Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Celebrating Canada

There were parades and fireworks. We didn't see any of them. To celebrate this wonderful land of our birth we set out on the water. You'll probably see a lot of these on-the-water photos this summer. This day's destination: Russell Island, another of Canada's "Hawaiian Islands." 

 We paid attention to the signposts along the way - fixed aids to navigation, as above, and

floating aids to navigation, seen here. If you look closely you'll notice the fine spikes sticking up from the top of this buoy. Any guesses as to their purpose? Yep, to keep birds from alighting and making a mess of things. 

Once ashore we explored this tiny island. The easy trail is less than a 1 kilometre loop. We could walk it in a very short time, but why would we? There are beaches to explore, sea asparagus to crunch, tidal pools to study and wide vistas to admire. A little girl in her nautical print dress doesn't mind getting a little muddy. Life's too interesting to worry about staying neat and tidy.

The trail loops along the shoreline at sea level on one side and along steep rocky cliffs on the other. Dry arbutus leaves crackle underfoot and the lovely scent of sun-warmed forest rises from the ground.

We perch on the cliff edge, gazing southwards to the dozens of islands that dot this part of the map. In the far distance we see the still snow-capped peaks of the Olympic Peninsula. Miss S holds a brown leaf and with the power of imagination draws water from it that she pours into our hands. Water is scarce in the summertime on these rocky islands. Rain seldom falls and the grasses turn sere and golden. 

Tim takes the camera from me and snaps a photo of me with our eldest daughter. Is she really that much taller than I or are we standing on a slope? Hats and sunglasses are de rigueur on these excursions. 

A flower blooms on the edge of the cliff where water sparkles as it rushes upon the rocks below. I am thankful for this beautiful land in which I live, and for the freedom to believe and live as I choose. Happy Canada Day!


  1. And let me be the first to wish you a belated Happy Canada Day even though it looks like you had a great day! Love the little game with the leaf and the photo of you with your daughter. What a beautiful day and place to enjoy!

  2. What a gorgeous day you enjoyed! I can't imagine that spending it any other way would have been one bit better. Your daughter is obviously standing on a tree root. Mine always does!

  3. What a wonderful way to spend the day. I hope you got a little dirty exploring the island, too. Happy Canada Day! Hugs!

  4. A beautiful post Lorrie. We are very blessed to live in our great country of Canada!

  5. Oh, what a gorgeous way to spend Canada Day, Lorrie! I love when you take us on your adventures via your camera. Thanks to your hubby for capturing that pretty shot of you and your lovely daughter. Such a pretty pair in hats and sunglasses!

  6. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Beautiful pictures, Lorrie. Looks like a memorable day.

  7. This was beautiful and inspiring in every way, Lorrie. Thank you, it really came as a gift for me today.

  8. Loved the blue theme of all your photos... and the wonderful bit of yellow at the end for emphasis!

  9. Happy (day after) Canada Day! I love the way you chose to celebrate your country's birthday:) Beautiful--makes me miss our trips to Canada and, since you mentioned one of my fav mountain ranges, the Olympic Mountains.

  10. Such beautiful sights as seen through your lens! I love the photo of you and your daughter...and of the little miss with her untidy dress. So sweet!

  11. How nice to spend Canada Day the way you did! In my mind, I can hear the water lapping on shore.

  12. Happy Canada Day a little late.

    What a beautiful spot to celebrate - the water is a glorious color.

  13. A perfect way to celebrate our beautiful country, belated Happy Canada Day to you too!

  14. Those look happy moments!

  15. So, so gorgeous! We remember Canada with affection and can't wait to be back! The perfect excuse to wear our red and white Canada sweatshirts everyday :)
    Your words are always inspiring to me.
    Thanks for making my day visiting my blog!
    Monica x

  16. Looked like a wonderful outing with family. Both our daughters are taller than me, I can't figure out when I shrunk. :-)

  17. Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate Canada Day. Had to smile at your daughter being taller. I use to be taller than my daughter and now we are the same height. Not sure how that happened, smiling!
    Love the sights and water of Canada, makes me want to come for a visit.

  18. I continue to have problems commenting on your blog with my iPad (via Bloglovin'), so I have to use my computer instead. Sorry that I am way behind on catching up with you! This sure looks like a grand adventure, and wish I could have tagged along!


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