Saturday, July 02, 2016

Packing for Paris...and more

Several years ago my daughter-in-law found this card game - Packing for Paris. It's Go, Fish with a Parisian angle. Many of the things on the cards are NOT being packed for this trip. I'm not taking a feather boa or a fan. I do have some polka dotted socks!

I've been asked how I fit everything for three weeks into one carry on bag. Here's how I do it: 

First of all, I consider my shoes. What we will be doing? Lots of walking? City or country? Shoes HAVE to be comfortable. I'm taking a pair of blue loafers, black ballet flats, and black hiking sandals. They are all broken in. The hiking sandals may look flimsy, but they've been up mountains and down again. I'll wear the ballet flats for city days and/or dressier occasions. The blue loafers are so comfy.

This is a casual vacation. I wear skirts and dresses often, especially in the heat. I'm taking a cotton knit turquoise dress and a black print maxi skirt. Three pairs of pants: one navy knit, one blue cotton "girlfriend" pants from Gap, one of heavier black stretch woven pants for cooler weather.

Since the weather is variable - Wales is enduring monsoon-like rains and the Cotswolds could be drippy, I'm packing three long-sleeved shirts, plus six short-sleeved/sleeveless ones, plus three light knit open tops (cardigans) to layer. One rain shell. A blue jean jacket. Three scarves. A hat. Almost all of the tops go with all of the bottoms. I've not done as well with this as I have for other trips. 

And here is everything you see in the upper photo rolled and/or folded into the carry-on piece, other than what I'll be wearing on the plane. In addition, my flat iron, cosmetic case, and underthings are in the carry-on. I'll likely tuck in a couple of my camera lenses as well. Tim will carry the plug adapters in his case (and maybe my lenses). 

Here is the rain shell - it's in the carry on.

To wear on the plane. Airplanes are often too hot, or too cold. It's best to be prepared for anything. I'll wear a pair of navy knit pants, a sleeveless top, my jean jacket, and a scarf. I'll have socks on, too, especially since shoes often have to be removed at security checks. 

In addition to the carry on, I have a cross over canvas bag that holds my tablet, camera, documents, other miscellany, and liquids for security. This is the first time I'm traveling without printed books. I am taking a journal for writing. 

I've scheduled this to publish late Saturday night, west coast time. We should be over the Atlantic somewhere, almost near London where we'll land and then grab another flight for Paris. 

How do you travel? Lots of luggage or a little? 


  1. Well done Lorrie, you are much better than me ! Catering for changeable weather and giving myself a choice of what to wear fills up my suitcase. Hope you have a great trip. I LOVE Paris !

  2. Wow, that is great packing Lorrie - I"m useless at it, especially when we need to pack for different weather conditions. Have a brilliant time in Paris :)
    Fil’s Place - Old songs and Memories

  3. I pack the same way. Making sure everything matches with something else. And I travel as light as I possibly can. This year, I will be in the States for 5 weeks, settling my youngest in at college and then returning to an empty nest on my own. Boohoo! I've not flown an international flight alone since I came to Kuwait in 1994! I have to say, I tried the rolling technique when we went to Sri Lanka in February and it did not work at all. I felt like things were more wrinkled than ever. I like your plane outfit. I dress similarly -- never know if it will be hot or cold. And always wear socks! Enjoy your trip!

  4. You are cute as a button and well prepared. So glad that you'll be journaling about this trip. Your readers are in for a treat!

  5. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Your packing skills are impressive. I try but always pack too much or too little. Have a marvelous trip :-)

  6. Hope you've arrived safely and that the overnight was not too uncomfortable!!!!

    You should be fine with the clothes you chose - and 3 pairs of footwear is fine. I know after the recent 3 weeks in Ireland with just two pairs how much easier it was on the weight issue, shoes are heavy and I always took too many previously!
    Love all your blue shades. With the weather having been so wet in Europe recently here's hoping you will have fabulous warm and sunny days for this great trip.

    Hugs - Mary

    P.S. Meanwhile I have to start thinking about packing for Kenya - at least I know how little I can pack into that soft duffel - no hard luggage because of the very small bush plane part. One pair of ankle boots, one pair of sneakers should suffice!

  7. Well done! I find so much freedom in traveling carry-on only, and your packing looks as if you've got all the eventualities covered. Looking forward to following along on your European vacation. Have fun!

  8. Great job with the packing, I sure wish I was packing for Paris! Have a wonderful time.

  9. Great packing skills. I am sure you will have arrived by now so just wishing you a great trip.

  10. Fun Paris packing cards...and so cute that they are Fancy Nancy.
    Love your packing skills and you look like you have all the basics covered...I especially like the white rain coat.
    Hope that you enjoy your holiday!

  11. I travel with too much! Hope you have a great time!

  12. I'm impressed! That looks so doable and by now you are enjoying the sights and thankful that you do not need to lug a huge suitcase. If you need anything, I'm sure you will find it in Paris and you'll have a souvenier!

  13. You look so cute! Yes, I like to travel light. We went to Europe for 10 days two years ago and I traveled very light.

  14. It was so exciting to catch u on your trip to Paris! You are really a packing pro. I think wearing clothes that all coordinate helps to keep packing to a minimum. I wear lots of black pants, shirts, tops and then air them with khaki. light fabrics, and wash and wear is the best. We traveled to Italy for a month years ago and only had one bag each. We did laundry once while there.


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