Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday Favourites


Outside my window pale morning light glows along the hills I see beyond the rooftops. Grey clouds drift steadily, but slowly overhead, tinted pink where the light catches them. We filled our bird feeder again, and a host of white-crowned sparrows, chickadees, house finches, and dark-eyed juncos chattered and argued as they vied for a place at the table. The little juncos with their black hoods are such pretty birds and I am always happy to see them appear again in the autumn. 

Here's a report on the flooding. You can skip down if it doesn't interest you, or if you've been inundated (pun intended) with news. 

Yesterday, the rain fell again, but nothing like the atmospheric river we experienced last weekend. Much of my family lives in the affected area, but they are all safe, and although at least one home flooded a little, they are fine. My sister and brother-in-law went home from work early on Monday and have not been able to return because of the highway that is still flooded. My brother is up in Prince George and due to fly home this weekend. He can fly in, but won't make it home, again because of the highway closure. In an area called the Sumas Prairie, more than 1400 farms - mostly dairy and poultry - are still underwater. There have been heart-wrenching stories of farmers working round the clock to save their livestock. 

Highways are still mostly closed although one route opened for essential traffic to allow stranded motorists to return home. Some will go through the US (Washington State) to be able to return east. 

The major east-west highways remain closed, and crews are working day and night to try to open at least one of them to allow essential goods through. 

Have you ever watched the television show "Highway Through Hell"? It's about a vehicle recovery and towing company that works in BC and largely features incidents on the Coquihalla Highway, our major connector to the rest of Canada. That's the highway that has been greatly damaged, with at least five spots where the road has completely washed away, falling into deep river canyons and sweeping away bridges and rail lines. We have been told it will be months before it is repaired. The coming winter, with its heavy snow will be a severe complication. 

All said, it's a catastrophe, affecting not only our province, but much of western Canada. At least 1 fatality has been confirmed, but there are others still missing. 

Many motorists were stranded in the little town of Hope, BC. The townspeople came together and provided blankets, food, and shelter as they were able. At least one church opened its doors for people to sleep on the (fortunately) padded pews. The Salvation Army in Chilliwack prepared boxes and boxes of food that were sent in via helicopter.

Here on the Island, our highway connecting Victoria to the rest of the island was closed. There is a little ferry (about 15 vehicles) that crosses the inlet, and it added sailings throughout the night to allow people to cross. People in the village near the ferry terminal passed out cookies and snacks, along with blankets to those waiting for hours in their cars.

It's these kinds of actions that stir me to tears. People of all walks of life coming together to help each other. If we can act this way in times of crisis, surely we can treat each well all of the time. 

Here at home, life goes on as normal. I cook and sew, clean and read, but in the background there is this awareness of how the same normality has been stripped away from so many. 
When we were in Wales a number of years ago, we toured a manor house where the kitchen dresser was filled with beautiful blue and white dishes from the Burleigh Company. I have gone to the website to look at their dishes, but the cost to purchase and ship to Canada is very high, so I've admired them from afar. 

I was surprised and delighted to find the above plates and bowls at our local Home Sense store and even more surprised when I saw they were manufactured in England. They are from the Royal Wessex company, not Burleigh, but the look is similar. I purchased a variety of plates and bowls. Can anything surpass blue and white? I don't think so. 

A mug of tea (in a blue and white polka-dotted mug given to me by my daughter) along with a seasonal magazine is a lovely way to spend some quiet time in the afternoon. 

Today is another pro-D day for one of my grandchildren and we're going to visit the museum. Maybe we'll have lunch there, too. This weekend I hope to sew more, as the list of things I want to make is growing! 

I hope your weekend is beautiful. Be thankful for the little normal routines. 


  1. With so much turmoil and heartbreak in western Canada, an ordinary day is such a pleasure! Have a great weekend.

  2. I think it is so wonderful that the generosity of others comes through in times of crisis. I have seen that when hurricanes have hit our area over the years. I too love blue and white china. Yours are so pretty.

  3. I feel the same heaviness and sense of sadness as I go about my normal life.
    Your blue-and-white dishes are lovely. I'm glad you found them.

