Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Light and Dark

The sun shone last weekend and the temperatures had us looking at the calendar wondering what month it really was. 
I cut these glowing dahlias and brought them indoors.

They grace my mantel, a reminder of the last golden October weekend.

On Monday I took a walk around the Bog. Clouds rolled in and a few fat raindrops fell, a portent of things to come. I arrived home to listen to the news of an attack on two soldiers in Montreal.  One of them died.

The wind howled around the corners of the house last night and rain drove hard against the window panes. I dropped Tim off for a flight to Vancouver in the early morning darkness then turned on the radio as I drove home. News of the shooting of another soldier. Captain Nathan Cirillo, part of the honour guard at the National War Memorial, father of one little boy, dead. It's his name I want to remember, not that of his murderer. 

May God keep our land glorious and free.


  1. We were so shocked to hear of the attacks.

  2. Unbelievable news. We are thinking of our country neighbors and praying for the families.

  3. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Yes, let's remember the names of the fallen and not those that bring violence into our communities. Your neighbors to the south of thinking of you and sending our prayers and support.

  4. Shocking news. Is it coming to Canada now. I always think Canada is so safe place.

  5. Really sad and shocking news.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. Beautiful flowers Lorrie. Nice reminders of the summer past. Your words on recent events are well said. What a sad day for our country. Blessings, Pam

  7. It was a terrible tragedy yesterday on Parliament Hill. I feel like it was an attack on all of us as Canadians.
    On a lighter note, your dahlias are spectacular. I must try to grow some next year in the garden as they really make a statement.

  8. Such sadness in the world. Our hearts break.

  9. really sad news :(

  10. Remembering with you...

  11. Remembering with you as well. :(

  12. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Standing with Canada against this kind of evil...

  13. I echo your sentiments. So well expressed.

  14. We stand with you all. So sorry for the horrible attacks.


  15. May God be with the families of those whose lives were taken, and may He bring healing and peace to those injured and to your country. It's been a sad, sad week...

  16. God keep our land...glorious and free!

  17. Sadly we feel your pain all too well. The world has gone crazy, but we must believe that good will overcome. Prayer helps.

  18. I was very sad to hear the news about the terror attack. Such a handsome young man and father, struck down and taken long before his time. I will never, ever understand the madness behind murders like this.

  19. We hear about the soldiers in Montreal. I think it upped security here too. Beautiful flowers. You know Lorrie I don't know how you manage so many posts when you work teaching!


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