Monday, November 22, 2021

Mellow Monday


This scene from yesterday is very different from today's grey streaked, drizzle. We took a walk in the afternoon and even before 2 pm I noticed how low the sun was. The sprawling Garry Oak is without leaves and I like it best like this, with its intricate architecture of gnarled branches silhouetted against the sky. 

Birds of various kinds are flocking to the bird feeder - here a Chestnut-backed Chickadee. 

Since the flooding and landslides of last week, the pipeline providing fuel to our corner of the province has been taken offline until everyone is satisfied that the line wasn't damaged. As a result, we now have gas rationing - a limit of 30 litres per fill-up, on the honour system. On Saturday morning I walked to the closest grocery store for a few things, and saw long, long lineups for gasoline. Tim and his colleagues are still figuring out plans for how healthcare workers will get to their jobs. There are exemptions, but getting it all working efficiently takes time. 

The bright colour of Mr. House Finch is a joy to see on a grey morning. He looks as though he turned around to say, "What's that you said?" to someone on the other feeder. 

The Red-Breasted Nuthatches swoop in for a quick peck at the feeder and then bounce away in their characteristic up and down flight pattern. So cheerful and energetic. A large cedar hedge surrounds two sides of our garden and the birds use it as home base. When a hawk appears, every bird flees to the hedge in a flash. 

With all the wind, many evergreen branches litter roads and trails. I've been collecting a few of them and spent some time yesterday afternoon poking bits and pieces into pots for Christmas decor outdoors. The little bird in the greens is a quiet, contemplative soul, making no noise nor mess. She's not as much fun to watch as the other birds, but I do enjoy seeing her outside the window. 

Sewing is at the top of my list for this week. I've not made much progress on it, and need to focus on getting things finished. What's on your list for this week?


  1. There are so many terrible things to hear about and deal with today. It breaks my heart. I love your sweet little birds and gathering some pine branches is always nice. It makes the house smell so good. Maybe I'll do that this afternoon. I was organizing my work space at my desk. I like to tidy things up. I should take a photo of it now...quick before I make another mess! Hugs!

  2. Sending prayers your way for life to get back to normal as soon as safely allows. Your birds are so sweet.

  3. Keeping you and all the folks of BC in my prayers.

  4. Your weather and birds are so similar to ours. I enjoy seeing them all.
    This week is preparing for Thanksgiving along with a few walks in my neighborhood, then Friday out comes Christmas. Ha!

  5. The sky here was so beautiful this morning. Now, just past noon, it's raining. I'm glad we got our walk in early
    ( before DH went to Gleaners). I have started my Christmas baking and will dip the Peanut butter balls that my guys made yesterday into chocolate. I doubt they'll last until Christmas but that's okay. They're such a big favourite around here.
    I like your idea of poking evergreen branches into empty pots.

  6. I do hope that after the flooding and landslides of last week things start to improve and get back to normal for you soon.

    I did enjoy seeing the lovely birds in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  7. That's too bad about the pipeline and now rationing. Hope things are up and running soon. This week we are planning for our company arriving on Wednesday and our Thanksgiving meal on Thursday.

  8. Great bird photos! Love the contemplative and quiet bird too! Last week’s storm has had such far-reaching effects. Hopefully the fuel issue can be resolved soon.

  9. Great bird photos! Love the contemplative and quiet bird too! Last week’s storm has had such far-reaching effects. Hopefully the fuel issue can be resolved soon.

  10. Love seeing your visiting birds Lorrie. Hope ours fare well whilst we're gone - did leave feeders full but the night temps. will be very cold.
    Nice weather here in AZ - cooler than when we've visited previously which is fine by me!
    Hope things continue to improve and your gas supply returns soon.

  11. Such a variety of birds. We mostly see the sparrows and blue tits on our feeders at this timme.

  12. Clever you Lorrie. Picking up branches for your very pretty Christmas decorations. I have to make a little trip into the mountains to cut my tree and greens for decorating the house.

  13. Such lovely bird photos! You have some beautiful visitors! For me, this week is all about two grandsons with birthdays and hosting Thanksgiving.

  14. I always liked being able to see the "bones" of trees and kind of miss that here in Florida. Besides how graceful and elegant a beautiful tree looks this time of year, it is much easier to see and photograph the birds in them ... and you did that beautifully. ... interesting and a little frightening about the gas line worry caused by that awful flooding. If I may descend to stereotyping, I don't believe that honor system would work on this side of the border as well as it does where you live and people are just generally "nicer!

  15. I hope that things will return to normal soon for all of you. The floodings and landslides sound truly awful and it will impact life for a long time, especially for those you rely on taking those highways that got damaged so much. But as you said in your last post, it is so good to see how people come together in times of great need. We made that same experience during the horrible wildfire in 2017 that burnt down entire neighborhoods in my city. At that time we were a true community - I just wish it had lasted beyond that.
    Your feathered visitors are so delightful!

  16. These are wonderful!
    We feel so badly about what is going on out your way.

  17. I do hope that things start to improve and get back to normal for you soon.

    Love seeing the beautiful bird captures.

  18. More lovely birds to enjoy thank you. Hope the gasoline shortage is short lived. Fine if you don’t need to travel I guess but not if you need to get to work. Sewing on my agenda too. Curtains for three windows. Hopefully I’ll get them finished for Christmas. B x

  19. Good morning, Lorrie. I so hope things will get back to normal for you and others soon. I have been trying to keep up with your area on the news. Your birds are so sweet and I know they bring enjoyment during these difficult days. Saying a prayer for all.


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