  4. A true catastrophe dear Lorrie - I feel for so many who have been affected. I just don't recall BC ever having a weather event such at this with all that damage. I guess we just never know what's in the cards regarding the possibilities of storms, be it tornadoes, hurricanes, snow, and even rain! Glad you and the family are safe - travel will definitely be hard for many for months ahead.
    Love blue and white and that you found some at bargain prices. MFCH - Sharon Santoni - is a lovely publication - are you a subscriber or can you pick ip up at your book store? Sharon was here in New Hampshire last week - at my friend Jeanne's beautiful Tahilla Farm, how I wish I could have joined them! I'm still awaiting my Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. copies of UK Country Living - so behind due to shipping problems. I subscribe through a Canadian company in Quebec and they are having major delivery problems!
    Have fun with the "littles" - and I know you, like me, are thankful for so much.
    Off to make pumpkin soup and a gratin - then preparing for upcoming travel for Thanksgiving!
    Almost finished the knitting and plan to mail to you early Dec.
    Hugs - Mary

  5. Lorrie, it is heart rending to read, and to see on TV, the damage wreaked by this terrible weather. I hope you will stay safe.

  6. You have described the situation well. Did you here the farmer interviewed on "The Current" this morning? He sounded exhausted. I grew up on a dairy farm and I can imagine the despair at losing livestock. I hadn't heard about the efforts of your small ferry. Heartwarming the way people rally around. I too would love some Burleigh pottery. I hope they still have some of the Wessex when we fly out to Calgary next week although bringing it back in suitcases will be a challenge. Enjoy the museum. Our trip is planned to coincide with a PD day for our eldest grandchild. I find when it is just him we get far more chatting which, as you know, is a delight.

  7. Your junco reminds me that I need to bring out the suet feeders!

  8. I have a love hate relationship with Juncos. They come to have their broods on the cliff above our float cabin. Those Juncos I enjoy. It is the migrating flocks that fly through at garden seed planting time, eating the seeds before they can sprout. There's a story on the blog about the Junco Wars. Yes, we left on the morning of the massive storm that has devastated BC and Washington State. We've been following the media from here in Arizona. Powell River didn't receive much damage and Bellingham had only a few areas where flooding damaged homes and businesses. I can't imagine how hard it will be to rebuild all of the roads in BC. The only bright spot is how people came together to help each other, especially in places like Hope. - Margy

  9. Thank you for the update. I am so amazed that our newspaper has not covered it. I feel for everyone who is affected. Ours homes are so sacred to us. I love your new dishes. I do not have much blue in my decor, but I sure do appreciate it. Have a lovely weekend! Take care, Kit

  10. It was so sad to read about the flood catastrophy in Canada. Last summer a similar flood destroyed houses and roads in Germany and Belgium. Seems that these catastrophies have come more common also in the civilized world. Climate change? I have had a quiet week, because have been tired after my surgery. Well, it is so grey, therefore a good time to rest and read.

  11. it seems so unfair to have this disaster straight after all the heartbreak of covid but that is the way of things. Disasters do bring out the best in people and I agree that I wish it was like that all the time. Greatly admiring your blue and white China; so pretty. Enjoy your weekend watching those beautiful birds, so different to our varieties. B x

  12. I'm so sad to hear of all the damage and see what's happened. We've seen a lot of coverage on the weather channel. Take care and know that you are all in our prayers. Hugs, Diane

  13. All that flooding and destruction is so sad. I think about these folks often. I love your cute little Junco. The ones we have here do not have such a distinct hood, but I love their cheery twitter.

  14. Prayers for Canada
    I am glad y'all are safe.
    The devastation is unreal. People rallying to help where they can melts the heart.

    Blue and white dishes are summer in every season.

  15. Well done. Glad you are safe. Our kids are good, and their in-laws in Surrey. It is a mess.
    Our son's FIL had his ashes scattered on the Coq. He was in charge of painting the highway lines, back in the day.
    We watch Highway Through Hell faithfully. I wonder if they will be able to film anymore?

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I for one have a very hard time walking past a blue and white dish! HomeGoods (HomeSense in Canada) is a great place to find dishes from England here and there. The story about the locals at the ferry terminal is a precious one indeed.

  18. Hello, I am so happy you and your family are safe. This has been a terrible disaster. I am a blue and white lover as well. Our wedding china is Spode, Tower Blue. I loved it 49 years ago and it still makes my heart happy. Your dear little junco. It would be a lovely treat to pull him through the screen. He is so handsome.

    This is Thanksgiving week for those of us in America. May we be thankful for our blessings in our country and hold them dear.

  19. One of my favorite magazines to read when sipping tea.

  20. Thank you for the flood update, Lorrie. Glad to hear that your family is doing okay. I have some relatives in Metro Vancouver and they're doing okay too.

    Great find at HomeSense! I've always liked how blue and white transferwares (from different companies) blend together beautifully.

  21. Here in the UK we have seen news items about the flooding and destruction ... so sad to see.
    Thinking of you and all who have been affected.

    On a happier note, I think your blue and white dishes are lovely.

    All the best Jan

  22. You explained the situation of the flooding and the area, including the Coquihala so well!
    I love how you enjoy blue and white and that you found those pretty dishes!


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