of stagnation? 


  1. Don't stop blogging Lorrie.
    Have you thought about writing a book?

  2. Yup don't stop blogging...
    Lots of love for you x

  3. Don't stop blogging! I love visiting and seeing what you are doing, it's like having a catch up phone call with a friend (a very new friend, but a friend indeed). I am very new to blogging and just decided to write about things I have seen, learn things along the way, and share with like minded people. I'm glad to say I wasn't talking to myself and have met some wonderful people along the way who are so inspirational. I don't know what I did before now! Please keep blogging and share some of your creations. Have a wonderful week. Chel x

  4. Yes, I think each and every one of us sometimes feels this way. When it happens to me I think "Hang on! This is going to be a wild ride. God is shaping me into what I hope will be something spectacular." :)

  5. Yes, I think we all feel this way from time to time and that's what provides the impetus for pushing ourselves forward, which reminds me that I need to add more to Sankewi.

  6. I always need to discern: is restlessness God calling me somewhere else or is it a temptation pulling me away from the peace God offers. Never an easy answer. But, I bet He wants you to keep blogging! (I sure hope so!!)

  7. Lorrie, You just put into words how I have been feeling lately. Stress has a way of stripping me of all creativity and seems to send what I call my muse into hiding. I am trying to work my way out presently. I will continue to struggle to find my voice once again. I always enjoy finding a post from you. Have a wonderful week. We all need a bit of spring! Bonnie

  8. AH yes - that itchy anxious space between what was and what will be. Sometimes what will be is simply to up the bar, learn something new, take our creativity in new directions or to higher levels of difficulty or it's to work with more discipline and focus or even to cruise and rest a bit. Always hard to know. Especially with the rest a bit. I've found that one difficult.

    I've been in that itchy anxious space for a long time and thankfully it seems to be nearing an end but I constantly had to take a reading on the restlessness and not push myself where I wasn't meant to go. One of the important things is not to compare yourself to others. So easy to do. So easy also to question why we might feel God is calling us in X direction when there are so many other people doing it "better" in our estimation and so many difficulties between us and the goal.

    I heard an interesting talk show on marketing yesterday on CBC. It was about how we can be trained to do a function in a certain way but we can't be trained to have empathy. Your perspective, your blog, your creativity, your look at beauty, your way of seeing the world, and your empathy with the world are your unique way of reaching out and touching lives. Don't worry about being good enough. That's also easy to do but you are already good and enough.

    When I get to feeling this way, I do something to challenge my brain but I also dig in deeper and make sure I am fulfilling my part of the "bargain" as opposed to being pulled away as Jill commented.

  9. Like you, I have many interests and sometimes it seems that none of them are going anyplace. I've been kind of in slump lately because of back surgery in November, and it is taking forever to get back to even half of normal, so I'm slowed down by that, and can't do what I want to because of restrictions (light bending, no lifting over 2 pounds and NO twisting at the waist). See how many things you can do with those restrictions. LOL Fortunately I can use my laptop and I've been blogging - a LOT - but after a while, I know what you mean about losing focus and needing new direction.

    One funny thing I try is to sit in a different location in the house - might be in the same room, different chair - or might be a different room. Then I look about and see things from a different perspective and sometimes that jump starts my creativity. They say that simply looking at your life from a different angle will motivate your brain to think differently and you might get new ideas and be inspired. When we sit in the same place and look at the same thing all the time we often think the same thoughts - jiggle things around a little for a new view. Or move the furniture (not something I'll be doing for some time yet), might give you a new perspective.

    Don't quit blogging - maybe try a new angle for a while - all photos of horses - or of flowers - any subject that might make you dig deeper into an already good supply of talent. Or start a new blog about a whole new subject.

    And don't forget - what might seem mundane to you is interesting to us - a little insight to your life and activities.

  10. Please don't stop, Lorrie. I always enjoy what you share and often receive inspiration to try something new. I love that you almost always end with an invitation to share some thoughts of our own in the comments. Just as the physical seasons change so do the seasons of our spirit/soul. Share as much or as little as you are comfortable with but know that you are loved and valued and enjoyed.

  11. Your feeling are shared ... there are days when I wonder, how long will I think of things to write and then there are days I'm so encouraged, that I simply have decided that as long as God gives me inspiration in this I will keep going ... at least another 1/2 year... =)
    I have to agree with Jill... and yes, I sure hope you keep going!

  12. please don't stop! I really enjoy your posts and think you are so creative. I have felt the same way about blogging for many month. It seems I have nothing to say but I have been trying to keep going since I enjoy reading other people's blogs so much. I think it's wonderful that it's a way to connect with other people through blogging. That's what makes it worth the effort and worthwhile.

  13. Part of the restlessness may be the change in season and as it is spring it may be quite strong. Getting past that is as unique as each creative soul. All I can do is offer some ideas.

    I would say it is paramount that you allow yourself to have this dry spell; give yourself permission to not be "creative". Don't think something is wrong or broken if you are not pumping out coolness all the time. It is life to have periods of fullness and times of drought. In the times of drought we're just sending our creative roots deeper in search of better inspiration.

    Take yourself on personal outing. Long walks alone. Go to a library and wander through the stacks just looking at "new" things. Or the music section check out something new; I recommend something instrumental. Wander a museum of some kind (art or other). Buy yourself a lovely treat - a pastry or rich dinner.

    If you would like some religious pick me ups I have found the following authors to be inspiring: Pema Chodron, Neil A Maxwell, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, John Milton, Thomas Merton, Dalai Lama, Wallace Stegner...Oh I should stop now - sorry the librarian in me loves reading lists.

    Whatever you do, do it in JOY.

  14. I would miss you VERY MUCH! Please don't consider leaving us Lorrie.

    We all go through this feeling of quitting our blog because we either don't know what to post about, or we feel nobody's out there reading what we work hard to make interesting and attractive to those who do read it............ and sometimes even comment!! Then we feel really worthwhile and work on another post. I go through the "I'm going to quit and use my time to do other things" now and then. However, my little blog is my creative outlet. I really would miss having a place to share my photos, doing some editing on some, and composing posts. But also I'd miss keeping in touch with those of you who make a big effort to let me know you're out there. I so appreciate anyone who makes time to keep in touch. It's not easy because there are so many blogs now compared to when I first started. I can't always comment on every single post I read on all the blogs I visit, especially gals/guys who post daily. Hey, that's another thing, maybe cut back on your posts for a while, don't feel like you're required to post daily. Some bloggers only post once a week or even less and still keep their faithful followers.

    I love everything you share of your life in Victoria - you know it's a favorite place of mine and my husband and we are always up for a visit there! You write very well (yes, a book could give you a new lease on life!) and your creativity far surpasses many others who blog.

    Hope to see your posts continue to pop up dear Lorrie - now Spring is here I just know you'll have lots of beautiful things to share.
    Warm hugs - Mary

  15. Almost forgot dear, that photo of the crocus patch is so beautiful - I've never seen pure white ones like that! Is this your garden?


  16. Happens to everyone...a dry spell. You hit the nail on the head> don't compare yourself to anyone! Do something/go somewhere you've never been- something new.
    The flowers are lovely, by the way :)

  17. Fifteen or twenty years from now the slumps will make sense in the flow of your life. Journal them in your blog.
    Years ago my mom said that when nothing seems to be happening, a lull, a stagnation or a path less phase is a time before great growth/challenge. Relax in them while praying for the next phase. The "trail" and inspiration will reappear eventually!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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