Friday, July 04, 2014

Five on Friday

1.  There are blooms galore. The buddleia is amazing. We cut it back to about 3 feet every fall and every summer it races to amazing heights, providing a welcome bit of shade on the patio. Butterflies, humming birds, and bees flock to its sweet flowers and provide lots of entertainment.

2.  A floribunda rose against the back hedge. Brights and beautiful. I moved this rose last fall and she's doing well in her new locale.

3.  We're enjoying lots of fresh blueberries just now. I picked another quart yesterday and made Blueberry Streusal Bars - one of our summer favourites.

4.  A co-worker once brought a similar dish to a potluck affair. It's roasted vegetables, with the dressing applied before roasting. Balsamic Roasted Vegetables are delicious hot or cold or in-between. Click on the link to my recipe blog. 

5.  Longtime readers of my blog may remember that we moved away from Victoria for a couple of years because of my husband's job. We bought a house there and couldn't sell it when we left, so we rented it out for 2 years. This winter we listed it with a real estate agent again and it finally sold. I went up on Monday to do a final inspection and collect the keys from our tenant. He wasn't nearly moved out at the appointed time, so I went for a long walk on my favourite beach. The tide was out, the sun-warmed sand soft and I reveled in the beauty of nature. Thanks be to God that the house is sold. Title changed this week and it's all done.

I'll be away from the computer for the weekend, but want to wish all my American friends and readers a wonderful 4th of July.  


  1. Love your butterfly bush, but I am kind of jealous of your blueberries. :)


  2. Your flowers and shrubs are beautiful. I'm happy your former house finally sold and you got to walk on the beach again. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. That's wonderful that the house sold. Nice not to have to think about it, I'm sure. Your buddleia is very pretty. It has not registered for me so perhaps it does not grow here. Have a fine weekend!

  4. Congrats on selling your house, that's a good feeling, one chapter closed.

    Beautiful shots of the beach...and I have Buddlia envy too.


  5. Glad to hear your house sold. But I can't believe your buddleia is blooming. Ours is a long way from that, I think, although we're only just home so maybe I missed something -- as soon as I finish this comment, I'm heading out in the rain to check that corner of the garden. ;-)

  6. Beautiful bloom:)

  7. Beautiful blueberry bush; how juicy and sweet they must be in pies and muffins and your specialty! When I get my cravings for this Canadian staple, I get a little cranky, as they cannot be found in the temperate climate of Crete! Enjoy and thanks for sharing!


  8. The butterfly bush is one of my favorites. Ours seem to be blooming late;however most everything is late this year.

  9. It appears that your time in the garden last fall paid off tenfold this year. Everything looks so healthy and beautiful.
    We have the same buddleias and completely agree on how well they do at attracting butterflies, bees and hummingbirds.
    Congratulations on selling your house. I imagine that must be a relief to you.
    Enjoy your weekend, Lorrie.

  10. Lovely flowers, food, house selling. All good things, and blessings galore!


  11. It must be such a relief to have the house sold.

    Your butterfly bush is amazing; it seems very happy in that location and I've not see one so large and lush.

    Enjoy your weekend away from the computer, Lorrie!


  12. Love the buddleia and blueberries in the garden. We u-picked this week and came home with 12 pounds of blueberries, which are a delight.
    Roses always make my heart happy too. Glad your house sold too.

  13. Love the flowers and the beach especially. We had a butterfly bush that planted itself next to our compost pile - it grew to well over 10 feet tall - after it bloomed we would whack it down to about 2 feet and in just a short time it was tall and blooming again - love those butterfly bushes.

  14. Glad your house is sold! It's looking lovely over there.

    I'll be back to copy the recipe as soon as my zucchini are ready for harvest!

  15. Love your garden!!! And so glad the house sold!! We had a great 4th here! Lots of family!!

  16. Butterfly bush is a favourite and I cut mine back in spring. In Ireland they self seed all over and are considered a weed. :-(
    Glad your house finally sold, peace of mind now!

  17. Blueberries - yum! I've been picking up some fresh ones for a good price at the market lately. And I'm so glad to hear that you were able to sell your former home. What a relief for you!


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