Sunday, May 24, 2015

Beach Treasures

Weekend road trip. Just one night away, at the beach a few hours up the road, in Parksville. Wild roses bloom on the path from the hotel down to the beach. Beautiful forms and colors.

Friends. So glad for them. We support each other through job losses, everyday problems, parental issues, aging parents, and now, one is walking through breast cancer. We talk, we laugh, we cry, we pray, we eat. Together.

Sea anemone waving underwater. One slight touch and all the tendrils pull together in protection.

A shell lies open on the sand. Afternoon shadows highlight its curved lines.

The best treasure of all - my husband.

Wide and open, this beach is full of tidal pools to explore, squishy mud between the toes, tiny crabs scurrying back and forth, and enough space that no one feels crowded. The land mass in the background is firstly Lasqueti Island, and behind it lies Texada Island. Beyond that is the mainland.

Roses nod in the sunshine. 

Home again and another week beckons.

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage Gardening.  


  1. Beautiful Lorrie. Holding your friend with cancer in my heart. Hope recovery goes well.

  2. What a beautiful trip - great friends and great scenery.

  3. Love your pictures especially the sea anemone.
    It would be a lonely life without friends to share the ups and downs with....these relationships are worth nurturing...

  4. Good friends are surely to be treasured in our lives.
    Perfect photos, as always.

  5. It's an interesting time of life, isn't it? It's so good to have friends to share it with, and to encourage each other.

  6. Anonymous3:28 AM

    You're blessed to have a treasured husband and good friends you can share life's journey with. Beautiful photos. The one of the broken sea shell looks like it turns into a shadowy outline of a butterfly. Nice.

  7. Hi~

    Back to this... ; >

    May you continue to provide each other with tender supports even as you circle the wagons. A wonderful photo of friends walking on the beach.

  8. I love this! What a wonderful community of friends to walk through life with. I love the photos in this post too. You captured the essence of a restful time away.

    Happy Summer!

  9. Wonderful things to treasure! I hope that you have a great week. xx

  10. Your photos are so beautiful. What a wonderful spot to get away to with friends who love and support one another. Have a blessed week Lorrie.

  11. What a beautiful place to spend time with precious friends...lovely!

  12. Your analogy of the sea anemone's tendrils pulling together as one is touched is a beautiful comparison to your friends facing life's problems together, and your pictures show the good times there are to enjoy in this wonderful life.

    I'm glad you have this time together.

  13. Lorrie, The anemone picture is really nice. Great to spend time with friends. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  14. Your photos brought me right back to the beach, smelling the salty air, and hearing the waves lapping against my bare feet, as they snuggle into the wet sand. Thank's been too long since I was there.

    I needed this so much.


  15. This post is lovely, Lorrie. A walk along the beach must be very relaxing and most threaputic. I'd love to take such a walk, but being and locked I settle for city streets. Enjoy your week.

  16. The best part of this post is the shot of your friends and how you've described sharing the ups and downs of life. The roses are pretty of course and I thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Lorrie.

  17. What a touching post, Lorrie, as I'm writing with tears in my eyes. My favorite part was about your husband being your best treasure. Enjoy those times together!

  18. Oops, something happened - sorry if you get this twice ..
    I was just saying - what a beautiful place and great pictures. You are indeed blessed to have so many special friends to hang out with.
    Fil’s Place - Old songs and Memories

  19. What a fun trip to the beach. I love all the images, great shots of your hubby and your friends. I love to check out the tidal pools, always some kind of goodie there to see. Great post! Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  20. Just the roses and that sea anemone is such a gorgeous picture.

  21. You got my attention with your title...I love walking the beaches in search of treasures. It's fun to find anything out of the ordinary and how special to spend time there with friends and hubby! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  22. Very lovely post, Lorrie.
    Beach time and friends time ~ living time well spent.
    Love the sea anemone ~ such clarity of water!

  23. A beautiful post, Lorrie. Having a group of friends and husband like that is a treasure for sure.

  24. Beautiful...both the photos and the words to go with them!

  25. I could almost smell the salt air, just beautiful Lorrie, loved the walk along the beach~

  26. Lorrie...good company, sweet words conveying the love and strength of friendship, and beautiful photos! Prayers for your friend on her healing journey!

  27. The best place for family and friends to get together, so calming and relaxed, beautiful photos and mosaic.

  28. I never tire of seeing the beautiful areas where you live and visit.

  29. Hi: I love your beautiful pictures. Everything looks amazing. Blessings, Martha

  30. What a beautiful post, Lorrie. Friends and family, the beauty of nature, the calmness of the sea, just lovely.

  31. Wonderful series of images, Lorrie! There's such a beautiful and serene atmosphere in these photos.
    The rose mosaic is gorgeous.
    Have a lovely day!

  32. These pictures are gorgeous, Lorrie!! What a beautiful place to visit and explore! I think your seashell photo is wonderful, and I love the tide pools and the wild roses. My husband is my biggest treasure, too. :)

    Have a great week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  33. Gorgeous! When we walked the beaches in the northern tip of Washington we saw wild roses also.
    They are so pretty! How lovely to have a group of friends to share life with in those special moments.

  34. A lovely, peaceful post, Lorrie. The flowers and seaside are so beautifully photographed, and you captured the essence of friendship in your words.
    Helen xox

  35. How nice you got to get away! It sounds like you had a lovely time with your husband & friends up in Parksville. Your photos are sure beautiful Lorrie!

  36. A few well chosen words illustrated by perfect pictures and you capture what life is all about! A beautiful posT Lorrie. Only one makes me homesick for the Pacific coast and tide pools and family and old friends. Sigh. Soon though! (This time of year I suffer from a bad case of wanting to be in two places at once.)

  37. Such a pretty. So much to explore. It's a wonderful thing to have a close group of friends you can rely on. Sending healing wishes for your friend. Tammy


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