Tuesday, November 02, 2021

A Trip Downtown and Using Up Figs


Last Thursday evening we were talking with my parents about drivers' licences when I suddenly realized I had received a renewal notice in the mail, oh, about six weeks ago. It was still languishing on the shelf, and my licence was due to expire on Saturday. Oh dear. I quickly went on line and tried to book an appointment for Friday, to no avail. The earliest appointment I could get was for Monday, and it was at the downtown office, not the office within walking distance. 

So Monday morning, after seeing my parents drive off to the ferry, I walked to the bus stop and went downtown to renew my licence. I couldn't drive for it had expired. The renewal went off without a hitch, and I spent a little time wandering about the city streets. I know that ivy and Virginia Creeper are not good for buildings, but they certainly add beauty and character to them, especially with all the autumn colour. 

I spent some time in Munro's Books, an iconic Victoria bookshop. While there I struck up a conversation with another woman who said that she was from Ontario, was here on vacation, and had heard so much about the store that she just had to visit. 

It's beautifully organized, with so many lovely, lovely books that I wanted to gather up and bring home. I did purchase a couple for Christmas gifts.

I did not purchase this one, but the title struck me as very funny and reminded me of our experience arriving in London at a very late hour after a delayed flight from Paris. We took the train from Gatwick to Purley where our AirBnB was located 15 minutes from the station. We trundled our carryon luggage through the streets, well after midnight, and joked about being murdered in England, since we had watched so many British murder mysteries on television. Of course we arrived without incident, but this book tells me that others have the same thought!

Here is a little bit from the book. Very cheeky and fun.

"The Churchyard. Technically, you're supposed to be dead before you end up here, but villagers aren't strict about this."

My parents gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses and lilies for my birthday and the tight lily buds are open now. Mom said that there were lots of autumn coloured bouquets, but she knew I liked pink ones better, and she is so right. 

Our sunny weekend ended abruptly on Monday afternoon (AFTER my bus trip and walk home), with steady rain that is forecast to continue all week. Over the weekend I picked a few more ripe figs and this evening I made a Fig and Blue Cheese Flatbread to accompany our vegetable soup. The figs are not very sweet due to lack of heat and sun, and need a little added sweetness - this time from some Strawberry Thyme Preserves I had downstairs. It was all very delicious. 

An anonymous comment asked if I liked reading series. The answer is an emphatic yes. There's nothing I like better than finding a good author who has written a number of books featuring a likeable character. I'm hoping the Whitstable books will fit the bill. 

It's very cozy here this evening with the fire flickering, the pink roses on the coffee table, a cup of tea beside me, and wind gusting outside. 

Wishing you all November days of coziness. 


  1. Such a nice little visit here again! You made good use of your time while renewing your licence. I wanted to figure out your age, going in increments of five from sixteen...=) but you may not have gotten your DL at 16. Let me be first to wish you a Happy Birthday on this post.

  2. Ah Munro's Books! Our favorite spot after having lunch at the Irish Times Pub, the Irish Linen shop and the other Irish store. Victoria is so beautiful. Enjoy your warm and cozy fire!

    X Chy

  3. Glad you were not without a driver’s license for long! Your fig flatbread looks yummy!

  4. Glad you were not without a driver’s license for long! Your fig flatbread looks yummy!

  5. What a delectable way to use up figs. I bet there are some "ripe" ones on my tree, the sort of ripening that comes from rain and age, and doesn't indicate sweetness, as you mention about yours. Maybe I will try making something like your flatbread!

    Last year I had a similar experience getting down to the wire with my drivers license; it was nerve-wracking, but kind DMV staff smoothed the way and nothing bad happened. ;-)

  6. That book store looks wonderful as does your flatbread.

  7. That bookstore looks delightful as does your flatbread.

  8. So glad you had no problem renewing your licence. It's so easy to put these forms aside and forget!

  9. I love figs. How fortunate you are to be able to grow them! Yummy!

  10. Good morning, Lorrie. The architecture of the building is lovely and it would be a wonderful treat to visit the bookstore. I don't know if I could have walked out of there without a gift or two for me in addition to the gifts purchased for others.
    Enjoy the remainder of the week.

  11. another delightful post!!!!

    🍁 🍎 🍁 🍎 🍁

  12. Delicious food and found book!!!!!

    🍁 🍎 🍁 🍎 🍁

  13. -chuckle- I am beating this comment going pooooooffff thing. -gigggles-

    🍁 🍎 🍁 🍎 🍁

  14. The fig flatbread sounds yummy. There used to be a restaurant in Bellingham that had special pizzas each week including some with fruit and nut toppings. They unfortunately sold their property and closed last month. In 2020 my license expired just before we left for our Arizona RV trip in January. The new license was delivered to our Powell River home but we became stuck in the States until the next July and my temporary expired. It worked out okay though. With the offices closed you could do everything by phone and they graciously mailed a new temporary to my US address. I've always found that there are ways to work around most problems in Canada. Not always true in the States. - Margy

  15. That pink bouquet is stunning.

  16. Ooh, the first photo (and the building, plants, lampposts...) is magnificent.
    I'd love to visit the bookshop and probably would have bought the guidebook.
    Thank you for your comment today. I'm still looking for the perfect warm-hearted book for Christmas - and already had a look at your Christmas reading list of November 2020.
    Here the temperatures have been above average but soon we may get some snow again.
    Happy November days!

  17. Well done on renewing your license. It’s so easy for things like that to lapse. I did smile about that book and your comments about arriving in the UK. Clearly we have reputation lol! Enjoy your fireside endeavours. B x

  18. I love vines growing on buildings. We have an arbour covered with Boston Ivy in the back yard and at this time of the year it looks wonderful.
    I love your gorgeous flowers!

  19. That fig flatbread looks soooo good! I think I'd enjoy that book. I love British murder mysteries. Pretty bouquet!

  20. You are a creative cook . . . or maybe I am unimaginative! Your fig flatbread looks delicious, but I'd have never thought to create it. Glad you were able to have your license renewed with little trouble. I have gotten in just under the wire a couple of times.

  21. Licence renewals have been tricky these days. Good work with yours!
    I heard you anticipated rain. It's been a mess! We're -5 today, not chance of that here!

  22. Lorrie - I had to laugh about your license; a few months ago, my husband was renewing his license plates when it occurred to him to check mine - they had been expired for at least two years! I suppose it is a good thing there are not many police around Montana checking on things like that! Your fig flatbread looks absolutely divine!


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