Sunday, March 03, 2013

Sunshine in the Garden

A wander through the garden (by way of very soggy grass) reveals the first buds of spring - sharply pointed iris leaves, tiny hydrangea sprouts, neon green curled parsley, tight lilac buds, and almost grotesquely crumpled rhubarb emerging from the dark earth. 

Primroses on this sunny Sunday hold just a few lingering drops of all the rain we've had this week. Sunshine and rain - that's what makes the garden grow! Hooray for the first Sunday in March!

Linking to Sunlit Sunday, hosted by Karen of My Little Home and Garden, and to
Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary of the Little Red House.


  1. Beautiful photos Lorrie. What a joy to see new growth from the earth. Have a blessed week. Pamela

  2. Hello, Lorrie

    There is something about the first signs of spring green that calls to my heart and says that the new season will be full of hope and promise. I'm still in snuggle-down mode here, with some snowflakes falling, but spring will come, slowly eastward. Please pass on a map for Spring, just in case.

    Your mosaic is stunning, as are the vibrant primroses; thank you so much for participating in "Sunlit Sunday" with them.

    Have a wonderful week.


  3. Yes, hurray for March!

  4. That primrose is blooming in your garden now? I'm amazed. It is really beautiful.

  5. Yay for March, April, May and much newness all around!

  6. These small beginnings are indeed promises. I love all that that means.

  7. Look at your garden emerging! I'm getting excited for my own to appear. Its been unusually cold this year.

  8. My rhubarb has been showing the same as yours for a few weeks now as are hyacinth, tulips, daffs and crocus. Clematis is also showing new growth. Love the promise of pretty things coming.

  9. Lovely signs of Spring-- it's almost here. Happy March~

  10. It feels a bit like 'The Secret Garden', things are just beginning to appear, buds are showing, primroses are flowering. Isnt it a good time!

  11. lovely photos its good to know spring is on its way. your pink primrose is so pretty

  12. Lovely flowers and photos. I noticed my bulbs are popping out of the ground. I am so ready for Spring! Have a happy week!

  13. enjoy the sunshine..
    love cucki x

  14. Hi Lorrie!
    I love primroses and yours are such a pretty color. So happy to finally get to leave you a comment. I couldn't get into your old setup. Have a wonderful Monday.

  15. Hello Lorrie,

    Love your photos. Can't wait to see this on this in T.O.


  16. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Wow! You really have flowers ~ Great shots! ~ Primrose is gorgeous! ~ New England only has a bit of green and tiny crocuses ~ ^_^

  17. Beautiful! Primroses are great flowers for gardens.

  18. Everything's trying to soak up some of the sunshine! I love the pretty primroses. I wonder if they grow well in a pot! Happy Monday!

  19. Ohhh I must check my rhubarb - I love how its leaves come out so krinkly and fan out to be so large. I have some violas re-blooming in the deck railing planters - spring is coming spring is coming, tra la la la la laaaaaaaaa.

  20. No way! And here I thought Canada would still be under a heavy snow cover. But I guess your neck of the woods, er shore, is warmed by the Pacific. Beautiful, WARM photos!

  21. It's such a joy when we start seeing emerging bulbs and plants! My tulips are up about 2 inches! I haven't noticed any growth on my iris yet, maybe I'll go look tomorrow!

  22. Lorrie,

    Your photographs are amazing! The primroses are leaping off the page!


  23. Such richess of color! Just a delight to the eyes!

  24. Simply delightful and spring promising...Kisses!

  25. Our Michigan garden won't look like this until lat April or early May! Spring is my favorite time of year and I just can't wait for the sun and the unfurling of the garden! Thanks for the beautiful glimpse of what is to come!

  26. Lovely photos! I love how you captured the rain drops still hanging around.

  27. Oh my! Beautiful photos!


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