Sunday, August 29, 2021

On a Weekend in August


The waters of the Salish Sea that surround our Island are dotted with smaller islands, some inhabited, some park preserve, some a mixture. They each have a character of their own. Sidney Island is just 30 minutes away in our slow boat and is the perfect outing for our older grandchildren and their parents. A long, sandy spit of land provides the ideal setting for walking or playing. Above the spit, trails meander through a forested area, and further on is a grassy meadow. There's a little bit of everything!

Off in the distance other islands beckon, shrouded in mist that is typical of August, also known as Fog-ust. 

Give children a beach and they entertains themselves for hours. We were treated to a beachy "feast" created with seaweed and shell concoctions that were carefully explained to us by the cooks. 

A colony of gulls spent a lot of time on this stretch of sand, quietly facing into the wind. 

My week was busy. I made salsa, canned a few jars of extra tomatoes, prepared more applesauce, did some garden cleanup, sewed with one grandchild, took another for a day, and the time passed quickly and pleasantly. I confess that when Friday arrived I was a wee bit grumpy and not really looking forward to going out on the boat the next day. However, once on the water, all the cares of the week drifted away and a wonderful sense of well-being filled me as I breathed in the fresh salt air and watched the grands enjoy themselves. 

Grandpa took them on a ride in the dinghy, slow at first, but faster and faster, always asking if they were okay with the speed. They screamed with delight and made his heart happy, too. 

I hope they all slept as well as I did after a day on the water.

The waitlist for The Kitchen Front was very long at our library, but worth the wait. It was a compelling story about four women during WWII, their hopes and dreams, their joys and sorrows. It was difficult to put down. 

Yesterday's sense of contentment and well-being continued into today, Sunday. Back in May I threw a package of cosmo seeds into the ground. They grew up taller than I am and produce bloom after bloom of delicate pink flowers. I love their airiness and the fern-like greenery. Today I clipped another bouquet and added some feverfew along with vinca greenery. I glance up every so often to admire them sitting on the mantel. 

And another week begins. This one will see another month begin. Summer is slipping away; every evening the light fades sooner and the temperature cools a bit more. For as long as the flowers last I'll clip cosmos and zinnias, dahlias and roses, and hang onto summer for as long as I can. 


  1. Sounds like lovely outings. Hard to believe August is about to end. Very humid here lately. Looking forward to change in the weather, cooler temps. It's time to think about planting here. I hope to have more flowers this year. Have a good week.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time had by all and quality time spent with the grandchildren. A delight to catch up and read about your adventures.

  3. love your description of the islands. It makes me want to visit them.

    I love to see the gulls sitting into the wind or gliding on the breeze.

    Time with the grandchildren sounds wonderful for you and your husband.

    Have a great week.

  4. The grands really look happy in that boat! Your cosmos are so pretty.

  5. What a lovely outing! Summer always seems short.

  6. Sidney Spit is a favourite of ours too...the grandchildren camped there a few weeks ago.
    I love walking along the beach...your family will enjoy looking back on these fun family outings. Great memories!
    Your cosmos are amazes me what a small packet of seeds can do when planted!

  7. Stunning photo of the cosmos
    Your time out on the water sounds good for all. Fog-ust...that is a neat name for August.
    Have a funtastic week!

  8. Glad you had a restorative weekend on the water. The perfect place to be with your family. My Cosmos were much smaller this year, I love the very tall ones and will have to check the packet very carefully next time. Plum jam making in this corner. It’s a lovely time of year with all the fruit and veg waiting to be used. That book sounds fascinating, I’ll have to check it out . Have a good week. B x

  9. The boat ride looks wonderful -- I miss ours, which is sitting in storage in Florida (this winter I hope to visit it!) Beautiful cosmos. I have always loved this cusp season, the best of both summer and fall and your post captures that feeling so perfectly!

  10. PS: Jennifer Ryan is a new author to me; I just borrowed the Ladies Choir book and put the new one on my wish list. Thank you for the recommendation. They both do sound like the kind of fiction I enjoy. (Visiting the library is pretty darn quick these days!)

  11. It sounds like another great week end with lots of memories made.
    I've requested the Jennifer Ryan book ( as well as a couple of her other books). Thanks for mentioning them.

  12. I agree that a day spent by the shore or on a boat gives one a good night's sleep! It's wonderful you can all share time together with your grandchildren both during the week and on weekends. Our grandchildren are back in school but otherwise summer is still hanging on here with hot weather and flowers blooming but I do see a change in the sun's position and light so I know fall will soon arrive.

  13. When I see those pretty and delicate Cosmos, I know that I must try planting some next year.

  14. Beautiful bouquet! Glad the boat ride was so much fun!

  15. Your cosmos look great! I'll have to see if my library carries the e-book version of The Kitchen Front.

    I have to admit that while I enjoy the long summer days, I'm excited for the cozy pumpkin spice season! LOL.

  16. I must sow some cosmos next year. So pretty! How fun for the grands to ride on the water with Grandpa.

  17. Sounds like a wonderful outing.

    Love the beautiful photo of the cosmos, Lorrie.

  18. I'm with you on "for as long as the flowers last I'll clip ... and hang onto summer for as long as I can." Your cosmo bouquet is so pretty!

  19. And thank you for the book recommendation!

  20. Ahhhh how lovely of a week you had, Lorrie. You live in such a wonderful spot. What fun to be with the grands and enjoy boating. The book sounds like something that I'd love. Thank you for the inspiration.

  21. My cosmos are steady and great producers. I never cut them though..........hmmmmmmmm

    and water is a great soother

  22. Very nice landsacape, you live in such a nice place. Nice to spend time with your grandchildren.
    I love cosmos flowers they are so delicate

  23. Lorrie - glad you had an outing that erased the grumps. We all have those days/moments, and sometimes it is harder than it should be to wrench ourselves out of it. Lovely arrangement in the vase! That would be enough to make my heart sing!

  24. Oh such pretty cosmos - you have a green thumb for sure Lorrie.
    The children certainly look like they had fun in the dinghy and I just know T was happy to share the experience with them. Nothing like "messing about in boats" on a sunny day!
    That sounds like a book I must look for.
    You are a busy bee - and get so much accomplished - so be sure to take good care of yourself.
    Hugs - Mary

  25. That book sounds good! A "summer read" should be hard to put down, right?

    And your cosmos are truly inspiring. Maybe next year I will plant some just like that!!

  26. Your bouquet is charming. How fun that you can gather blooms well into autumn! Your weekend boating excursion sounds like it checked all the boxes. I am smiling as I "hear" the children's screams during the boat ride with their grandfather!


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