Sunday, November 07, 2021

Weekend Festivities


Birthdays happen in clusters in our family. We celebrated the latest cluster together on Saturday night, and then the ladies enjoyed afternoon tea on Sunday afternoon. The White Heather Tea Room in Oak Bay is a lovely place to sit and sip and chat while the rain drips outside. 

Our waitress kindly took this photo of the four of us - my two daughters on the left, and my daughter-in-law seated next to me. Our teapots were replenished several times as we nibbled our way through scones, mini quiches, savoury sandwiches, and finally, the top tier of delicious sweets. 

It was a feast we couldn't finish, and so we each took home a small box of treats for husbands and children. I think I'm most fond of the sandwiches when I indulge in afternoon tea. What do you enjoy most?

On Saturday night our three children were all seated together at one point. I took advantage of the moment to snap a quick photo. From left to right, youngest daughter, eldest daughter, and middle son. Such lovely human beings. But I know I'm prejudiced! 

I'm just so thankful that we can all be together and enjoy each other's company. The cousins played well together, the meal was delicious (Ashley made moussaka, Travis a Greek salad, and Gerry a raspberry chocolate chip cake). Tim provided drinks and bread. 

Our clocks went back last night. After returning home from the tea party this afternoon Tim and I went for a walk. It felt much later, and darkness fell quickly. These are the nights to spend in pools of lamplight, reading or stitching. Tonight there will be some of that before we watch an episode of Foyle's War on the Knowledge Network, our public broadcasting station. 


  1. What a wonderful Happy Birthday tea for all! That tier tray was so wonderfully full of delicious looking treats and I know you all enjoyed your time together enjoying them. I have not indulged in a formal tea in quite a while and have been so tempted to do so lately. I like scones of all kinds and usually reach for them first. Your family is lovely--it is so nice that we can all gather together again!

  2. Lovely photos of all your children, a very handsome bunch. I’m a savoury person too for afternoon tea although everything there looked delicious. Glad you had some much needed family time. I’m loving the dark evenings by a fire busily knitting or crocheting. Folles War is a great series. We only watched it all a year or so ago. We’re rewatching Downton Abbey at the moment. B x

  3. I look at those photos and think they could so easily have been taken in England. Cream teas have that wonderful celebratory feel, infused with sharing and care. As for my favourite - it's the scones every time!

  4. I enjoy the sandwiches and the scones at a High Tea, always a pleasant experience. Happy Birthday to the birthday girls, and what a lovely family group you have.

  5. What a lovely way to all celebrate together - a cosy table for four and lots of treats to share.

  6. I love going to a tea room! Your family looks lovely.

  7. Happy Birthday to All!
    Handsome children, and a delicious looking tea.

  8. Oh yummmmm!!!!!!

    Lovely family, including you, my Dear!

    Happy Birthdays, all!

    🍂 🍁 🍂 🍁 🍂

  9. Nice to get a shot of all your kids together like that. Fun and meaningful times all around. I prefer the sandwiches at tea and on the sweeter side the scones are a favorite. I can leave the other sweets behind. Me and my sisters enjoyed tea at the White Heather in 2011.

  10. Wonderful to have the photo of "the kids" together. I understand how rare it is. Beautiful tea time, too.

  11. I have afternoon teas with the grandkids. They love them. How great to have that time with family!

  12. Lovely photo of your "kids" and I see a definite resemblance to you in them. The weekend festivities look wonderful.

  13. Love seeing your grown up kids. It's nice they are close and you can all spend time together. I've never had afternoon tea..but it looks very nice! I had some apple cake with a cup of coffee today though! Hugs, Diane

  14. It's nice to see your grown children. The afternoon tea with all the wonderful assortment of goodies looks delicious.

  15. Lorrie, I know your visit to the tea room with your daughters and daughter-in-law was wonderful. I enjoy the sandwiches and scones - love them. And, I adore making tea sandwiches for a luncheon or garden party.

  16. That tea table looks wonderful .

  17. What a delightful afternoon tea experience! I enjoy the scones the most at afternoon teas in tearooms.

  18. I love seeing you and your girls at tea right there.
    The sandwiches and savories are always my favorites too.

  19. I’m just smiling over here, Lorrie, in sharing in your joy of having teatime with the girls and then dinner with your three children. What a blessing! You can be prejudiced all you want.

  20. Hi Lorrie,

    Oh what a wonderful birthday celebration you all had!! I can't believe you're a senior citizen (as you announced in a previous post) because you look so young in this picture! :) All the food looks so pretty and tasty, which I'm sure it was. I know last year was hard for you being separated from your dear ones, and I'm so happy for you that you got to enjoy such a special birthday gathering. I hope you enjoy your week of teaching.


  21. Oh grown up family photos are tough to make time for. Yours is awesome!

  22. A wonderful birthday celebration, Lorrie.

    The tea table looks so lovely.

    And you have a gorgeous family.

  23. how nice to see your children!
    You are lucky to enjoy some nice cakes and good sandwiches.
    It was a nice Birthday celebration.

  24. My goodness, Lorrie, that is quite the tea! My favorite part of a traditional tea is egg and cress sandwiches. I enjoyed seeing photos of you and your family!

  25. What a wonderful Happy Birthday tea for you all to enjoy.
    Time together with family is always so special.
    I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  26. I loved seeing the tea party and the three beautiful siblings on one couch! We are so blessed!


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