Sunday, November 28, 2021



Although the rain fell and the skies were oh, so grey, there was laughter and warmth inside as cousins, aunties and uncles, grandparents, and her immediate family celebrated sweet Cora's first birthday. 

She didn't know quite what to do with the cupcake (made by Auntie Katie), and daintily poked one finger into the icing and licked it. Eventually the icing was eaten and the cake left. She's not had much in the way of sweets until now, and may have missed her chance to indulge. 

Christmas decorating has begun, a little at a time. The first thing to come out is the walnut, hand-carved Nativity from Ecuador. There will be greenery added to the scene, but when the sun made a brave appearance and cast sharp shadows on the figures, I snapped a quick photo. 

Today is the first Sunday of Advent, and we light the candle of Hope. Flood waters rise again in the Fraser Valley near Vancouver. A new coronavirus variant begins to spread. Inflation climbs. Refugees flee oppression. Crime rises. For this time we need Hope and celebrate the coming of the Messiah, the Hope of this sad old world. 


  1. What a gorgeous little girl! I imagine the cup cake gave her plenty to think about!

  2. Yes, we certainly need hope alright. But actually I am feeling quite hopeful in my heart - Jane says it is patience that I lack. She is usually right!

  3. Happy 1st birthday to Cora! Sweet!

    We do need hope and we have Him! Jesus is our hope!

  4. It is impossible to see that sweet little face and not have hope for the world!

  5. Happy Birthday Cora!
    Hope keeps us going

  6. Sweet little Cora is the prettiest little doll. She must be a lot of fun to sew for.

  7. Oh my goodness. Cora is darling! (Is her hair auburn as it appears in the photo? I have always loved red hair!)

    Your words about hope are beautiful. Indeed, the Messiah is our hope!

  8. What a little darling! Happy Birthday, Cora! Having those little ones around bring so much joy to us and how lovely that you were all able to get together! Our world is in such bad shape, and a little one can make us forget for a little while so we can focus on our blessings of which we have many! I don't know how many times over the past number of days and weeks I have been thankful that my BC family is safe on this side of the country now. The flooded areas are exactly where my family had been living so, yes, I am thankful and so are they. Although they have many friends out there in Vancouver, Abbotsford, and other areas, they feel deeply for them and their troubles.
    Your Nativity is wonderful and a lovely reminder of your time in Ecuador. How blessed we are to be celebrating Christmas once again! A time of hope indeed! Thank you for your visit and stay safe out there!

  9. Oh how very much we need hope, the hope that only Jesus can give. SOmetimes it is easy to slip into somewhat of a depression.,

  10. Happy birthday sweet Cora - lovely photographs.
    Your words about hope are perfect.

    All the best Jan

  11. Happy 1st Birthday to Cora!

    I echo the comments that we are in dire need of hope these days. I've always loved the O Holy Night lyric, "A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices".

  12. Happy 1st Birthday to darling, Cora! The pic of the two of you is priceless, Lorrie. Your red and white quilt turned out so pretty, and the Scandinavian almond bars sound scrumptious!

  13. Happy 1st birthday to Cora. Wonderful Post! Have a great day!
    Rampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks 

  14. Can’t believe a year has already flown by. Looks like you all had a fun time. Hopefully the flooding subsides quickly. B x

  15. Happy 1st Birthday to Cora!

    What a darling!

    Let's cling on to hope - it's all we got at the rate things are going.

  16. We need that hope so much. The bad is adorab1e. I 1oved the bunny cake.

  17. Our pastor spoke on Hope on Sunday also. We definitely need bucketfuls of Hope.
    Love the birthday banners in the first picture. My grandson wasn't given sweets much and really didn't like it until just recently at age 9. I was amazed. What a sweet little grand daughter.

  18. Our pastor spoke on Hope on Sunday also. We definitely need bucketfuls of Hope.
    Love the birthday banners in the first picture. My grandson wasn't given sweets much and really didn't like it until just recently at age 9. I was amazed. What a sweet little grand daughter.

  19. This is a sad old world heading to that glorious day. That first birthday when our little ones get a sweet treat. Love that cupcake decoration, cute. Love her red hair and sweet face. We are praying for B.C. and the Sumas area of Washington state. So much destruction and sadness in the loss of property and animals and livelihood.

  20. So sweet to be able to celebrate a one-year-old, despite all the chaos. Thankful that we know where our hope comes from!

  21. Looks like a fun celebration for your sweet one-year old! Smiling that she never knew what to do with her birthday cake.

    Yes, hope is what we need. So thankful that Jesus is our hope whatever may come our way!

  22. Cora is adorable <3 Yes, we need an inmense amount of hope in this world of constant bad news. Take care Lorrie & enjoy your dearest & the advent season.

  23. I can see that Cora had a wonderful 1rst Birthday!


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