Sunday, July 06, 2014

Camping in the Rain

How many of you grew up going on camping trips for vacations? I did. Tim and I still enjoy camping and like to plan a yearly camping trip with our children. This past weekend we packed up tents, air mattresses, coolers, chairs, Coleman stoves and more. Much more. French Beach, a provincial park about 80 minutes from home, was our destination. Unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate and we dodged drizzle and showers most of the weekend. I love sleeping snuggled into my bed while rain drips on the tent roof. Such a cozy sound.    

How to entertain a 2-year-old and a 3-year-old? They didn't seem to mind the rain at all. One mother sent the girls on a little scavenger hunt, asking them to find forest treasures, one at a time: a pinecone, a dry leaf, some moss. All the treasures were placed into empty egg cartons.

And when all else fails a little theatre was set up. The Little Misses had matching camp chairs, one red, one green, each printed with crabs and fishes, and purchased without consulting each other.

There was plenty of poking the fire, drinking hot chocolate, and rigging up tarps. Snacks and the sharing of meal preparation. Cuddling Mister F. A respite from everyday life. No technology. One morning I awoke early and walked the length of the beach, accompanied only by crows. Mist rose from the waves.

Home again, now, to a hot shower and piles of laundry. It's good to get away and it's good to return home.

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary of the Little Red House.  


  1. Not bad at actually looks fun. I think even I would enjoy a forest scavenger hunt in the rains :)
    -- An empty corridor...

  2. Definitely a wonderful place to camp - and wonderful family to camp with. Love the Little Misses' camp chairs. I'd love a walk along the beach with the crows.

  3. I've never camped at French Beach, but it's the place that inspired our move to the Island. It has a special place in my heart.

  4. Dare I admit that I have never camped? It looks lovely for the day time and I'd have loved to spend time there and to have an early morning walk along the beach but as for actually sleeping in a tent ... well maybe not! Glad you enjoyed it though.

  5. Beautiful series of photos, nothing more tranquil than a vacation into the countryside.
    Thanks so much :)

    Eva Jorunn Norway

  6. It really looking so much fun :)

  7. It is nice to know after camping in the rain you can come home again to a nice hot shower...

  8. sounds like a wonderful time ! :)

  9. Anonymous5:13 AM

    French Beach is a great place to camp! Isn't it nice for the kids to have nothing but nature to play with? Too bad it was wet for you but I think we needed that rain (did you see our forecast?? It's going to be HOT!)

  10. Very nice.

    What a sweet time with the grand girlies.


  11. You chose a beautiful place to camp. We used to camp nearly every weekend when the kids were little. I think they have good memories of our trips to the mountains. And it is always nice to get back home to a good bed.

  12. What a fun way to spend the weekend and a fun way to end it. Though we vacationed at the lake, we had the cottage for the creature comforts even if we did have to haul water and use gas electricity then and still none. When my own children were small, we had tenting weekends. They loved them, but I gave them up as soon as I could. You seem to be much more an adventurer than I!

  13. Been a long time since I have gone camping but always enjoyed being closer to nature and far from the demands of everyday life. Love your photos and narrative.

  14. Such beautiful images of such a gorgeous part of the world. We lived in Canada and got to visit many places, but never got to visit there. The landscape reminds me of Lake Huron. Canada is such a magical place, rain or shine.


  15. Creating precious memories for the little Misses is a wonderful thing to do Lorrie.
    They will never forget that weekend.
    It is fun doing family things like this that don't have to cost an arm and a leg!
    French Beach looks lovely, the long vista is beautiful.

  16. ça avait l'air merveilleux, de faire le vide et partir loin de la civilisation et de la technologie - et de partager des moments sympas avec les petites. Jean part chaque été seul en camping avec les filles et elles adorent ! Cet été je vais aussi partir avec eux, mais traditionnellement c'est le moment où je reste seule à la maison, ce qui est bien aussi !

  17. Such special moments...beautifully captured!!!
    Those wee ones are little treasures to cute! I know you are having a grand time, in spite of the rain.

  18. Have not camped in many years, but do think about it once in the while. At least I think about it until I think about sleeping on the ground or on an air mattress. It I could have a real bed I would do it.

  19. It all sounds heavenly! The scavenger hunt was brilliant...

  20. Nothing like camping in the rain, sound of the raindrops on the tent and that wonderful rain smell. Getting away from technology is grand, isn't it? Reconnecting with Mother Earth is something we all need to do on a regular basis! Lovely photos, looks like you all had a great time.


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